Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 310: blood open the door

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At this time, under the ridicule of everyone, the armored puppet was indifferent, and his eyes did not change at all.

The scar-faced man looked at the other leaders, they nodded slightly, and in silence, they reached a deal.

So the scar-faced man stretched out his hand and pressed down: "Everyone is quiet, it's rare that this gentleman is open-minded. Although we are embarrassed, we have to give others a face. Just do what this gentleman said?"

Everyone shouted at first, then quieted down one by one, looked at each other, and nodded secretly.

Yes, how could the leader give up such a big interest?

It must be dealt with first, and then wait until the baby is in hand. Although the other party is powerful, he is pedantic and ridiculous, and he can settle it with a little trick at that time.

There is no need for conflict at this time.

After all, the other party has already shown that they are not afraid of bullets. Everyone is so close to each other, and if they directly conflict, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

There is a big killer, and it should be able to deal with this person, but they are all things that spread dozens of meters or even hundreds of meters. If you use them, no one can escape.

So everyone shouted: "Okay, just listen to the boss. Since they insist so much, we can't beat them, so we have to admit defeat."

"Yeah, the strong is king, we can't beat him, we can only bow our heads."

"Just feed the vultures of the Inspector!"

They all look very bachelor.

Wen Rensheng took in everyone's expressions from the perspective of the armored puppet.

He couldn't help laughing secretly, these guys are all good abacuses, do they really think they are second-year juniors?

On the contrary, he has lived longer than most of the people present.

Not to mention that he still has a genius mind, extraordinary appearance... Which one does not crush their existence?

Playing with yourself is really a frog at the bottom of the well, sitting in the well and watching the sky.

I have given them the opportunity, no matter morally or procedurally, no one can accuse me of anything afterwards.

Even if "the cave is full of blood", it is because of their own fault, disobedience to good words and monstrous sins.

With this kind of thought in mind, Wen Rensheng ordered the armored puppet to sign an agreement with the leaders, and then asked everyone to sign and print their fingerprints.

No one objected to No. 70 or 80, so they quickly signed their names and pressed their fingerprints.

Names can be fabricated, but handprints cannot be faked.

With this agreement, he can explain it perfectly at the inspection department.

After this tossing, the lake water has already begun to decline, and a very obvious gravel road is faintly exposed at the bottom of the lake.

Everyone's eyes suddenly heated up.

"It's true!" someone shouted in a low voice.

"Old thank them for black and black, the information is accurate."

The armored puppet naturally gave way, and everyone immediately started to line up in the previous order, preparing to file in.

The half-hundred-year-old man stood at the front, and someone came over and handed him a walking stick-like instrument.

He probed the lake water with a cane, turned his head and nodded to everyone: "The water quality has not changed."

People are relieved.

The armored puppet stood aside and watched carefully.

These guys are veterans and very cautious.

As time passed, the water level of the lake became lower and lower, and finally it was on the verge of drying up.

When the evening comes, the water comes to an end, the mountains are high and the moon is small.

The full moon is already faintly visible in the west, but it is a little ominous under the reflection of the red sunset.

At this time, under the cliff, a stone portal appeared, with several traditional characters engraved on the portal: "Tibetan Soldier Cave".

Wen Rensheng was a little puzzled when he saw this, as if it wasn't for ordinary antiques.

In ancient times, soldiers had the meaning of "weapon" and "soldier". Which one is it?

While he was thinking about it, the treasure hunters had already approached, waiting for the stone gate to open.

Just after a while, the portal did not open automatically.

"It seems that it's been too long, and the mechanism has failed." The old man half hundred left a sentence and began to study Shimen.

The others waited patiently. At this time, although they all wanted to get in and find the treasure immediately, no one moved.

Everyone knows that in their line of work, the most fearful thing is lack of patience.

It didn't take long for the half-hundred old man to find two dark stone nests in the secret place under the door.

He thought about it and poured some water into it, but nothing happened.

Then he picked up a black spot at the bottom of the stone nest, put it under his nose, smelled it, and looked at it carefully.

"Second child, come over and drip some blood." He said cautiously.

A strong man stepped forward, took out a machete, slashed his finger, and blood beads dripped.

Then Shimen shook slightly, and then returned to calm.

"Not good!" The half-hundred old man suddenly changed his face, turned his head and shouted to everyone.

"What's the matter? Mr. Ma?" The scar-faced man walked out of the team and asked.

When everyone signed and pressed their handprints before, they had already written down each other's names.

"This is a place of great evil. Just open the door and fill the stone pit with human blood. I have encountered this kind of mechanism before, and it will kill people every time!" The half-hundred old man shook his head and sighed.

Looking at his face, it seemed that he was about to retreat.

"There are so many of us, each of us contributes a little, can't we fill it up? Where do we need dead people." The scar-faced man was startled at first, and then he didn't care.

The half-hundred old man looked at each other seriously, and the two sides made eye contact, and a tacit understanding gradually emerged.

Well, the dead are not afraid, anyway, there are so many cannon fodder, getting the baby is the most important.

And seeing this, Wen Rensheng was also suddenly surprised.

It seems that the vague foreshadowing given by the mysterious seed has gradually fallen into the details.

The cave is full of blood, does it mean that when you come out, you must fill a certain cave with blood before you can come out?

If he was there in person, he certainly wouldn't have gone into this obvious trap.

He will directly invoke the power of the Inspection Division to conduct a large-scale excavation of mountains to minimize the risk. Of course, in that case, the mysterious event will not be completed.

Now that there are armored puppets, naturally it doesn't matter. At most, the puppets are trapped in them, and then the archaeology will come out later...

He is such a smart man.

Then, at the encouragement of the half-hundred old man and the scar-faced man, everyone took a disposable needle to take some blood.

Before, everyone despised many people, but now they are all happy.

If there are few people, it may not be possible to open the door without injury...

It took a full 2,000 milliliters of blood to fill the two stone nests.

And people lose 1000 ml of blood, there will be life-threatening.

When the blood was full, the two stone gates slowly opened immediately.

And the blood is slowly falling.

"I understand why Lao Xie said that the entrance can only last for 2 hours. When everyone enters, no one will replenish blood. When the blood is exhausted, the portal will naturally close. Who can replenish blood for 24 hours? It must be Just let it close, and when something comes out, fill it up again and let it open." The scar-faced man nodded.

"That's the truth, but with so many of us, it's possible to keep the door open all the time. In this case, it's much safer, and you can advance or retreat at any time without a time limit." The strong black woman who was a mercenary raised an objection.

"What's everyone's opinion?" The scar-faced man asked the other leaders.

"There are 78 people now. If you leave half of them, and each contribute 800ml of blood, then you can hold on..." The old half-hundred man hesitated and wanted to take out his calculator.

"800*392000*2, 31.2 hours." The armored puppet said lightly.

"Well, it's this number, your Excellency is really good at calculating." The half-hundred old man lowered his head and calculated it with a calculator, his heart awe-inspiring.

This is all-round power, only the brain is not terrible, only the skills are not terrible, the combination of the two is the most terrible.

"It's just a question for elementary school. But thirty or so hours, is that enough for you to investigate?" The armored puppet asked back.

The half-hundred old man shook his head and said: "It depends on the size of the inside. If it is a small hideout, it should be enough, but if it is a large one, this time is not enough for walking."

"In this case, for the sake of safety, let's send half of the people to maintain this stone gate first. If it really doesn't work, just follow the old method." The scar-faced man decided directly.

Several other leaders have no opinion.

A door that can be opened regularly only by absorbing human blood, you can tell it is not a good place when you hear it, so be conservative.

So they separated another thirty-nine and stayed outside. The average number of people in each wave ranges from four to six. In this case, it is fair, and there is no need to worry about someone.

The other thirty-nine people were about to walk through the stone gate.

But before that the scar-faced man insisted on asking the armored puppet to go first.

This is what he said: "Since Your Excellency wants to ensure that the things inside are intact, if you let us go ahead, it is inevitable that someone will start to hide it. You should scan it first and make sure that you know what you have in mind. Even if someone hides something, you can find it out later. ."

The words are righteous and dignified, don't you want the other party to be cannon fodder?

The crowd laughed.

But the armored puppet didn't care at all, and immediately walked ahead.

After the stone gate, there is a long, dark stone corridor.

Everyone else flashed their flashlights behind them, but the armored puppet didn't light up and walked straight forward.

It does not rely on eyes to see things, but senses the world through mysterious power.

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