Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 306: richest home

These people didn't think wrong, Wen Rensheng really planned to sprint towards the master level.

Isn't it 64 times?

The maximum mystery degree of 700 is not much, not much, and it is still 420 points away.

All the major events he has experienced in the past six months have stimulated him.

Alien people are arrogant and arrogant, while ordinary people have a rich life, blind self-confidence, and do not know how to make progress.

Shenzhou looks like flowers and brocade, and the fire is cooking oil. In fact, it is like the Grand View Garden of the Red House, and another round of decline is coming.

Whether it is an aircraft carrier fleet or a sea beast, they are like Princess Yuan visiting relatives.

The Inspectorate's efforts to mobilize mysterious experts to turn to research and logistics just show that they are aware of the imminent danger.

The present is a period of great changes in technology and mystery. Once you can’t keep up with the trend and hit rock bottom, you won’t have the chance to re-emerge like your previous life.

It is very likely that it is like Nanzhu and Sanan in this world... It will never turn over and become the role of the experimental area and the flood discharge area.

There are powerful alien species in this world, which are not the same as in the previous life. The previous life was a materialistic world. The weak were large enough to withstand external influences and had the opportunity to improve themselves.

This life is different. Although aliens can't handle modern weapons, they can twist people's hearts.

Wen Rensheng has a great teaching and scholarship, and understands the power of it best.

With this thought in mind, he said goodbye to the others, and then left the Chief Inspector.

Liu Xuncha and the others looked at the back of him leaving, and Cheng Ning suddenly said, "Why do I think this Daxian doesn't look very happy on his face?"

"Probably in the eyes of others, a hundred percent is a pass?" Liao Zheng shook his head, then sighed, "With such golden thighs, I always feel that the motivation to move forward has disappeared a lot."

"Then I want to remind you that there is a sabotage inspection going on inside..." Liu Xuncha laughed.

Liao Zheng didn't expect to say a casual sentence, and he was caught, and immediately said: "Okay, this month's performance has not been completed. There is something new in the East Ocean, and we have to find someone to investigate."

So several people also left.

After returning home, Wen Rensheng started his plan to increase the mystery.

He's going to do it both ways.

The first is student surveys. Although Lao Zhao's collection is rich, he can't support it for long. After all, the other party is not a specialized museum.

He needs to expand the source of the collection, and he needs to be allowed to freely borrow and investigate under the condition of signing a letter of responsibility.

The second is the armored puppet. Since it was confirmed that it can trigger mysterious events when it was controlled before, it is necessary to sort out the dangerous areas in various places in recent years.

The principle is that wherever it is dangerous to do it anyway, the more dangerous the place, the more likely it is to trigger mysterious events.

The first thing, does not require him to do it himself.

He thought about it and called Wu Shanshan, so that the other party could do more things, an adventure paradise might not be enough for her to toss.

"You asked me to pay attention to the collectibles? Sorry, I'm not interested in those things, but your wife is very interested. Ask her to help. After all, she is from everyone's background, and I can't compare with a small family." Wu Shan Shan refuses.

"Look at what you said, I'm an honest person," Wen Rensheng denied directly, "but since you recommend it like this, I can't do anything about it, so please leave it to others."

"Hmph, you are honest in your mouth, but you are not honest in your hands." Wu Shanshan said with contempt.

Wen Rensheng said with a serious expression: "Okay, you can make jokes at will, but don't think that I don't know anything. I know far more things than you think."

"Oh, then what else do you know?" Wu Shanshan asked in surprise.

"It's not the place to talk about these things on the phone. I'll talk about it when I get home. Remember to slow down on the road."

"Go home and go home."

In less than half an hour, Wu Shanshan rushed home.

Wen Rensheng was a little helpless, not activating the secondary superposition, only the intermediate teaching of the first level of passive boosting, it seems that the effect is limited, and it is not enough to convince the emotional people.

Afterwards, the two came to the open balcony on the second floor and sat across the table under the umbrella, bathing in the spring breeze.

Wu Shanshan said indifferently: "It can be said now, what do you know?"

"You watched me finish training the armored puppet. I already understand the true relationship between the puppet and its master." Wen Rensheng did not explain directly, but went around in a circle.

"I'm not her puppet." Wu Shanshan's voice was a little low.

"You will reunite with her sooner or later. This is the source of her confidence that she can master me, because she knows that I will not give up on you." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

To a certain extent, the armored puppet is his clone, which will be mastered by him at any time. No matter how intelligent it is, it cannot change this.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the event that the other party can trigger the mysterious seed.

Wu Shanshan finally admits defeat and says, "When did you find out?"

"Last time you brought the dark phoenix home, I felt something was wrong, it was too powerful, this is far from what you can do. There is only one explanation, the bond between you and her is getting deeper and deeper, and sooner or later it will be She refines it into a real puppet, of course she will retain your consciousness and intelligence, retain your personality, to fetter me." Wen Rensheng said mercilessly.

If he wants to move forward bravely, he has to clear the hidden dangers at home, so he chooses to speak out at this time.

"Things that defy the sky must pay the price of defying the sky. You don't need to worry about this matter, so what if I disappear? You don't lack someone to take care of you anyway." Wu Shanshan said in a self-sacrificing manner.

Wen Rensheng stared at the other party, but there was a hint of depression and powerlessness on his beautiful and clean face.

That is a feeling of powerlessness and insignificance that people instinctively generate when facing the sea of ​​stars, also known as "fear of giants".

Great teaching academic start, 14.44 times the effect.

He said lightly: "A true warrior dares to face the dripping blood and face the bleak life. But fate, its hands will only warmly hold the warrior to heaven, but ruthlessly throw the cowardly into hell. You have to control You can't go on like this anymore."

Wu Shanshan shook her head slightly, then shook her head and said, "Impossible, you give up. You have no idea how strong she is. With a life span of thousands of years, she brings boundless wisdom and far surpasses us. The power of imagination."

"Inheritance? Well, you reminded me, it really is a fool who has a lot of concerns and must have something. Her collection should be the most abundant, how could I subconsciously exclude her from consideration..." Wen Rensheng Suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Hey, have you listened to me carefully?" Wu Shanshan has a headache and is very helpless to her boyfriend.

Who gave him the confidence to fight against the only immortal in history?

Although he has a rare ancient alien species, has a good mind, and has a good appearance... But these things, others also have.

And the things that the long-lived person has are unique, and there is no other person in the world that can have it.

Those high-ranking grandmasters and dignitaries must finally be included in history, but the other party can move with the world and watch the situation change.

"Of course I listened to you," Wen Rensheng said naturally. "Who told you that with a long lifespan, wisdom is deep? Turtles are currently the longest-lived among turtles, and can live for 500 years. What kind of wisdom do they have?"

"But she's human!" Wu Shanshan couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Human? A seed of doom can only stray outside of human society. What's the difference between it and a sea turtle? Wisdom can only be produced in endless battles. If you only know the theory, if you think you have read a few books, you will think you have it. People with wisdom and strength will all be smashed to the ground by the ignorant people they despise, and they have to step on a few more feet..." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The most typical, isn't it Donglin D in his previous life?

No one can speak eloquently; no one can handle the

He has never been afraid of the long-lived one, and if he cannot penetrate into the crowd, he will not have the wisdom to truly fight.

However, the opponent's set is very bluffing, after all, most people don't have much fighting experience.

But he is different. He comes from a world of great competition, and there is too much pain and hatred in his memory. In terms of theory, he is not much better than the opponent, and even wins by a lot.

Hearing this, Wu Shanshan looks at Wen Rensheng with a complicated mood.

She once said to Xu Yunshuang that she would never give up the fight, but to Wen Rensheng she could only accept her fate.

It's not that she goes back on her word and contradicts herself, but she doesn't want Wen Rensheng to take her own risk.

If she failed in the confrontation, at most she would disappear by herself, but if Wen Rensheng was involved, angered the immortal, and ruined the opponent's mood of playing in the world, Wen Rensheng would also be in danger, and even death would not be impossible.

This is something she absolutely cannot accept.

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