Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2205: Zhao Han is on vacation

Wang Weiguo felt a little bit, he found that this guy Zhao San was indeed a little ignorant.

Just give people a feeling that Monkey Sun has entered the Palace of Lingxiao.

Everyone else is trembling.

He is fine, no matter what he says or does, he seems to be a bit too high-profile.

Don't take this era seriously at all.

I really thought that this era is an urban sitcom series, so you can just mess around?

Don't know what's going on?


It must be so.

Wang Weiguo remembers many post-00s who don't even know what Jiawu is, let alone this era.

Maybe I thought it was an urban romantic drama.

But thinking about that guy Shazhu, it's pretty much the same...

At this time, Zhao Han was still unaware, and just murmured: "Okay, I have to find someone to take the post, um, who to take the post, I don't usually know anyone, and I don't have any relatives."

At this time, Wang Weiguo heard it, and immediately said: "That little Zhao, if you can trust your brother Wang, I will help you with this matter. I happen to have several relatives over there."

"The relatives in the countryside all want to come to the city to work."

"Ah, it's great to be in the countryside, where you can work freely and sleep as long as you want." Zhao Han subconsciously said.

When Wang Weiguo heard this, he realized that this child was not from a wealthy family, so he took the other party's surname!

So he said: "How long do you want to sleep in the countryside these days? No more work points? You only get 8 work points a day for hard work. If you arrive late and leave early, you will be counted as five when scoring. Are you ashamed?"

"If they come to work in the city, they will also benefit. Working in the city is much easier than working in the village."

"Oh, oh, is there still work points? Isn't that the same as the company's performance?" Zhao Han suddenly realized.

"Cut, the difference is too much. In short, you don't need to worry about it. You just need to know that the benefits of going to the city are great, and that's fine."

Wang Weiguo said directly,

"The key is to have enough to eat. Qin Huairu from your middle school married Jia Dongxu just because he could have enough to eat."

"Otherwise, based on the conditions of Jia Dongxu's family, the father is gone, leaving a Jia Zhang family who can only accept shoe soles; how can Qin Huairu, a flower from ten miles and eight villages, marry into his family?"

As soon as Zhao Han's eyes lit up, he immediately became interested.

There is gossip.

This is called a vacation.

Sure enough, the teacher still hurts himself.

"What's the situation here?" She hurriedly asked, and even the small bench was about to sit down.

"I said, do you still want to take sick leave?" Wang Weiguo felt dizzy for a while.

Zhao Han took it for granted, "Of course we have to do it, but I have to understand what's going on here."

"In short, Qin Huairu's matter will be discussed later. Everyone in the courtyard knows that it will not be easy."

Wang Weiguo forcibly changed the subject.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party also has golden fingers and can realize the sharing, he would have been lying down a long time ago.

"In short, there are food stamps issued on your account, you have to give them an extra subsidy."

"One household registration only costs more than 30 catties to 40 catties of food stamps, which is certainly not enough for two adults."

"Give him the food stamps on your household registration. Otherwise, he won't be able to eat food if he has money in the city. You have to go to the pigeon market to buy food stamps. Usually, food stamps sell for 20 cents a catty."

"Ah, so expensive?" Zhao Han already had the concept of food in this era.

Her monthly salary is 17.5 yuan, and it is enough to eat at least 2 catties a day.

Because there is no oil and water, it is physical work.

It costs 40 cents to buy the ticket alone, and you have to pay for the meal. Usually, it costs 1 catty of food stamps and 15 cents to buy a catty of meal tickets.

In other words, it costs 70 cents to be full.

That's 21 yuan a month.

Well, if you want to be full, you have to be in deficit.

Sure enough, relying on the pigeon market is not reliable.

Fortunately, she has the ability to go to the countryside to practice medicine.

Don't worry about food.

The premise is that the common people must also have food.

In this way, she can save 21 yuan by eating food alone!

This is much more profitable than going to work.

And she can go to work one day and take three days off.

This is a vacation.


After calculating the account book, she hurriedly said:

"That's fine, then I'll leave it to Brother Wang, and I'll send you a catty of bacon later."

"Okay, it's okay, this matter is also good for me, and it can save a lot of favors. I won't accept your bacon anymore."

"When the time comes, you'll get 30% of his salary, 70% will go to him, and 30% will go to you."

"Is this okay? How embarrassing, I will do it once." Zhao Han is a shameless person.

You don't do anything yourself, and you still get paid for nothing.

Still get 30% of the salary for nothing.

"That can't be done. The 30% is what I agreed with my relatives in the village at the beginning. If you want 10%, wouldn't my previous relatives blame me?"

"Anything is fine, thank you, Brother Wang, you are welcome."

"I think you, Xiao Zhao, are also a sensible person. We can cooperate more in the future." Wang Weiguo hinted.

His urban system does not have the longevity function.

This person is comfortable, and he definitely wants to live forever.

Only cows and horses don't want to live too long.

He's having a great time now.

He still wants to live another five hundred years, impossible, at least five hundred million years to start.

"Okay, let's cooperate more." Zhao Han thought to himself, anyway, I'm here for vacation, I don't want to cause trouble, and I don't want to make trouble.

Let's talk about it after a few years.

Okay, this vacation is for annual rest.

How embarrassing are those who talk about hours?

So she entrusted Wang Weiguo, and then brought half a catty of bacon.

Mainly understated.

Take too much, it is easy to catch the eye.

Wang Weiguo was not polite either.

Just accept it.

It's just that Zhao Han doesn't look for trouble, but trouble finds her.

Just because she said a few nice words to BangGong before, and then gave steamed buns.

Qin Huairu had already thanked her last time.

That evening, Qin Huairu came over to thank her again.

Of course, Qin Huairu didn't deliberately ask Zhao Han to borrow money.

Because she knew that Xiao Zhao lived alone and was so poor that he died.

The salary is not as high as hers.

Now she has been staring at Sha Zhu.

It was also because Shazhu offered to help, and he helped too many times.

Only then was she stared at.

And Xiao Zhao's standard of living is still incomparable to that of Sha Zhu.

Shazhu is now a master chef.

And Xiao Zhao has just passed the internship period and is still a first-class worker.

Qin Huairu took a plate of fried peanuts this time and came over to thank her.

Said that Yuzhu brought it from the cafeteria, and specially brought it for her to taste.

Seeing this, Zhao Han thought Qin Huairu was pretty good, didn't he?

Why did you see Wang Weiguo being so indifferent to her?

At this time, Zhao Han evaded and said: "Uh, that sister Qin, you don't have to thank me. It's just a matter of saying something."

"Oh, it's still you Xiao Zhao who can understand people." Qin Huairu didn't continue to push back.

"It's just that how could Bangjiu steal Wang Weiguo's chicken?" She asked curiously again.

"Hey, this kid is a good boy, he doesn't steal other people's things, and he hasn't lost a needle in the compound for ten years."

Qin Huairu's words opened up the chatterbox.

Maybe he was really hurt by Wang Weiguo, and he urgently needs to talk about it.

I also want to make up for myself.

Zhao Han can still see this.

But she wanted to hear it too.

So let the other party sit down in the yard by the door.

Of course I can't enter the house.

This has entered the house, but I can't tell clearly.

If you don't mention her, Qin Huairu himself wouldn't enter.

"The most sticking point is to take some of Yu Zhu's things, and he doesn't even go to Yu Zhu's younger sister's house."

"The reason for taking Wang Weiguo is because Wang Weiguo once said that he was a thief or something. I didn't understand what it meant... This kid is smart, but he holds grudges." Qin Huairu explained.

Zhao Han was stunned.

The main reason is that she has not watched the TV series.

It's not normal for a stick to hold grudges. In one sentence, he will hold grudges against Sha Zhu for 8 years, and will not let Qin Huairu marry Sha Zhu.

Delayed silly Zhu 8 years of youth.

This is the root of Wang Weiguo's hatred of sticks.

As for the other things, the so-called robbery of the stick has stolen two people in total, one from Xu Damao and the other from Shazhu.

The one who stole Xu Damao was because Xu Damao had bad intentions for his mother, and he could feel it.

But he was a jerk, and after Xu Damao said a few words, he followed Xu Damao again. It was also because Xu Damao found a job for him and called Uncle Xu Damao to give him a pension.

He completely forgot about Xu Damao's sowing discord.

In short, it is indeed similar to the white-eyed wolf.

This is why Wang Weiguo hates this guy.

The grievances are unknown.

"So it's like this. You can't steal chickens. This chicken costs a few dollars. It's fine when you're young. If you want to steal it when you grow up, you have to go in." Zhao Han kindly reminded.

Not to mention going in, habitual thieves may also ask for a wall.

"I will discipline him well. This kid treats his two younger sisters very well. He said he stole the chicken because he was watching them hungry." Qin Huairu said again.

"In that case, I just went to the countryside to sell some herbal medicine, and the villagers gave me some dried sweet potatoes. You can take some back and give them to the children, so that they don't steal from others." After Zhao Han's words, I still sympathize with Qin Huairu.

Doesn't she think the quality of the other party is not bad?

What about Wang Weiguo?

After all, they are orphans and widows.

Zhao Han didn't know that she was not far from the big pit.

"Why is this so embarrassing? You don't have enough to eat alone." Although Qin Huairu was moved, he still gave way.

In the TV series, she also borrowed money from Sha Zhu, but also took care of her face, not wanting Sha Zhu to look down on her.

"It's nothing, I can't finish it by myself. This sweet potato is different from wheat, and it won't last too long."

As he said that, Zhao Han went to the house and took out more than ten catties.

Pass it to Qin Huairu personally.

"Then thank you, Xiao Zhao, next time you have any clothes, just put them away, and I will wash them with Yuzhu's."

"Then thank you, Sister Qin." Zhao Han said happily.

When someone takes over the post, and someone else helps with laundry and cooking, this is called a vacation.

As for that little thing, she really didn't care.

The main reason is that she has never seen a courtyard house, and she has not developed any bad feelings towards Qin Huairu's family.

If you read it and put it in, it will be difficult to maintain your mentality.

Simply approach Qin Huairu with the mentality of a stranger.

Qin Huairu's quality is still higher than most people in the courtyard.

As long as you don't marry her...

The two ended up chatting for a few days.

Qin Huairu also helped Zhao Han clean the room and mop the floor.

Then, she took the dirty clothes and the dirty quilt she used to when she went to the countryside before, and took them to help wash at night before it was dark.

When Zhao Han saw this, he felt that he only gave ten catties of dried sweet potatoes, which was not enough for his wages.

This Qin Huairu is really nice.

Take things for nothing.

She compared the wages of the labor force in later generations with the present.

However, Qin Huairu did a good job in terms of diligence.

No one in the entire courtyard can compare with her in diligence.

Two days later.

Wang Weiguo took care of Zhao Han's sick leave and finding someone to take over.

She sighed a little, that Wang Weiguo did things really fast.

Then she was called by Wang Weiguo to meet with the replacement.

The main thing is not to talk about it in the future.

Otherwise, you don't even know the person who will take over for you, so what's the matter?

That is an honest farmer.


At this time, he looked happy, and thanked Zhao Han again and again when he saw Zhao Han.

Wang Weiguo introduced: "Xiao Zhao, this is my relative's cousin, his name is Wang Laoliu."

"Now there is only one person in the family. One person has enough to eat, and the whole family is not hungry. In his thirties, he has not yet found a wife."

"Oh, it's hard in the village. There's not enough to eat, and there's no wife to follow." Wang Laoliu sighed.

Zhao Han could only respond with "uh uh".

"But this time, Brother Six, you'll be fine. After a few years of class, you'll have money. It will be very easy to find a girl who wants to go to the city." Wang Weiguo painted a beautiful picture.

I was so happy that Wang Laoliu thanked him again and again.

"By the way, I'll let you live together with my cousin Liu Laoqi. In this case, the two of you will only pay the same rent, and you don't have to look for a house anymore. If you have something to do, you can take care of each other and watch things." Wang Weiguo said again.

"Yes, yes, thank you brother." Wang Laoliu expressed gratitude.

"In the future, you will start a business together and save some food."

"At that time, it will be Xiao Zhao who will receive the wages. Let me tell you clearly now. The list in this factory is still Xiao Zhao's. The accountant will recognize him but not you."

"Wang Lao Liu, don't think it's unfair."

"Then how can it be?" Wang Laoliu said hastily.

"Xiao Zhao has a stomach problem and is not in good health. The job in this steel rolling mill is supposed to be left to his relatives, but his relatives are all white-eyed wolves. They are afraid that they will be robbed if they take up the job for a long time."

"Well, we can't do that." Wang Laoliu nodded repeatedly.

Being able to come to this big city from the bitter village, where there are delicious, fun and lively places everywhere, he doesn't want to go back.

"Well, this Xiao Zhao is a kind person. He will give you all the food stamps from his family. He is still an ancestral doctor, so he doesn't care about this little food." Wang Weiguo pointed out again,

"In the future, if you have a headache and brain fever, you still need help from others, understand?"


"Don't mess with me."

"I know, I know. Brother Weiguo, I will listen to you."

"Yes, this big city is much better than our countryside. When can we watch a movie in this countryside? Here, you can watch movies every day, just buy a ticket."

"You guys work hard here, and when the time comes, I'll find a way to register for you. At that time, you will be left behind in these four or nine cities, and you will stand firm." Wang Weiguo said broadly.

"Yes, thank you Brother Wei Guo." Wang Laoliu hurriedly said.

Okay, this time the brother will become a When Zhao Han heard it, this Wang Weiguo really knows how to draw big cakes.

Of course she doesn't know.

In another ten years or so, Wang Weiguo doesn't care about the status of this worker, he can become a big boss casually, and sometimes he can find a way to settle down for his relatives.

Zhao Han naturally didn't know these things.

She only felt that Wang Weiguo seemed very confident now.

So, another day passed.

Wang Weiguo took the two of them to go through the formalities of leaving work due to illness.

Zhao Han also lived the same retirement life as Wang Weiguo.

You can continue to lie down and sleep in the morning, and you will have a good day until nine o'clock in the morning.

Oh, this is really a vacation.

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