Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 261: innocence and need


After Wen Rensheng sat down, he listened to Xu Rong talk about her research project, and interrupted halfway through:

"You said that the combination of this targeted drug and the mysterious power has no successful precedent? As far as I know, such a drug has not been sold on the market."

"Yes, this is one of the most cutting-edge topics. Some drugs have been successful in the laboratory, so I will bring back one." Xu Rong said, and took out a glass drug from the women's bag beside him bottle.

I saw a faint green mist shrouded inside the medicine bottle, which was an obvious alien power.

Wen Rensheng nodded, but did not show any special surprise, after all, he had just seen the turtle's breath medicine.

But he still said: "Remember that America has always pursued a technical blockade of our country, how did you take the drugs out of the customs?"

"Oh, there are also many good people in America, like my doctoral advisor, Professor Thomson, who yearns for our China and believes that China is the beacon of mankind and the hope of the world..." Xu Rong said proudly, "This is He let me clear the drug through personal relationships, saying that only in China can this drug be truly popularized and used for everyone, instead of being a private health care product for a few powerful people."

Ouyang Tian nodded and said: "Yes, if this medicine is put in America, it can be widely promoted, and they will not promote it. It will only set a sky-high price so that a few rich people can buy it. After all, this involves xenogeneic species. A drug of strength, not an ordinary drug."

Wen Rensheng looked at the medicine bottle full of green mist, comparing it with the memory of his previous life.

Because of the infiltration of aliens, the big chaebol in this life of America is even more powerful, and the ability to control the situation is far better than that of the previous life.

They will not allow a large amount of alien power to flow into the body of ordinary people to prevent any mutation from threatening their true status.

Only by acting as cannon fodder can ordinary people get the chance to get close to aliens, such as the imitation aliens.

In the previous life, they passed the dual education system, allowing the family to monopolize the position of the upper class for generations. And this time, it's more convenient.

The rarity and formidable power of alien species are simply a natural monopoly tool, perfectly combined with money.

With the help of equal money, a threshold is established that is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

One million dollars to get a chance to activate and get close to the alien, how many American families can do this?

You must know that the average annual income of the average American family is only 20,000 US dollars, which is about half lower than that of the Chinese people, not to mention that they rarely save.

The exchange rate of Shenyuan to US dollars in this world is 1:2. A worker in a large steel factory in Shenzhou can get hundreds of thousands of Shenzhou dollars. In America, it is properly above the middle class.

Xu Rong Jianwen Rensheng did not speak or urge, but just waited patiently.

After a long time, Wen Rensheng finally spoke: "I can try research, but I hope you can show me the corresponding research materials first. Of course, I can sign a confidentiality contract with you and pay you a technology transfer fee based on the value."

It just so happened that he had just learned mysterious healing before, and it had not been converted into a skill.

If the medical knowledge behind this drug can be combined, it should be helpful to the progress of the treatment. After all, the two have the same goal, both for the purpose of treating the human body.

"This, of course, is very good, then thank you Mr. Wenren. I believe that with your help, this drug will soon be put into industrial production for the benefit of people all over the world." Xu Rong said happily .

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he subconsciously stared at the other party.

With the lessons of the past life, whenever someone mentions something that will benefit the world, he wants to include the other party in the scope of the Virgin...

But no matter what the Virgin says, it's better than a cruel and calculating villain.

He no longer thought about it, but nodded and said: "Then thank you for your kind words, let me see the technical information you brought first."

Xu Rong heard Wen Rensheng say this, and if he didn't speak again, he immediately forwarded a technical document to Wen Rensheng from his mobile phone.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he immediately smiled. Even though she was 28 years old, she still thought of a student.

If the businessman is thinking, seeing that he is interested, he will definitely shirk temporarily, and then sell the goods to three companies, so he will not hand over the technical information so neatly.

Wen Rensheng then looked down at the phone and nodded from time to time.

Looking at it, there was a sudden knock on the door of the box.

Ouyang Tian got up to open the door. He thought it was a waiter, but he saw a young man with a pale complexion.

"Who are you?" he asked politely.

"I'm Yan Ze, and I happened to be here on a business trip. I heard that Brother Wenren was drinking coffee here, so I came to have a look." Yan Ze probed into the box.

Wen Rensheng had already stood up and walked over, greeting him lightly, "It turns out it's Brother Yan, it's really fate, I don't know why Xiongtai came here?"

"Well, I heard that you found a magic medicine here in Dongshui. We Duzun will be very interested and want to take part in it." Yan Ze smiled, as if he and Wen Rensheng didn't have any disagreements before.

Wen Rensheng said thoughtfully, "Then you guys are really well informed."

"Haha, Mingren don't speak secretly, in fact we have been paying attention to that kind of medicine for a long time. It's just that geniuses are not easy to be disturbed, so they have not done it. Now the inspection department is intervening, those gentlemen are too slow, we can Can't wait." Yan Ze said without concealment.

"Uh, are you also an xenogeneic expert?" Xu Rong interjected cautiously, she was very interested in the magic medicine in their mouths.

This is like a game ashes player seeing the next-generation masterpiece, it is impossible not to be moved.

"Oh, who is this?" Yan Ze turned his head and asked.

"This is Dr. Xu Rong, who has returned from overseas. She is working on the research and development of mysterious drugs. Her technology has been recognized by my cousin." Ouyang Tian hurriedly said to his target.

Xu Rong was immediately grateful to Ouyang Tian, ​​she knew that although her identity was decent, in the eyes of these aliens, it was nothing.

After all, she can only produce a large number of ordinary talents in 30 years. There are people everywhere, and they can hire a lot of them for $300,000.

"Oh, so that's the case. I'm lucky to meet. I don't know what mysterious drug Miss Xu is doing?" Yan Ze seemed to be interested.

"Oh, I'm working on the mystification of a targeted drug, and I hope to industrialize it and become a gospel for ordinary people, and it can benefit people all over the world." Xu Rong said seriously.

It was obvious that she really thought so.

"So, maybe your medicine is pretty good, but your thoughts are very naive." Yan Ze shook his head.

Xu Rong was a little unhappy: "Sir, what do you mean?"

Although everyone has different identities, their personalities are the same, and she cannot allow anyone to insult her ideals.

"It's very simple, what does it benefit the whole world? If there is a good medicine, it can only be used by us Shenzhou people. To be more specific, it should only be used by people who have the hope of becoming an alien." Yan Ze said it for granted.

"Why is this? Isn't everyone's life the same?" Xu Rong was horrified, how could someone say such an incorrect thing for granted.

"Of course it's not the same. If everyone can use such a good medicine, how can we make us Shenzhou people feel superior? How can we attract talents from all over the world? America relies on its unique technology. Only by using the system can attract many talents every year. They will never release those technologies for the benefit of mankind.”

Yan Ze seemed to suddenly have an inexplicable interest, and even started a debate with an ordinary person.

Only Wen Rensheng understood that the other party was a drunkard, not drinking, it was for himself.

"That's why they are not the hope of mankind, the beacon of the world." Although Xu Rong is 28 years old, he is still a student thinking, and he is arguing at the moment, "And we have always had the concept of harmony in the world and equality of all living beings, and we are willing to give everyone opportunities. Only then can the world return to its heart, and of course, we must shoulder the responsibility of saving the world.”

"Sure enough, it's naive. The real fact is that the world has to be divided into three, six, nine, and nine, in order to meet people's eternal spiritual needs - the need to pretend." Yan Ze actually began to give the other party a psychology course.

Wen Rensheng was really speechless when he heard it, but the other party wasn't messing around either. Don't you see a forum for pretending to be forceful? I don't know how many people from outside worked hard to come back and pretend to be forceful.

Although there are many people who haven't learned dialectics can't seek truth from facts... So there are many people who pretend to be fools.

Xu Rong helped her glasses, she felt very troublesome.

Because the other party is a xenogeneic expert, this means that the other party not only has the capital to mess around, but also has the power to carry out his ideas.

This kind of people is the most terrible, they have the ability to do evil.

After a while, she said, "Maybe what you said makes sense, but I firmly believe that the ultimate bright way is to make everyone live well."

"Hmph, stupid, just like some people, only when the cruel jungle age comes again will you understand how hypocritical your thoughts are." Yan Ze said here, no more words, and turned and left the box.

The three looked at each other and did not speak for a while.

"Cousin, what's the matter with this person, did he grow up drinking sea water?" Ouyang Tian stared at the other's back.

Wen Rensheng shook his head: "It's okay, he came after me, and it has nothing to do with you."

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