Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 239: power and fear

When Liu Xuncha heard this, he suddenly said: "Well, because of love, I understand, but in the end you still married that evil woman."

"Yes, I didn't have the ability to resist my father at the time, so I wanted to get the aliens first, then kill him and avenge my leaves." Tanabe Yoshi said indifferently.

That kind of indifference, as if he didn't kill his father, he just killed chickens.

Inspector Liu continued to ask: "In the data, your father is still alive, why didn't you kill him later?"

"Because someone told me that if I don't break this dark world, people like my father will continue to emerge, and the tragedies of Ye Ye and me will continue to be staged. The culprit is not my father, but this evil world. ." Tanabe Yoshi fell into memory.

"So that's how you joined the Destiny Society, so they told you how to break the world? Is it just copying the American way?"

Before the voice of Liu Xunchao's questioning had finished, the sound of "Zizzi la la" suddenly began to flash on the big screen.

First, an ancient well appeared faintly.

Then the two saw that Tanabe Yoshi's face suddenly changed greatly.

A pale hand clawed at the mouth of the well, and then the image of a traditional Dongdao woman slowly climbed out of the ancient well, looming on the screen.

She was wearing a pale white robe, with long black hair that was straight, and her eyes were round and large.

But Liu Xuncha couldn't see a trace of kindness and cuteness from the other party, he could only feel ferocious and terrifying!

"That's it, Tanabe-kun, I'm the one who blamed you. I was deceived by the murderer. He said that you were afraid that I would prevent you from marrying the Princess Gaomen, so he sent him to kill me." The woman said outside.

"Ye Ye, is that you?" Tanabe Yoshi desperately stood up and stretched out his hands towards the big screen!

"It's me, come with me, I understand your heart." The long-haired woman smiled and stretched out her hands towards him, on which drops of water kept dripping.

"I'll go with you, I'll die anyway. Being able to go with you is the last gift that the alien species gave me."

Tanabe Yoshi had tears in his eyes, and as soon as he finished speaking, a woman's figure emerged from the screen, wanting to hug him.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and stop him!" Inspector Liu ordered the two sailors through the big screen.

However, their eyes were blurred, as if nothing could be heard or seen.

At this time, someone had already pushed the door and broke into the interrogation room, pulling the two apart, apparently a mysterious expert who was monitoring and protecting them.

The woman who appeared on the screen smiled grimly at the person who came, and then disappeared.

In the interrogation room, Tanabe Yoshi murmured to himself with a dull expression after the woman escaped:

"Haha, I can finally be with Ye Ye."

"My ideal has come true, heaven on earth."

"Father, you must have died of anger? Not only did I not inherit your family business, but I pushed you into the abyss."

"I don't regret it. When something big happens, someone will bleed first. If you want to bleed, it will start with you. You are the sacrifices of the times. You need a lot of sacrifices, a lot of sacrifices, and finally a small piece will be produced. Essence."

He seems to be stupid...

Upon seeing this, inspector Liu slapped his thigh sharply, anxious and hated: "Damn, at the last moment, people will be silenced!"

In contrast, Wen Rensheng looked at the scene on the big screen with a calm expression on his face.

Because he was looking at the prompts that appeared in his mind.

"Fugitive Alien Species: Complete. Some people don't want to die, some people don't want to live. The human heart is infinite and unpredictable."

"Mystery: 25."

"Mysterious Composition: The Hand in the Well."

"You have completed a low-difficulty mysterious event, and the maximum mystery degree has been increased by 1 point to 259."

But it's not over yet.

"The Hand in the Well: The other hand outstretched in the well, burying the truth. This drama is entering its most intense phase."

"Mystery: 125."

"Mysterious composition:???"

Well, it really is a series of mysterious events that have appeared again.

First underwater, then under the ice, this time downhole.

This ghost who looks like the old sister Sadako in the previous life, Ye Ye Inoue, is definitely not simple.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while, walked to the big screen, and penetrated a trace of alien power into the big screen.

"Disaster Eye Remnant Spirit: A peculiar life that was concocted by humans. Resentful spirit, the remnant of the Disaster Eye Remnant, mysterious electronic technology, the trinity, produced a freak."


"Mysterious composition: Disaster Eye, Wraith, Mysterious Electronic Technology, ???"

"You have discovered a brand new mysterious life, the mysterious cognition has increased by 2 points, and the maximum mystery degree has been increased to 261."

Yes, the growth rate of mystery has slowed down a lot recently. I got 3 points in dealing with this incident today, which is already very good.

After Wen Rensheng read the prompt, he said to Inspector Liu, "The opponent didn't succeed in silence, isn't Tanabe Yoshihide dead? I have a way to get him to tell the story."

At this time, it's time to play your own magic.

The other party would never have thought that Tanabe Yoshi became stupid, just physically stupid, but his soul was still alive.

"That's great, we'll fly over overnight." Inspector Liu said in surprise.

Then the two got on a transport plane, escorted by two fighter jets, and flew to the ocean patrol fleet that captured Tanabe Yoshihide.

More than two hours later, three planes landed on a maritime carrier.

Wen Rensheng and Inspector Liu met Tanabe Yoshi in a cabin again.

The other party was tied to a chair, his hair was disheveled, his voice was sobbing, and there were two mysterious experts personally guarding him.

It's just that in such a short time, the other party has changed from a so-called hero to a fool.

It can be seen that the lover in his mouth, Ye Ye Inoue, may have been a kind and lovely person, but now he has completely turned into an evil thing that poisons human beings.

What's even more terrifying is that there are people who manipulate this evil thing to silence it for ulterior motives.

This makes Tanabe Yoshi's original tragic aspirations look extraordinarily ridiculous.

Wen Rensheng stepped forward, held down the opponent's head, and activated the "Spiritual Control Technique".

Inspector Liu and the two mysterious experts were all watching closely.

In their eyes, it didn't take long for Tanabe Yoshi's eyes to light up and he seemed to wake up.

Then he began to speak:

"The purpose of bewitching the aliens who have reached the age limit in Shenzhou is to help the Americans test a technology, the hidden technology provided by the Americans. They have just discovered that it is very effective against the Great Prophecy, and more data is urgently needed. "

"Schrödinger's cat? They didn't give me that name. All I know is that it can resist all kinds of mysterious detection methods, and can only use conventional physical methods to find us."

"Any prophecy or reconnaissance technique is ineffective until it really comes into contact with us..."

"There are two xenogeneic species in my One is in my father's hands and the other is in me. A mature Dongdao family must have at least two seeds, the old can cultivate small, infinite loop relay down."

"Regret? I don't regret it. You people in China have a saying that you are inherently dead, or heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. I don't think I'm being used, I'm willing to do it."

"What's so scary about death? There is a mysterious world. After I die, I will be able to reunite with Ye Zi, and we will meet at Hirazaka."


During the entire interrogation process, Inspector Liu had a look of admiration on his face.

The other two mysterious experts looked at Wen Rensheng in surprise and even a little fear.

The two occult experts whispered.

"This kid is only in his twenties, so he can do such a thing?"

"Yeah, it should be controlling the soul just now, right? I remember that only those old guys in the soul field dare to play. They must have no time for such chores."

"He's handsome, young, and such a powerful alien. Even I would be jealous of this kind of current charge."

"But he's too strong. Young people are unstable, don't know how to compromise, and are prone to extremes. It's really disturbing that he has such a powerful personal power."

After more than an hour, Inspector Liu asked everything he wanted to ask. Wen Rensheng got the other party's signal and finally stopped.

"Thank you, Manager Wenren, it's really hard for you this time." In front of the two outsiders, inspector Liu changed his polite tone again.

It's like he didn't know Wen Rensheng very well before.

Wen Rensheng nodded and said, "It's easy to say, serving the country is obligatory."

The two mysterious experts nodded slightly, which was a little relieved.

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