Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2443: Digging into the new world

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People from advanced planets have nothing to say.

They know what they do.

There is nothing to argue with.

When the three interviewers saw this, they couldn't help but shake their heads.

"These fools, they've forgotten their purpose."

"Yes, we are here to explore the world and discover its secrets, not to save the world."

"But then again, many explorers claim to be righteous in their travel notes. Of course, after discovering wealth, they turn into greedy butchers."

But they didn't interfere.

These 10 people will be unlucky sooner or later.

Then they will understand what is good and what is bad.

Soon, time flew by.

Then these 10 people discovered that the backward planet quickly turned into an advanced planet.

Technically, it has surpassed that of another planet by a lot.

This is obviously because they know their shame and then act bravely.

After experiencing the extinction crisis and the shame of being actors, when they had the opportunity, they began to study and research desperately.

"As long as you can't learn to die, learn to die."

"Money can only be spent on research, and eating, drinking and having fun are all a waste!"

"Entertainment does not exist, only study and research, industry and military are the focus!"

These slogans are not spoken for nothing.

They do the same.

Everyone was very pleased at first.

However, things quickly went south.

After the people on the backward planet became advanced, they began to retaliate against the people on the advanced planet.

They made a random excuse, saying that their aircraft was destroyed by the other party, and then asked to land on an advanced planet to search.

As a result, he was rejected by people from advanced planets.

They took revenge.

The specific behavior is to treat others in their own way.

They also set up fire zones on advanced planets.

They also began to eliminate the technology of advanced planets and then forced them to perform in order to obtain food.

After seeing this, those 10 people were very depressed.

Because in their eyes, it only took 50 years for people on backward planets to go from victims to perpetrators.

And their methods have become even more severe.

In order to prevent people on advanced planets from catching up with technology and solving them.

In other words, in order to prevent another "10-person salvation incident" from happening again, they finally decided to simply carry out inhumane clean-up actions on advanced planets.

That is to say, everyone is prohibited from having children and they are allowed to be eliminated naturally.

In fact, some people have proposed to directly eliminate them all.

But they were worried that this would displease the 10-day god.

After all, when the 10 gods saved them, it was because they were in a miserable situation.

Prohibition of procreation is gentle and bloodless.

Just use technology to interfere with reproductive cells.

However, the cleanup operation was cruel.

Especially the behavior towards children and the elderly.

That would make the Ten Heavenly Gods unable to stand it.

They are very smart.

10 people really can’t stand it anymore.

But after all, they did not take any **** action.

Still didn't attack them directly.

Number 1 was sent out of the 10 people to talk to them.

No. 1 said to them:

"You can't do this. If you do this, what will be the difference between you and those people before you?"

At this time, those people from the backward planet sent a messenger to explain to him.

"Dear God, we do this just so that future generations will no longer let them be enslaved."

"That's why we have to eliminate them. If we don't eliminate them, when their technology develops, they will definitely come back to eliminate us."

He didn't lie.

Because he understands that it is impossible for the other party to see through their intentions.

In fact, their purpose is on the table.

At this time, No. 5 frowned and said, "You are obviously the same ethnic group."

"Why can't you understand each other?"

"Can't we combine each other into a group force and then explore the universe together?"

The messenger spread his hands helplessly: "How is that possible?"

"It seems that the universe is very big, and there are many planets out there."

"However, the universe is vast, and our fastest spacecraft will take thousands of years to fly."

"There is no new opponent outside. The opponent can only be within ourselves."

"And we're not sure whether they will accept our understanding."

"They have used that cruel method before and brought indelible hatred to our people."

No. 5 frowned and said: "You can immigrate to each other, tolerate each other, integrate with each other, and increase exchanges and trade with each other until you have a common understanding of each other."

The messenger sighed: "That's too slow."

"And if they suddenly have a technological explosion, invent a star-destroying weapon, and directly destroy our planet, what will we do?"

No. 5 was silent.

The other nine people also fell silent.

This is the consequence of not being on the same planet.

It is difficult to understand each other.

On the same planet, even if one party develops powerful weapons, it will be difficult to kill the other party in the end.

Why can nuclear bombs bring peace?

Because he can deter each other and destroy each other.

Even if a star-destroying weapon were invented, you wouldn't be able to use it.

Because you will destroy your own foundation.

Therefore, even if a nuclear bomb is invented, it cannot be used on a large scale.

Once used on a large scale, "nuclear winter" will occur.

This theory formed a deterrent.

In fact, everyone later knew that this theory was exaggerated.

In fact, this is why some scientists intentionally or unintentionally acquiesce or admit this theory in order to curb war and prevent nuclear bombs from being used everywhere.

In fact, this theory is not a universally recognized theory.

It's just a theory deliberately concocted to scare top decision-makers.

Later, after computers were developed, it was proved through deduction that the corresponding effect could not be achieved at all.

With the current number of nuclear bombs humans have, they will only create dust for a few years at best.

Even months of dust.

Nuclear winter simply cannot be achieved.

The earth's ability to purify itself is very strong.

A volcanic eruption or an earthquake on the earth can be equivalent to the explosion of billions of atomic bombs.

The dust from the volcanic eruption did not pose much danger.

It's just that the atomic bomb has radiation contamination.

And atomic bombs are not a mainstream mushroom reserve.

What everyone is stockpiling is hydrogen bombs.

However, the radiation pollution of the hydrogen bomb itself is very small, but its power is very large, far greater than the atomic bomb.

In fact, the substantial cooling will only last a few hours, and the world will basically return to normal in 3-4 months. Scientists, intentionally or unintentionally, greatly underestimated the earth's self-regulation ability.

Although atomic bombs cause pollution and radiation, people can continue to live in them after a few years.

The two places where the atomic bombs were dropped have now become prosperous cities. This is proof.

Therefore, whether an atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb, it will cause great damage to humans and large cities.

But the damage to the entire earth is not that serious at all.

The reason why the large-scale outbreak of war was able to be contained was, in the final analysis, because neither side could bear the destruction of their own big cities.

The destruction of such a large city by a group will have serious consequences.

Once this happens, anyone who triggers such a nuclear war will fall.

This will not be of any great benefit to them.

The purpose of waging war is to obtain huge expected benefits, such as occupying land, monopolizing markets and raw material production areas.

However, the use of nuclear weapons will make the expected losses far greater than the gains.

Wouldn't it be foolish to start a war?

You harvested more than a dozen ruins, and you also have more than a dozen ruins in your home.

How rich is a city?

The loss of a city cannot be compensated by the gains from ten wars.

Therefore, huge losses in interests will form the basis of deterrence.

In fact, the decapitation effect of nuclear weapons is actually very difficult and not that strong.

After all, there is a warning time in the middle, and you can escape directly to the underground fortifications.

The situation now is completely different.

Between these two planets, they are isolated from each other.

If one side develops a star-destroying weapon, it will directly destroy the other side.

He will not be threatened in any way.

One side can deliver mushroom weapons, but the other side cannot.

So there is a basis for destroying the other party.

Based on this, the two sides formed strong suspicions.

It is impossible for them to understand each other.

Even if they understand each other, as long as the threat of this technological explosion is still there, it will be like an emperor killing powerful officials.

I will not see whether you are loyal or not. As long as you have the power to threaten the throne, I will eradicate you.

There are only two modes: gentle eradication and violent eradication.

From the perspective of 10 people, the methods used by advanced planets against backward planets were relatively mild.

Just treating them as actors does not eradicate them.

But now the backward planets use direct violence against the advanced planets.

They want to completely eliminate each other and eliminate future troubles.

Because they have experienced pain, they know that if they no longer want to experience pain, the solution is to kill the person who caused the pain completely.

As long as they kill each other, there is nothing they can do.

After seeing this, the 10 people suddenly felt that they had done something wrong?

"Hey, people can't understand each other."

"Only interests and suspicion are eternal."

"Yes, understanding is temporary. Only under a common environment can they reach a temporary compromise."

They shook their heads.

"Only by integrating each other can we not take decisive measures."

"The people who make decisions must be elected by the majority of the people, so that the most dangerous war can be avoided."

"Because most people will consider their own interests and are unwilling to really mess things up."

All in all, 10 people were very depressed.

"Isn't there any solution?"

At this time, No. 10 suddenly said: "Yes, why do you think so much?"

"Just take out both planets and that's it."

"Well, if you can't solve the problem, solve the person. It's really yours."

"But I have to say that this method is still feasible."

"Satan needs a tattoo on your back."

10 people got into a heated argument.

However, during the argument, No. 9 directly used the power he had obtained.

"Super Gravity!"

He actually directly attracted the two planets together.

"Didn't you choose to hate each other because of separation?"

"Then let's merge together!"

A few months later.

In the horror of countless people, the two planets collided and merged together...

This violent impact caused a powerful explosion.

It can be said that there are almost no survivors on the two planets.

It can be said that this vibration is too strong.

Let the two planets reunite.

How could there be a survivor?

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he shook his head slightly.

Sure enough, when a person has power, it is like a beggar becoming an emperor.

Would Zhu Yuanzhang be so cruel when he was a beggar?


However, when he became emperor, one word affected more than 100,000 people.

It can be said with certainty that most of them are innocent.

This is still a mortal who has mastered the extraordinary power possessed by ordinary people like Quan Li.

This is still a false, unstable and extraordinary power that can change at any time.

But if 10 people have real extraordinary power that they have complete control over, they will only become more ruthless.

In contrast, people like Wen Rensheng who can control their own power and maintain their bottom line at all times are truly wise people.

Just like that No. 9, it has aroused Wen Rensheng's bad feeling.

If you can’t solve the problem, then solve the person?

This is simply the worst way of thinking.

It's like hacking a child to death if he doesn't like to study.

There are really such high-end cases.

After the aggregation, the planet became completely unsuitable for the development of normal life.

After many, new life sprouted on this planet.

New life becomes very tough.

Most live in the sea.

Use the buoyancy of sea water to reduce your weight.

Just like in sea water, blue whales can grow to more than 100 tons.

On the earth, the largest animal is the elephant, which only weighs seven or eight tons.

This is the effect of seawater buoyancy.

So most of the new life lives in the sea.

As a result, new civilizations have been delayed in being born.

After seeing this, the 10 people were very depressed.

No. 1 sighed: "Oh, this is the consequences of having great power."

"We have become the same evil dragons as those people after all."

"We have to keep the power under control."

10 people looked at the new world in front of them.

That's called being speechless.

Number 9, who destroyed two planets, now regrets it.

"I actually do it for their own good. After all, their problems can only be solved by merging into one planet."

"Okay, you're not even good at physics."

"Forget it, let's play in another world. Before entering this time, we must seal our own powers with each other. We can only unlock them at a critical moment." No. 2 suddenly said.

"You still have to retain some of your strength."

"What I'm saying is that you can't let all your power disappear. If something happens, you'll be in big trouble."

They then sealed their powers to each other.

No. 9 also regrets it.

He looked at his hands.

"I am an exterminator of civilization."

No. 10 patted him on the shoulder: "Those are all phantoms, don't take them as reality."

Then everyone dug and dug, preparing to go to the new world.

In one breath, I dug into the world of a feudal dynasty.

(End of chapter)

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