Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 296: unlucky


Meanwhile, thousands of miles away.

Wen Rensheng, who was sitting in the study, suddenly opened his eyes and showed a faint smile.

He didn't expect that armored puppets could also trigger mysterious events.

"Transplantation of xenogeneic species: boiled beans and burned bean sprouts, the beans weep in the kettle. They are born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other?"

"Mystery: 15."

"Mysterious Composition: Surface Brothers,???"

This incident itself is nothing, it is only 15 points of mystery, it is nothing more than that boring sneaky calculation...

With his eyes closed, he could figure out what was going on.

What he is really happy about is that since the armored puppet can trigger mysterious events, he can free himself in the future.

It's not a fake flight like Wang Wenwen's, it's a real flight.

I don't know how many mysterious disasters occur in various places every year, but firstly, his clone is weak, and secondly, the dangers in many places are unknown, and without information, he can't go into it casually.

If you go into it indiscriminately, it is reckless and ignorant, and the wise do not do it.

And now the armored puppets that are connected with each other can do this, so they can do these inconvenient things. The efficiency of improving the mystery can also be greatly increased.

Just like the Shenzhou Ocean Fleet, before the unmanned warships mature, they will not deeply suppress many places of maritime disasters, and can only warn the surrounding waters.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng planned to use the armor puppet to solve this incident, as a test to lay the foundation for the future.

He closed his eyes and switched his perspective to the armored puppet again.

At this moment, the door to the operating room was opened.

Wen Rende walked out alone, with confusion in his eyes, excitement, and disbelief, rubbing his hands from time to time.

Wu Liansong stopped the conversation with Hua Shangtian's family, and quickly came over and said with concern: "Ade, how do you feel?"

"It feels very complicated." Wen Rende thought about it for a while before coming up with a suitable word.

"Didn't the transplant process go smoothly?" Wu Liansong asked nervously.

"No, the transplant process went very smoothly. Everyone was talking and laughing inside. The chief surgeon even asked me to invite him to dinner. He said that he spent a little more effort so that I could come down after the operation. As expected..." Wen Rende will talk about the things in the transplant room one by one.

Wu Liansong immediately relaxed: "Isn't that good? You are hypocritical, obviously it is a big happy event, so you are not happy? You have to think about it."

"You still have to be kind. After all, this is based on the sacrifice of others. If I earned it by myself, of course I can be as happy as I want." Wen Rende shook his head.

When Wu Liansong heard this, he squinted at the flower, and the difference was obvious.

Wen Rende and the Master Ding had never known each other before, so he still had such complicated feelings; Hua Buer and his brother were brothers, but they didn't understand his brother's feelings at all. How could there be any brotherhood?

And this young man is also very young, so he is not worried that his impatient mood will arouse disgust and make his brother regret halfway.

There are actually many such things.

At this moment, Hua Buer was holding his mother's hand and said, "Mom, since the surgery is not today, let's go back first."

"Wait, no, be polite, now your dad is talking to the noble." The middle-aged woman explained in a low voice.

"Noble, what kind of noble is he?" Hua Buer said a little unconvinced.

The middle-aged woman immediately said, "He should be your brother Hua Youcong's cultivation target, a mysterious expert."

"Why can't I see it? What's so strange about that uncle?" Hua Buer disbelieved.

"It's said that you are smarter than your brother, why are you so stupid when it comes to important matters?" The middle-aged woman said with hatred, "If it weren't for the mysterious expert, would your dad be so careful and stick it on?"

When Hua Buer heard this, her body trembled slightly, but she quickly regained her composure.

He didn't know that the details of his behavior were taken in the eyes of the indifferent armored puppet.

At this time, Hua Shangtian had already walked over and started chatting with Wen Rende again.

This is the essence of human beings, forcibly bringing the relationship between the two sides of the original stranger, and even the degree of disgust, to the point of getting to know each other, and abruptly finding a little network resource.

It's just that Hua Shangtian doesn't know that his approach can bring certain benefits most of the time, but sometimes, it is a fire.

Just like now.

The armored puppet glanced at everyone, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and started to make a call.

"Is it the Inspectorate? There is an abnormal situation here, please send someone to support it."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, wondering why the security guard said there was an abnormal situation. Obviously, there was nothing abnormal. Everyone just talked and chatted, and no one offended anyone.

That Hua Buer was shocked, he grabbed his mother's hand and said, "Mom, let's go."

"This, we can't go, if we go, doesn't it mean that we are really abnormal?" The middle-aged woman shook her head, but instead grabbed her son's hand to prevent him from running away alone.

Not long after, four security guards in blue uniforms ran to the front and back of the corridor and surrounded everyone.

"This gentleman, is there any misunderstanding?" Hua Shangtian was a little surprised, and he asked himself that he had no bad intentions.

I just want to have a relationship. After all, those who can transplant xenogeneics are definitely not ordinary people, and they have the meaning of making friends.

He can't always run for nothing, that's something he can't bear.

Wu Liansong glanced at the armored puppet, of course he knew who was behind it.

"What happened?" he asked in a low voice, walking over.

"There is a problem with this family. It's too coincidental. In order to prevent it, we need to control them and ask." Wen Rensheng responded with the help of the armored puppet's body.

"As long as you're happy, I don't see any threat anyway." Wu Liansong felt that it was a bit of a fuss, but he still gave in.

It didn't take long for the family of four to be taken to the security room for questioning at the same time.

The armored puppet man controlled by Wen Rensheng naturally chose the most suspicious Hua Buer.

"Why did you arrest me? What evidence do you have?" Hua Buer was both panicked and angry.

"This is not an arrest, it's just because you were in an inappropriate area at an inappropriate time, so you need to routinely ask." The armored puppet asked coldly.

Hearing what he said, Hua Buer calmed down instead, and he urged, "Then what exactly do you want to ask? After I answer, you have to let me go quickly."

"Why did you happen to show up outside the operating room so coincidentally?"

"Didn't my dad say it? It was my mother who misremembered the date in February and took the last day as today." Hua Buer thought hard, of course he remembered what had just happened.

"Xenotransplantation is so important, how could she remember the wrong date without confirming it with the doctor in advance?"

"Then you ask her to go, I don't know." Hua Buer said indifferently.

"Xenogeneity is very precious, why did your brother give you a xenotransplantation?"

"Didn't he say it himself? His cultivation progress is slow, and he wants me to try it. I said, why do you keep asking about things you already know?" Hua Buer was already a little impatient.

"I'm afraid there is something else about his slow"

Without any basis, he asked directly, and Wen Rensheng would not have done it lightly before to defraud the suspect.

Although efficient, it is easy to be beaten in the face.

But now that the face is not his, of course he has to choose an efficient way, and use it boldly as long as it is legal.

"Hmph, the xenotransplantation between our brothers has been strictly reviewed. If you think there is a problem in it, go to those doctors, but they haven't found the problem." Hua Buer has regained his confidence.

Even after going through the long inspection process, he absolutely did not believe that the man in the mask who had only seen it once could see something unexpected.

However, it's all my mother's problem. If I didn't read the wrong date, there wouldn't be such a bad thing today!

Tomorrow, you will be able to get the aliens smoothly, and then you will be a genius!

How unlucky!

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