Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2211: in the lively days

At this time.

Qin Huairu saw that she couldn't move her cousin, so she found Zhao Han.

"He is the chief doctor of the hospital, listen to what he has to say."

"What can he say?" Qin Jingru shook his head.

Zhao Han shook his head and said, "Girl, are you on a blind date with Xu Damao?"

"There is such a thing." Qin Jingru didn't hide anything when it came to an end.

"Xu Damao does have a physical problem, he can't bear children."

"Don't you know why he divorced his ex-wife? He had been with his ex-wife for six or seven years and had no children, so they finally divorced."

"Do you really think Xu Damao can have children? I'm a doctor. I'm very accurate."

Zhao Han thought to himself, it's really good to add insult to injury.

"What? Xu Damao really can't have children?"

"Really, of course."

"I read a lot, so I won't lie to you."

Seeing Zhao San's swearing, Qin Jingru finally felt guilty.

Three people become tigers.

What's more, she was originally a shrewd temper.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have given up on Xu Damao in the end.

Choose to leave alone.

"But Xu Damao said that he doesn't love Lou Xiao'e. If she can have children, he won't let her have children."

"Oh, Xu Damao is really smart. He knew that someone would say this, so he plugged the loophole in advance. It's just that you listen to him, is it right?"

"Who would like to be called an extinct family without children?"

"It's definitely not right."

Qin Jingru was silent.

She had to think about it, the two seemed to be in the same group.

Is it good intentions, or do you not want to marry yourself better?

We must know that when my sister Qin Huairu married Jia Dongxu, all the villages envied him for going to the city.

However, once Jia Dongxu died, everyone was no longer envious.

This person brings 3 children and a mother-in-law obstructs remarriage, what should I do?

Qin Jingru was thinking, would it be possible that Qin Huairu didn't want to marry herself too well, and would rather let herself marry that honest, stupid and ugly guy Sha Zhu?


It has to be said that people have to be logical. Once a position is reserved, they will fall into the scene of suspecting that the neighbor has stolen the axe.

Zhao Han could see that Qin Jingru didn't believe him.

So she shook her head.

Then left.

Then he found Shazhu again.

I saw Silly Zhu cooking there.

Still singing a ditty.

"Brother Zhuzi, don't you know? You are still happy there, and your wife has been cut off."

Silly Zhu was dizzy for a while: "Why did someone cut off my wife?"

"I'm talking about Qin Jingru, aren't you on a blind date with her? Isn't she your partner?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong?" Silly Zhu was still very proud.

"Of course there is something. When I came back, I saw Xu Damao taking Qin Jingru to eat in a small restaurant outside."

"The two talked and laughed, and they talked very well." Zhao Han said gossipingly.

"What? Did you read it wrong? How could Qin Jingru be with Xu Damao's grandson?" Silly Zhu suddenly became angry.

"Facts speak louder than words. If I hadn't told her about Xu Damao's infertility, she would probably have followed Xu Damao to argue."

"Damn it, Xu Damao is looking for death!" Sha Zhu was furious when he heard this.

Well, this is the hatred of taking his wife.

Zhao Han can enjoy the show this time.

I endured it for more than half a month.

Now you can finally see the silly pillar showing off his power.

Damn Xu Damao made a small report and almost got himself involved.

This time let him know why the flowers are so red.

In fact, if it wasn't for Zhao Han's own identity, he was a person of a different species after all, and the idea that he couldn't use a different species to do evil was deeply ingrained.

She had already beaten Xu Damao to the ground, turning him into a cripple.

But now that she is living in a courtyard, of course she has to follow the rules of the courtyard.

To deal with Xu Damao.

Isn't it just provoking lip service?

She will too.

So she followed Shazhu all the way to the backyard to find Xu Damao.

Xu Damao was still drinking and eating pork heads.

To say that Xu Damao's life is second only to Sha Zhu.

The main thing is to go to the countryside to show movies, and the villagers will give him a lot of things.

In the TV series, he often gave the third master Yan Bugui with green onions and garlic, and with a little favor, he could win him over.

"Xu Damao, get out of here, grandson!"

However, at this time, Qin Jingru was talking to Xu Damao about what Qin Huairu said in his house.

"Qin Huairu, she can't see you well!"

"Why can't I have a baby? It's a woman's business to have a baby. How can there be any problems with men?" Xu Damao vowed.

At this time, Qin Jingru had already fallen in love with Xu Damao's money, family background, appearance, and conversation.

Much better than that old stick of Sha Zhu.

Shazhu is really old.

After Zhao Han saw it, he also had to sigh.

If it wasn't for understanding character and just relying on a few days of blind dates, Sha Zhu would not be able to compare with Xu Damao at all.

Wait until you see Qin Jingru and Xu Damao coming out of the house.

Silly Zhu has been sluggish.

"You, you are not married yet, are you in the same room?"

"What are you guys, you two are together before you get married, what are you doing? Are you trying to make illegal **** in broad daylight?" Silly Zhu was furious.

This is great.

His face was rubbed against the ground by Xu Damao.

At this time, Wang Weiguo was also watching the excitement.

Shazhu was still behind when he was ashamed.

Where is this?

Every object has the potential to succeed, but Xu Damao and others messed up all of them.

It's okay if there's no hope at all.

But obviously there is hope, but it just can't be achieved.

Isn't this funny?

Xu Damao was scared when he heard it.

"What nonsense are you talking about, silly?"

"I didn't say anything nonsense, Zhao San, you saw it too, right?" Silly Zhu immediately pulled Zhao Han out.

"I saw it too." Zhao Han vowed.

"Hmph, we're in a serious relationship, there's nothing improper about it." Xu Damao gritted his teeth.

This crime is serious.

He knows the severity.

The last time he was almost caught against the wall, it was Sha Zhu who framed him that time.

But this time, the evidence was caught.

"I'll tell you to be serious," Sha Zhu stepped forward and punched Xu Damao in the chest.

Then he raised his knee and directly hit Xu Damao's lower abdomen with his knee.

This is great, even if it doesn't cause the prostatitis problem, it will still cause various damages.

Seeing this, Zhao Han immediately understood why Xu Damao couldn't have children.

Being beaten up from childhood to adulthood, even the gods can't do it.

This wound is stagnant.

The human reproductive system is actually very fragile.

Excessively high temperature and excessive external force can easily make people infertile.

There will be so many infertiles in future generations.

However, Dongzhou's technology is advanced and can be processed manually.

In this day and age, the technology is not good enough. Obviously, once the conditions are a little bit worse, it will definitely not work.

Then Zhao Han watched Sha Zhu punch and kick Xu Damao for a while, and Sha Zhu attacked Xu Damao's abdomen every time.

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter finally has a solution on the app that can change the source, download it here

I don't know if it was intentional or unconscious.

After all, Xu Damao is taller than Sha Zhu.

When hitting, it must be easier and easier to hit the abdomen.

But Shazhu is stronger and a dry cook.

The cook has no strength, he can't move the big spoon.

As for the projectionist, that is a properly decent job, neither hot nor cold.

Not tiring either.

That's why Qin Jingru was attracted.

But in terms of physical strength, Xu Damao fell far behind.

"Don't fight, don't fight..." Qin Jingru desperately wanted to fight.

As a result, Qin Huairu rushed over after hearing the news, and quickly pulled Qin Jingru aside.

"They have been used to it since they were young."

Zhao Han was speechless.

I'm used to beating people, that's right.

It was absolutely impossible to get used to.

Every pain is a new pain, impossible to get used to.

This is not continuous torture in a short period of time.

Zhao Han fully understood why Xu Damao became a eunuch.

This attack method cannot be tolerated by anyone else.

It's no wonder Xu Damao didn't become a eunuch.

And Wang Weiguo had already moved a small bench beside him, eating chicken legs and drinking wine.

At the same time, he called Zhao Han to come and eat.

Eating and drinking is comfort.

Zhao Han also quickly sat down.


"do not drink."

"drink wine?"

"No smoking."

After a chicken-to-duck talk, the two watched Xu Damao being beaten up by Sha Zhu.

"Hey, why are you two still drunk? Hurry up and persuade the fight?" At this time, the second uncle Liu Haizhong arrived.

He claimed to be the steward of the courtyard house.

It has always been a matter that the elder Yi Zhonghai dare not take care of, but he dares to take care of it.

He is willing to ask the things that the elder Yi Zhonghai is not willing to ask.

Just waiting for the day to overthrow the great master Yi Zhonghai and take over by himself.

Seeing this bustle now, it is natural to quickly highlight your presence.

"Why are you two fighting again?"

"Second Uncle Liu Haizhong, smoke." Wang Weiguo got up and handed the cigarette to Second Uncle Liu Haizhong.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, hurry up and persuade me. I don't smoke. Smoking is bad for my health." The second uncle Liu Haizhong really didn't smoke.

My favorite hobby is to eat scrambled eggs.

This is also because he makes money at home.

The two sons have no share of this egg.

"It's okay, just this little injury, my health is too good, it just consumes a little redundancy." Wang Weiguo said indifferently.

Zhao Han nodded.

She had already noticed.

Wang Weiguo is indeed in good health.

Living a hundred and fifty-six is ​​really not a problem.

But the longer a person lives, the more reluctant to die.

There are many children in their 20s and 30s who don't take life and death seriously.

And there are many elderly people in their 70s and 80s who can throw most of their life savings into it in order to live for half a month, a month, or even a year.

If those savings were given to those young people, maybe their decades of youth would not be wasted.

In fact, most of their problems can be solved with money.

This is where the difference lies.

all in all.

This time, Zhao Han had a faint feeling of sublimation of thought.

But before his thoughts sublimated, he was attracted by the excitement of the fight.

I didn't expect this low-level fun to be really attractive.

Seeing Xu Damao being beaten until he was crying, he was punched to the flesh.

Qin Jingru next to him could only jump up and down.

Zhao Han really enjoyed watching it.

Shazhu is awesome.

The most primitive way of expressing anger and taking advantage is to fight.

Of course fighting is bad.

In the later generations, if you win the game, you will be compensated for a good car.

Especially when there are gangsters fighting, they are simply the other party's money-giving boy.

So restrain yourself.

Can't do it.

However, now it seems that Shazhu is really venting his anger.

"Silly Zhu, even if you beat Xu Damao to death, I won't fight with you. You are too violent." Qin Jingru's words discouraged Shazhu.

"Okay, you're fine with me, but you can't be with Xu Damao's grandson? He's not a good guy. He cheated Lou Xiao'e before, and now he's cheating on you again. Don't you want to have no children for a few years?" Silly Zhu said Sincerely kind.

This is also the reason why Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were chosen as the tools for the elderly.

If you entrust Xu Damao and Banggen, wouldn't that be a scam?

How can they retire?

I can't even serve tea and pour water, let alone other things.

This time Wang Weiguo commented: "Shazhu really deserves to be the **** of war in the courtyard."

"Finally beat Xu Damao, I haven't seen Shazhu beat Xu Damao for a long time."

"You guys, you are watching the fun and not afraid of big troubles." The second uncle shouted with bangs jumping.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting."

But at this time, Qin Jingru immediately retorted: "That's Lou Xiao'e's problem, and it has nothing to do with Da Mao. The birth of a baby is a woman's business, so it has nothing to do with men."

"That's right." Although Xu Damao was beaten black and blue, but at this moment there was a woman standing beside him, and he felt complacent again.

"Speak again, Xiao Zhao, come here and talk."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I know Zhao San, you were raped by Xu Damao, and you hold a grudge, so you speak ill of him." Qin Jingru said disapprovingly.

Zhao Han thought to himself, well, this Xu Damao will really turn black and white.

"Obviously I was the one who said he had a problem first, and then he was the one who held a grudge and made a small report." Zhao Han immediately distinguished.

"Hmph, I don't believe it anymore, you're lying around, selling ancestral Dali Pills..." Xu Daqin Jingru actually sneered at Zhao Han.

Now Zhao Han feels like playing Werewolf.

Well, it's the most irritating thing about this good man's head against the Wolves.

It's only natural for werewolves to do bad things, it's to win, and there's nothing wrong with it.

But you, a good man, obviously have the evidence in front of you, and the logic is right in front of you, so you go to the counter-logic, and you choose to talk to the wolves and speak to the wolves.

This is the most annoying.

Zhao Han looked at her coldly.

But he didn't speak any more.

Let her suffer herself.

Anyway, Shazhu really couldn't be dragged back.

After all, Shazhu is not as decent as Xu Damao in the face of conditions.

Not as good as Xu Damao.

The main reason is that Shazhu donated most of the money to Qin Huairu...

Not long.

Uncle Yi Zhonghai came over.

"Okay, silly Zhu, you let go quickly, this is going to make people feel bad, who is it?"

"You came too late, and I was beaten up. No, you have to go in if you beat someone, silly Zhu."

Silly Zhu said bitterly: "Grandpa, judge for me. This guy intercepted my wife Qin Jingru. He was obviously the person Qin Huairu introduced to me. He was fine. He inserted a stick in the middle~www.readwn. com~ Elder Master Yi Zhonghai thought for a while and said: "Xu Damao and you are not married, why are strangers and men in the same room? If this matter breaks out, you can't tell. "

"What's not clear, I'm not married, why can't I fall in love?"

"What? You're robbing me of my blind date, are you justified?" Sha Zhu stepped forward and punched Xu Damao hard in the face.

Immediately a panda eye appeared.

Xu Damao covered his face and said to hide behind the uncle Yi Zhonghai.

"Okay, you idiot, you just wait, you look at me and I'll sue you right away."

"If you still dare to sue me, I will sue you."

"What are you telling me?"

"I'll sue you for engaging in illegal **** in broad daylight." Silly Zhu cursed.

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