Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 278: Ban and repression


The reason why Wen Rensheng attributed the reason to the power of bad luck was because Lao Zhao was anxious and made a mistake just now, and said Inoue Zhizi was Ye Ye's younger sister, but Inoue Ye Ye didn't hear it.

In fact, she is the younger sister, as can be seen from the name, there are branches first and leaves later.

Such obvious loopholes have not been heard, which shows how much the IQ has been reduced.

What a pity.

However, it is in line with his current needs. If he is too smart, it will not be easy to start.

The fetus is too fragile, and if the other party wants to hurt, it is easy to succeed.

Since it takes the initiative to leave at this time, it will be much more worry-free.

After discovering that the big green dot was separated from the small green dot, Wen Rensheng took the opportunity to use the "spiritual imperial technique" and began to try to control the big green dot.

The other party was shocked and seemed to resist instinctively.

However, the power in the shadows made its resistance very scattered.

It didn't take long for the big green dot to be controlled under the control of the imperial spirit.

At this time, in the real world, Inoue Leaf was shaking all over, like the snowflake-like signal of an old TV.

Not just snowflake jitter, but even old-fashioned TV-like noise.

"Squeaky lala..."

"Rao, spare me." It began to beg for mercy, more water flowed from the clothes and hands from time to time, I don't know if it was tears or well water.

"Your sins are heavy, I can't forgive you." Lao Zhao shook his head.

"I'm your wife's sister. I'm innocent. They made me do this." Inoue Ye Ye's body kept shattering.

Under the crushing of the master-level spirit control technique, it took the initiative to break away from the possessed body, which meant that it had nothing to rely on and was suddenly weak.

"Every perpetrator will put the blame on others when they finally fail, alas," Lao Zhao said, taking out a jade box from behind and sighing, "However, it seems that you haven't done too much yet. The evil is my wife's sister again, I won't kill your sanity first, I will seal you up first, and how I will deal with you in the end depends on the intention of the Inspectorate."

He said so, and finally put the jade box in front of Wen Rensheng.

Wen Rensheng opened his eyes and looked at Mr. Zhao, showing a questioning look: The other party had clearly said before that he wanted to obliterate evil spirits and turn them into nutrients for his children's growth.

Is this a temporary change of mind now?

Mr. Zhao nodded slightly to him.

Wen Rensheng stopped wasting time, so he controlled the green dot and transferred it into the jade box.

This jade box is obviously very unique, and it should be a suppression tool given to Lao Zhao by the Inspection Division.

When transferring into the jade box, he saw its prompt at the same time.

"Soul Box: Forbidden Spiritual Body."

"Mystery: 200."

"Mysterious Composition: Banning Ceremony."

Sure enough, it is a suppression tool, but unfortunately, there is no upper limit on the mystery. It seems that more unknown mysterious objects need to be discovered now.

After all, his upper limit of mystery is already 274, and many masters only have this level.

At this time, Ye Ye Inoue only had time to shout the last sentence:

"I was deceived by you!"

It seems that he is probably awake in the end, but do you really think that you are Sun Dasheng...

Wen Rensheng didn't take it for granted, an evil thing that deceives people every day, this is just self-inflicted.

Then Lao Zhao took the jade box and asked, "Are there any other questions?"

"I can't see it now, it's better to ask others to check it again." Wen Rensheng looked at Inoue Branch and shook his head.

"Keko Inoue, mystery: 0/2."

The other party is already an ordinary person.

But because of the lessons learned, he couldn't make a ticket.

Mysterious Seeds still have flaws, and there is still a long way to go if they want to achieve perfection.

When Lao Zhao heard this, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll invite those three friends to come and see."

He walked out of the door as he spoke, and not long after, he brought three middle-aged men, A, middle-aged women, and C, in one after another.

The three of them came to Inoue Keeko's side, poked out three mists, and checked at the same time.

After an unknown amount of time, the three of them looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"Old Zhao, it seems that there should be no problem now, but in view of the previous situation, Mrs. Zun had better move to a safe enough place to take care of her, and you'd better stay close." The middle-aged woman B suggested.

"Thank you, I will try my best to do it." The three old Zhaochong cupped their hands.

Wen Rensheng observed for a while, then turned his head and whispered to Wei Yiqing, "Master, do you think there is still a problem?"

"There is no problem now." Wei Yiqing began to take out her phone to look at it.

"Will there be problems in the future?"

"We'll talk about it later."

Hmm, perfect answer.

At this moment, the middle-aged man A turned his head and glanced at the two people in the conversation, thoughtfully.

Then he whispered to Lao Zhao: "These two are from your company, right? It's a bit too strong. Even this kind of thing can be done so concisely and perfectly, it's unbelievable, how on earth do you treat people Did you get it?"

"It's all friends. We are brothers and sisters. It's not a relationship between a boss and an employee. We can't use the word digging, but we all start a business together." Lao Zhao said modestly.

"Haha, you are really humble." Man A shook his head.

"That's the truth." Lao Zhao held the jade box and made a phone call.

This time, Inspector Liu brought people in.

An event that involves many things and runs through from beginning to end is finally coming to an end.

Wen Rensheng watched quietly.

It's just that the reminder of the completion of the event in my mind has not yet appeared. It seems that as usual, it can only be concluded after the inspection department's conclusion.

"Thank you all, this time is very serious. Fortunately, God bless Shenzhou, let us dig out this big hidden danger in advance, so that it will not explode in the future." Inspector Liu said seriously.

The middle-aged man B said: "If you want me to say, it's time for another round of combing. Check it from top to bottom. Calculate the time, it's almost time."

"Yeah, every 30 years, this year is almost the same."

"The time will have to be shortened in the future. After all, others have developed now."

The three suggested, and Inspector Liu nodded: "I will report your opinions, thank you for making such valuable suggestions."

"After all, this place is our foundation for begging for food, and we can't let outsiders come in." Man A said naturally.

Lao Zhao didn't help, but his face was embarrassed.

After all, this happened to him. In any case, he couldn't blame him. As the boss of a big company, his strength is not bad, but his wife has become a tool used by spies...

If this is spread out, the reputation of Tianxing Company will definitely lose a lot.

If the boss can't handle the mysterious events around him, can others rest assured?

Inspector Liu said two more words, and looked at Inoue Zhizi with a somewhat embarrassed Mr. Zhao, according to reason, we have to take Mrs. Zun to monitor it thoroughly. It's just that she is pregnant and the fetus is already very large, in order to prevent accidents, you can only send someone to supervise, and you will take care of it. ' he finally said.

"Thank you for your kindness. I will definitely cooperate with the work of the Inspectorate Division. I've really caused you a lot of trouble. It's because I was stubborn and didn't listen to Manager Wenren's earlier advice, which led to today's tragedy." He was sincere and sincere. said.

Wen Rensheng smiled, the other party was not stubborn, but greedy.

At that time, after receiving his own reminder, he did not act immediately. He must have been thinking of slowly turning the evil spirit into spiritual nourishment for his children, so that he would be born with a powerful talent.

Until the Inoue Yeba incident, this could not be delayed, and could only be dealt with decisively.

And because of Ye Ye Inoue's previous threat to turn his son into a woman, he temporarily changed his mind and gave up destroying the other's sanity.

Unless he doesn't care about a **** son.

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