Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 288: kindness and understanding


Wu Shanshan waited patiently until Wen Rensheng completed the entire project, when he saw his face suddenly changed, rubbing the outline of the armor, and sighed long.

"What's the matter? I think you're doing fine." She asked with concern.

"No, I suddenly remembered something. I don't care about the helmet. The armor is not mine. It was stolen by Wang Wenwen from her house. It was supposed to be shown to me, and she will return it..." Wen Rensheng said quietly. .

Wu Shanshan immediately said indifferently: "Uh, then you can just buy it."

"Uh, of course it's fine to buy it, but Wang Wenwen will definitely have a meal." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Wu Shanshan reluctantly said: "That's a no-brainer. We can't take the prepared puppet back. I can feel it. If you take it back, the armor will have no spirituality."

"Yeah, that's my trouble."

Wen Rensheng nodded, then got up, carried the ancient general's armor, and came to the living room.

Wang Wenwen and Zhao Han are still playing with his collections.

"This plate is so scary. After looking at it for a long time, my back gets chills, as if someone is standing behind you." Zhao Han stared at the blood-red porcelain plate with the truth of the murder and said.

"You're right, there is someone standing behind you now, a man and a woman." Wang Wenwen whispered.

Zhao Han shivered with fright, turned around and saw that Wen Rensheng and Wu Shanshan were standing behind him, and then he hit Wang Wenwen with his fists.

"You don't need to knock her, someone will knock her," Wen Rensheng said, "Wenwen, the armor you brought is very good, since you said before that Lingtang put it on the shelf, then I bought it, and also It is good to turn waste into treasure.”

"Uh, didn't you tell me to appreciate it before, did you give it back to me?" Wang Wenwen suddenly had a headache.

If my mother found out, she would definitely be furious.

Wen Rensheng said solemnly: "Well, things change. After I admired it, I found it to be very useful, so I wanted to buy it."

"Oh, there's no way, you give me the armor, I secretly put it back, and then you can buy it from my mother." Wang Wenwen was smart, and he quickly thought of a solution.

"It's okay to give it back to you, even if you have an extra head, you still can't explain it." Wen Rensheng showed her the concocted armor.

Wang Wenwen watched it for a while, and the skull nested on the helmet glowed faintly, making people palpitate.

She turned her face and said, "That's easy. Wouldn't it be better if you take off your head?"

"This is the problem, the head cannot be removed. If it is removed, the armor is really dead," Wen Rensheng shook his head, "Forget it, let's tell the facts as they are. After all, I have a responsibility for this, I believe Lingtang will Forgive you."

"Uh, she will probably forgive me... forgive me with the big sole." Wang Wenwen subconsciously rubbed an indescribable part.

"I'll tell you." Wen Rensheng didn't hesitate, and started to make a phone call.

Not long after, Wang Cuiyan's phone got through.

Wen Rensheng briefly explained the matter, beyond Wang Wenwen's expectations, Wang Cuiyan said very generously:

"The broken armor that Lao Zhao gave me is not worth a lot of money. Thanks to Manager Wenren taking care of the child these days, I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha and give it to Manager Wenren. It's useless for me anyway, it can be turned into a waste. Bao, it's good too."

"Then I will be disrespectful. Thank you Mr. Wang for his generosity."

"You are Welcome."

Wang Wenwen changed his face after listening to the whole process.

"Well, see? For your students, things that are very big and serious are actually nothing in the adult world. So if you do something wrong, you must not cover it up, keep it in your heart, and It is to speak out bravely and find a solution with everyone..." Wen Rensheng took the opportunity to teach a lesson.

Wu Shanshan said disdainfully from the side: "Hmph, what you said is righteous and dignified, isn't it you who did the wrong thing this time?"

Wen Rensheng also turned a deaf ear, and continued to talk to himself: "That's it, you have to be brave enough to take responsibility, so that the incident will not deteriorate to the point where you can't handle it, and you will have a chance to turn back. It's not terrible to do something wrong, what's terrible is to make mistakes again and again. wrong, irreversible."

Wang Wenwen didn't care about what Wu Shanshan said, and said very seriously: "Thank you teacher for your guidance."

As smart as her, how could she not know that her mother would give something to Wen Rensheng so lightly, all for herself, because she wanted the other party to teach her to become a talent more wholeheartedly...

Over the past few months, she has clearly understood the power of Wen Rensheng, which is a great treasure.

Top students with the same aptitude and the same effort can go to the top 2 with the teaching of a famous teacher; without the teaching of a famous teacher, they can only go to the top 15 with the same hard work. This is the difference between having a famous teacher or not.

The allocation of resources has never been based on how big the real strength gap between you is, but mostly based on rankings.

There is a huge premium for ranking first compared to ranking second.

Thinking of this, Wang Wenwen made a decision to go home and cook a dinner for his mother today as a reward...

I am not an ungrateful child.

With this kind of awareness, Wang Wenxing hurriedly returned to his home in the evening - the three-story garden building in the school district near Dongshui No. 1 Middle School.

"Wang Wenwen, you are getting more and more courageous!" As soon as she entered the door, the door behind her closed automatically.

In front of him was the vicious Wang Cuiyan who was holding slippers and waiting in a serious line.

"Damn, if I knew I shouldn't have come back!" Wang Wenwen turned around and ran away.

She regretted her kindness at this time...

But a newcomer xenogeneic, where can you outrun a xenogeneic expert.

Two steps later, she was picked up by Wang Cuiyan like an eagle catching a chicken, and she was pushed down on the sofa.

"Ah, I was wrong, the mother-in-law tapped lightly!" She begged for mercy aloud.

"Dare to shake me smart!"

"Clap clap clap..."

"Do you dare to steal my things next time?" Wang Cuiyan said fiercely.

"Damn, I was very moved when you gave something to the teacher just now. When I got home, I wanted to make a meal for you as a reward. You should regret it now, all my emotions have been blown away by you, and your dinner is gone. "..." Wang Wenwen said stubbornly.

Wang Cuiyan showed no mercy, and said, "Alas, how can you have such a good heart? I really didn't see it. You just want to say something nice, and I'll be merciful. Tell you, you are wrong. , there are dutiful sons under the sticks, and good people under the yellow thorns. Today I must beat you until you fully understand your mistakes!"

Wang Wenwen had nothing to say, and felt both pain and grievance in his heart.

Why is Teacher Wenren's family so harmonious? Father and son understand that they can't communicate with this stubborn old lady...

God, why can't everyone trust each other?

The next day, Wang Wenwen limped back to Wen Rensheng's house early in the morning.

Zhao Han, who was reading in the morning, was shocked when she saw this, and came to help her.

"What's wrong with you, who beat you like this?" She was sympathetic and pitiful.

"I was deceived by the teacher. He said that on the premise that there must be a parent who can understand the child... I followed the script, and it really paid off." Wang Wenwen turned into the living room, lay on the sofa, and said very depressed.

Zhao Han went to get her the wound medicine and let her rest.

This will rest until the afternoon.

Wen Rensheng came back from the company, and after listening to Zhao Han's story, he was also helpless.

I can't handle it myself, but I have to figure out a way to solve it. After all, Wang Wenwen was beaten, and he did have his own responsibility.

After thinking about it for a while, he said seriously: "Well, didn't Shan Shan set up an adventure park? I thought of designing a scene to invite your mother to play there with you on Saturday, so as to create an opportunity for mother and daughter to understand."

"I don't want to understand her, I hate her! Kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs, and a dog bites Lu Dongbin..." Wang Wenwen was furious and vented indiscriminately.

"Okay, Wenwen, Auntie is also doing it for you. I don't want you to make mistakes again." Zhao Han turned around.

"Hmph, other people's parents, the child will not do it again after the age of 12. She is good, I will beat me if I make a mistake, and I will scold me if I am lazy. I have been easy to beat and scold since I was a child..." Wang Wenwen began to talk about himself history of suffering.

Zhao Han had a lingering fear when he heard it. It turned out that fine iron was made like this.

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