Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 300: angry sadness

As the real protagonist of the script, Hua Youcong can be said to be experiencing the psychological impact from **** to the eighteenth hell.

Originally, the xenograft was transplanted, although he was loyal by nature, he couldn't feel good in his heart.

Now that the entrustment is inhuman, and even under the strong dissuasion of the senior experts, the entrustment is still inhuman, and it is even more uncomfortable.

His emotions are about to burst now.

Anger, regret, pain, sadness... all came to my mind.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had practiced before, if he was replaced by other ordinary peers, his mind would have been blank at this time, and the scene would be down.

It didn't take long for him to suddenly go crazy and swim desperately in the direction Hua Fuji fled.

"Hua Fuji, stop for me and come back!"

As he sprinted, he shouted.

Hua Buer was escaping, when he turned his head and saw that his brother was swimming no slower than him, even a little faster, and he was shocked.

He didn't expect his brother to lose the alien species, as well as this power.

It's really different from an organ transplant. With that kind of transplant, after ten days and a half months, the patient dares to get out of bed and walk around?

He hurriedly stepped up his strength to swim and tried again to distance himself.

At this time, Wen Rensheng, as the speedboat gradually approached the scene of the incident, had passed the armored puppet and saw everything that happened at the scene from a distance.

Of course, the speedboat driver can't see clearly, after all, the distance is still too far for ordinary people.

He couldn't help but be amazed, is the script concocted by this alien still going to be changed again?

Hua Buer was swimming desperately, but he never imagined that, first, he had just acquired a xenogeneic species, and second, he was only 16 years old and his body was not fully developed.

As for his elder brother, Hua Youcong, who just lost his alien species, he still retains some of his strength, and his body is 19 years old, which belongs to the strongest period.

In addition, he is a student, and his swimming skills are limited to school swimming lessons, and Hua Youcong has a different species for several years and has trained for a long time.

After going back and forth, the distance between the two sides is still narrowing in a way that is visible to the naked eye!

"No, that's impossible!" Hua Fuer exclaimed, then ran away desperately.

But the objective laws are not based on his personal will, and he was finally caught up by his brother!

"Go back and save our parents!"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Hua Youcong did not beat Hua Buer, but ordered strongly.

Hua Fu'er was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly said, "If you save them, I'm going to die! I don't want to die, do you want to kill me?"

"You can't die. I know the power of xenomorphs best," Hua Youcong repeated. "If you are at an endangered moment, it will release even greater power to protect you. It doesn't know how many years it has experienced. A little strength is not a consumption at all!"

When Hua Buer heard this, his eyes turned fierce, he nodded and said, "Okay, I will go and save them."

When Hua Shangtian and Hua Mu saw this, they always felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell.

At this time, the yacht driver instead shouted, "Don't listen to your unconscionable brother's promise, he is just delaying time, and when you lose your strength, he will still escape alone! He just wants to kill everyone! You! It's best to quickly grab that alien species back!"

"Don't listen to him, he's just worried about himself. I can only save two people, certainly not him. He wants us to kill each other and then take away the alien species." Hua Buer argued strongly.

"Thank you, uncle, I'll drag you away." Hua Youcong shouted at the yacht driver.

"Hey, you fool, you have been deceived, we all have to die! The villain has no conscience!" The yacht driver said very depressed.

Watching a good person choose a dead end without heeding advice is such an unpleasant feeling!

Hua Shangtian watched it for a while, and then suddenly shouted, "You Cong, this gentleman is right, you grab the alien species first! Don't believe this white-eyed wolf anymore!"

The flower mother shouted repeatedly, "Second child, why are you so confused, what the **** did I do wrong, and you still want to kill me! You were born in October!"

Hearing everyone's condemnation, Hua Buer seemed a little frightened, and quickly cupped his hands and pleaded, "Brother, I was wrong, I was still a child, I was just confused for a while, please forgive me, if you take away the alien species, I will die. "

Hua Youcong was in a dilemma for a while and hesitated.

But at this moment, Hua Buer saw the opportunity for his brother to relax his vigilance, and suddenly drew a dagger from his waist and stabbed Hua Youcong in his leg!

"Ah!" Hua Youcong was in great pain, clutching her legs, unable to believe, "You, you really want to kill me?"

The dagger was obviously prepared by the other party.

Hua Buer didn't care to pull out the dagger, he fled again, and said from a distance, "Hmph, I didn't want to do this, you forced me! But fortunately, I'm trying to save myself, that knife is not fatal, they won't So deprive me of the alien species!"

After saying this, he walked away triumphantly and left a sentence.

"You can catch up if you have the ability!"

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng suddenly remembered a sentence that someone said, whoever has no lower limit and who is more shameless in a close relationship has the advantage.

He can't stand it anymore. The script has been deduced here, and the scars on Hua Youcong's mind have been enough for him to digest for ten years. It's time to take action.

Although it is not as effective as the original script, he believes that Hua Youcong would not want the original script even if he died, and he doesn't even need to ask.

It's just that Wen Rensheng just wanted to let the speedboat driver speed up to save people, and the situation changed again.

Hua Youcong looked at his brother's back, and then looked back at his desperate parents and the innocent yacht driver.

He gritted his teeth hard, with tears in his eyes, "Fu Er, don't blame me! You brought this all on your own! I'm going to **** the alien species back!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled out the dagger from his leg and slammed it towards his brother's swimming right arm!

At this time, the distance between the two of them at sea was more than ten meters.

With such a distance, ordinary people can miss a target as large as a human body if they train well, but if they want to specify a certain part, the difficulty will be greatly increased.

As a result, the dagger was impartial, not only did it not hit the arm, but instead hit Hua Fuer's vest!

"You, you..." Hua Buer was shocked and stopped in pain. He stretched out his hand to reach for the dagger on his back, but then quickly lost his strength.

He turned his head and said with difficulty, "Brother, you really have the heart to kill me?"

"I, I killed my brother? No, I didn't want to kill you, I just wanted to aim at your arm and make you stop." Hua Youcong was terrified, looking at his hands, the blood on one hand.

The blood was his own.

"You, you are indeed a hypocrite! Everything is designed by you, and you are the most despicable person! You lied to everyone!" After Hua Buer said these words, she tilted her head and floated in the sea. up, never said a word.

"No, I didn't lie, I never lied!" Hua Youcong said in pain.

"You Cong, don't hesitate, get back the alien species!"

Hua Shangtian quickly woke up from the death of his youngest son. In fact, since the other party said that sentence against the sky, he had never given birth to this son.

Now that Hua Fuer was dead, he felt a cruel pleasure, better than anything.

Hua Youcong was sluggish. He listened to his father's words in a daze, and then swam over with difficulty, pulling out a long red blood behind him.

Wen Rensheng was a little confused when he saw this.

It seems that the seed of grief does not want to do anything, is it because he is worried that after the truth is exposed, he will turn against his host in the future?

It's just that he just had this idea when he saw an even more tragic scene.

When Hua Youcong swam over with difficulty, just about to take out the alien from his brother's chest, Hua Fuer suddenly raised his head, pulled out a new dagger again, and stabbed his other leg!

Under the severe pain, Hua Youcong was a little surprised: "You, brother, you are not dead!"

" Don't forget that I'm already a xenogeneic, this knife can't kill me right away! But I hate it, I can't live anymore! But I want you to watch, everyone All die before your eyes!"

Hua Fuji roared like this, then turned around and swam towards his parents and the yacht driver.

"You, stop it, the one who killed you is me, if you want to kill me, kill me!" Hua Youcong wanted to stop the other party, but his legs were stabbed, how could he have the strength to rush over.

Originally, he wanted to get back the alien species, relying on the power of the alien species to stop the bleeding and recover.

"Hmph, I'll let you, a hypocrite, die in pain and self-blame, just wait!" Hua Fuer's eyes were red, completely crazy.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he sighed and was slapped in the face again, and knew that he couldn't expect an inhuman alien species to set the lower limit of the script's humanity.

Fortunately, he didn't say it, and no one in this world would know.

"Master, increase the speed to the fastest, there seems to be an accident over there." He just ordered so calmly, as if he didn't know anything.

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