Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 251: pure love


Afterwards, the crowd interrogated the other four in turn.

Sure enough, other people knew very little, and they were all attracted by Zang Qing's benefits of distributing turtle breath medicine. He was the soul of the whole project.

When Wen Rensheng used Spiritual Control on these people one by one, Fu Lin, who ranked second in the project team, that is, the half-bald man, revealed a shocking inner secret.

"Zang Qing? Who does he think he is? He yells at us all day long! When the results come out and everyone immigrates abroad, I will definitely find an opportunity to force out all his secrets, and then kill him! In this case, I will be able to sell for a good price with that knowledge, and I will have a higher status than I am now!"

"Afraid, what are you afraid of? You can get away with spending money outside, and there is no death penalty. What am I afraid of?" The half-bald man said with a grim expression.

With his expression, no one doubted that he was lying, or that he was simply being ruthless and talking big.

Because the other party has motivation, ability, and opportunity, but there is no fear...

Everyone really never imagined that in this serial case, Wen Rensheng not only solved the past case, the present case, but also prevented a future case from happening...

And when Zang Qing saw this scene specially played back for him, his face was ashen, speechless, and he no longer had the arrogance before.

Even if he succeeds, he will end up dying in a foreign country in the end.

From this point of view, he is indeed the initiator, and there is no future.

He has intentions to harm others, and some people intentionally harm him.

And now he has no hope of half-dealing, because he has no chips.

"This soul manipulation is really powerful, and it can still cure the disease." Zhao Han was very relieved when he saw Zang Qing's desperate face, and couldn't help but greatly praised.

Wang Wenwen joked: "It can't cure your stomach problems, but it can cure your brain damage."

Wen Rensheng turned his head and asked the two of them, "Do you want to learn?"

"I want to learn." Zhao Han quickly raised his hand.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "Your realm is not enough to master such a powerful force."

"How high does it take to learn?" Zhao Han said depressedly.

Wen Rensheng said slowly: "I can stick to principles like me, stick to the bottom line, stand the test, and prove myself."

"I don't seem to be able to do it yet." Zhao Han was suddenly confused.

She knows that although she can be called kind, she really doesn't always grasp the bottom line and principles.

Just like when she solved the case before, she really wanted to kill the five people in one go, instead of waiting for the process and wasting time...

When Wang Wenwen heard this, he beat the drum and said, "Teacher Wenren, didn't you say you were willing to share your skills before? Why don't you teach it now?"

"Didn't I add a restriction later?" Wen Rensheng said in surprise, "You can't share with the wrong person, otherwise, it will harm others and yourself."

Wang Wenwen was speechless.

Afterwards, the three handed over all the work to Director Li, and they were thanked by the other party before returning home.


Wen Ren went home.

In the big yard, the dark phoenix walked arrogantly as if it was patrolling its own territory.

Wen Rensheng is not at home, he is the boss, no one dares to care about him.

"It's better to be at home..." After Zhao Han broke into the yard, he pinched the chin of the Black Phoenix and rubbed the back of the other's neck, "Xiaofeng, have you missed me these few days at home?"

Seeing this, Wang Wenwen hurriedly walked away, and said contemptuously: "You really won't die if you don't do it. You just can do some work, and it's floating like this, you dare to pinch its chin?"

Sure enough, in the next moment, chickens flew and dogs jumped, and wolves ran wild... It didn't end until Wenren came out to feed the Black Phoenix.

Then everyone got together and started to eat lunch.

Zhao Han has not yet been freed from the excitement, and he talked about the case of the turtle breath medicine with great interest.

"Isn't this what happened a long time ago - the mysterious version of the cryonics project?" Wen Rende thought thoughtfully after listening to it.

Wang Wenwen agreed: "Uncle is right. Now, when many rich people are about to die, they choose to freeze their bodies, hoping to be resurrected in the future, but I don't know if they are reliable? I always feel that there is little hope."

"Actually, I have inquired about that technology before. It has been predicted by the great prophecy, but it has a little probability of realization. It is just that it must be combined with the progress of mysterious technology, and it will take decades of research to become a reality." Wu Liansong said suddenly. .

Zhao Han's eyes lit up, and he asked eagerly, "Mr. Wu, what does it mean to have a certain probability of realization? How does the great prophecy give the result?"

As for the prophecy of the future, she had done it several times through the seed of narration before, and some came true, and some failed.

She wanted to know how others used prophecy.

It's the same as when she was in school. After she finished the questions, she always wanted to know how other people, especially the top students, thought.

Wu Liansong was stunned for a moment, and then explained: "The Great Prophecy will show many pictures in the future. Every picture that has a chance to appear means that it may be realized in the future. Those pictures that cannot appear means that it will never succeed. .And every picture that appears, the probability of realization is different."

Wen Rensheng nodded slightly when he heard this.

He also had this kind of project in his previous life, but it didn't really catch on. In the final analysis, it was because there were no convincing examples...

Even small mammals have not been successfully thawed and revived after being frozen, let alone humans.

And the human brain is too fragile, there are too many problems between freezing and thawing, and it basically stays on the basis of a thought.

For some unknown reason, Wu Shanshan, who was beside him, heard this, her expression changed a little, but she quickly covered it up.

Wen Rensheng's heart moved when he saw this, and he immediately understood that Old Wu wanted to tell his daughter that if he wanted to perform the resurrection technique, he should first find a way to ask the prediction results of the Great Prophecy Technique in this regard.

Alas, if you have something to say, you can't say it directly. If you have to go around in circles, Lao Wu is too worried.

Another elder who is not good at communicating with children.

Wang Cuiyan wanted to teach Wang Wenwen well, but her favorite method was roaring and controlling.

Fortunately, Wang Wenwen was smarter and knew who was really kind to her, so he didn't take the extreme road.

Wu Liansong turned it upside down and tried to please his daughter everywhere.

A man with such a tough personality has not even mastered the normal way of communicating with his daughter.

In fact, there is no way, communication is two-way; and like him, children with high emotional intelligence who can communicate with their parents without barriers are still a minority among the few...

After dinner, everyone went to work.

Wen Rensheng found Wen Rende who was reading in the small study and observed his learning progress.

"I'm progressing very well now," Wen Rende said without raising his head. "Go back and tell your mother that I've been working hard in the study these days, and I won't go back to the bedroom to sleep. I have to stay up all night and work hard, after all, it's six months away. The deadline is few days away.”

Wen Rensheng nodded and started to call.

After the phone call, he said, "My mother said she knew, and I'll buy you an awl later on my way after get off work."

Wen Rende rubbed his legs subconsciously, then shook his head quickly and said, "I don't need to work so hard for her, I'll just use the wind oil myself."

As he said that, he took out a bottle of balsamic essence and insisted that Wen Rensheng photograph it for his wife.

After Wen Rensheng took the photo and shared it, he showed Ouyang Ling's reply to Wen Rende.

"Oh, then double insurance, one on top and one on bottom, I will observe the effect regularly."


At the same time, in the extreme north, the mountain lingering with black mist, the Fufu Ridge in Qiya Mountain in Qianzhou.

A young man and a beautiful woman are facing each other.

These two were Han Yiyang and Cui Qian, who had worked together to plot other people. It seemed that they finally had the last laugh.

"Xiaoyang, didn't you say you love me very much? Since you said you love me, why can't you give me the opportunity?" the young woman pleaded with a face.

"It is precisely because I love you that I have to seize this opportunity. I do it all for your own good. It is very dangerous to inherit a different species. When I succeed, I will support you and shelter you, just like those mysterious experts sheltering you. My own relatives are average." Han Yiyang also said sincerely.

"Is that so? Can you swear to God?" Cui Qian seemed moved, and her eyes flashed with a special look.

Han Yiyang said without hesitation: "Of course I can swear to God that as long as I succeed in inheriting the xenogeneic species and become an xenogeneic expert, I will give the opportunity to protect the xenogeneic species to my lover Cui Qian!"

"I'm so happy, you really moved me, then let me serve you well tonight." Cui Qian walked towards him.

"No, no, I am a traditional man who pursues post-marriage doctrine." Han Yiyang stepped back.

Cui Qian was displeased and said: "You said you loved me just but now you dare not let me approach, do I have thorns on my body?"

You have not only thorns, but poison in your thorns!

On this mountain, you killed more people than me.

Han Yiyang was awe-inspiring, but with a smile on his face, he waved his hands again and again: "No, you are a white lotus flower, where can there be thorns? I just don't want to insult your nobility and purity, and I will be qualified when I become an alien expert. marry you."

When the time comes, go as far as you can.

Cui Qian stopped and said with some relief: "Okay, then I wish you success. By the way, can you tell me more about the soul chapter?"

"Of course, you can use this place now, you can lay more foundations, and it will be much more convenient to activate the alien species in the future." Han Yiyang said generously.

So, a man and a woman, two pure lovers.

The two were three feet apart, and on this dark mountain, one lectured and the other listened.

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