Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 314: wooed and extreme

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Hearing Wen Rensheng say this, from Yan Ze's point of view, this mysterious expert with puppet skills is the kind of person who has a weak temperament and behaves according to the rules.

But because of this, it's better to be around.

A mysterious expert with this character, if it is on his own side, is actually his most welcome partner.

Not only is there no threat to the promotion of his personal status, but as long as he makes friends with his heart, he can pull him at a critical moment.

On the contrary, he hates those cunning and smart guys who are just like him. No matter how good they usually say, when it is critical, there is a knife in the back.

So he was very happy and said: "Is that right, brother, you can't be soft on these people, the more you back down, the more they will get ahead. On the contrary, the harder you attack, the more they will be like Sder. Moral disease, obey your orders, we don’t need them to do anything anyway, just be coolies.”

In Stockholm Syndrome, the victim has feelings for the perpetrator and helps the perpetrator in reverse. This is scientifically based, because doing so can reduce psychological pressure and improve the probability of survival.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself, and he said to the snake: "There is some truth to this, but it is still necessary to transform it with benevolence and righteousness in order to better exert their power."

"Benevolence? That's right. When the time is right, you can give them some mercy. So, after entering the cave, we'll be one after the other, I'll be in front, and you'll be watching from behind. If it's useful to them, we'll discuss it later. "Yan Ze decided to win over each other.

If it wasn't for the scorpion thunder that appeared just now, and the mechanism pegs at the back were not bombed in the front, Wen Rensheng would be really moved...

However, he still wanted to accept the other party's kindness on the surface, and immediately said: "Then thank you brother Yan for your kindness."

Who would have thought that the two had a lot of disagreements before, but now they are called brothers and sisters.

Sure enough, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

Afterwards, the two entered the Shimen with the rest of them in tandem.

Those people are all like mourning concubines, but they are helpless. The thought of treasure hunting vanished, leaving only the idea of ​​life-saving.

At this time, the scarred man stepped forward to curry favor with Yan Ze: "Sir, I know a lot about archaeology, I also know that the pegboard just now is made of huanghuali wood, and it is very expensive. Old man Ma said it first."

Hearing what he said, Yan Ze immediately lowered his head and touched the hard wooden board, and as expected, there was a hint of joy on his face.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the puppet at the back is really a rare honest person. He was probably frightened by the Inspectorate and didn't dare to take a wrong step.

With such a large amount of wealth, he did not take it himself, but reported it.

There are only a group of ordinary people here, and they can use any means to bury the treasure trap alive. Isn't the treasure all his own?

Anyway, according to the ancient regulations, there is no problem if the tomb robbers are hanged, even if the inspection department investigates after the incident.

You must know that money is power, and power is money. If you have money, you can buy many opportunities to increase power from the international market, special mysterious things, and rare methods to improve the fusion of different species.

He remembered that someone in the meeting cultivated the Seed of Fear, and he spent a full 300 million. Through an international organization with no bottom line, he created a series of terrifying things that no one paid attention to in the land of southern Sahara. Promoted to the post-specialist stage.

Is it cruel? It is cruel, but this is the reality, the flesh and blood of the weak makes the laughter and strength of the strong.

That's the benefit of the modern world, money, a lot of money, that can be quickly exchanged for all kinds of resources.

It's a pity that I still want to win over this person, so I can't devour these treasures privately.

Seeing that the other party is in awe of the Inspector General, he must find a reasonable name to collect the treasure in his hand.

As Yan Ze walked forward, he calculated his calculations.

Soon he came to the corner again, he stretched out his hand and waved, and a gray-white mist wriggled towards the corner.

It didn't take long for the sound of "swoosh" crossbow arrows to be heard from inside.

"By the way, brother, you haven't asked your surname yet?" Yan Ze asked the back, ignoring the authority.

Of course, everyone knew who he was talking to. Except for the inhuman guy, everyone else was a pariah. How could they be qualified to call him brothers?

Wen Rensheng said casually: "Oh, don't respect your surname Tang, you have a single name with a letter A."

"It turned out to be Brother Tang, a good name. It seems that this time the brothers live up to their name, and they can take the lead in everything. Brothers may not know that such an ancient hiding spot with many organs is very dangerous to explore, but the inspection department has rules to clean up. If it comes out, the cleaners can only take 10% of it as a reward." Yan Ze said regretfully.

The rules do have this rule, but who will honestly only take 10%?

Hiding, drifting... are all traditional arts passed down by our ancestors. As long as we don't overdo it and leave more than half of it, no one will really pursue it.

Because the investigation is severe, there will be no private experts to help them do these things next time. As for the official experts of the Inspection Division, where can they find time to spend on these idle things?

There is not enough time to do research.

"One percent? The Inspector Division is really generous. I always thought that I would hand in all of them." Wen Rensheng said sincerely.

"Generous?" Yan Ze was a little helpless.

What a strange thing this is, he thought that the other party had to say that the inspector was stingy.

In this way, he can take advantage of the situation to tell his plan and hide some valuables.

Then find an opportunity to use the organs to kill all these dozens of cannon fodder.

He gave each other a little more, so that if the two did this together, the relationship would be too close in the future.

Now it seems that the previous guess is correct. This person has been taught crookedly, has no opinion of his own, and does not know how to become a mysterious expert.

Thinking of this, he immediately decided to change his plan.

Afterwards, Yan Ze opened the way and broke the trap, while promoting Wen Rensheng about the Sovereign Society he belonged to for the second time.

He is going to pull the other party into the meeting first, so that the other party can know the benefits of money, and how many resources that can't be seen on the surface can be exchanged through the channels in the meeting.

It is said that experts are not short of money, that is because there is no right place to spend money.

What about the richest man in the world? If he was allowed to support the consumption of an army himself, he would be defeated in a few years.

Slowly draw closer, and the other party will take the bait.

Listening to Yan Ze's remarks, Wen Rensheng was secretly shocked. Compared with the last time, the other party said more things this time, and it was more in-depth, and the temptation for people was even greater.

The first time he met in the northwest, he could see that the other party was afraid of his genius and aptitude, and he didn't really want to invite him, and he didn't say many things.

And this time we reunited in the southwest, the armored puppet that I controlled was the one that the other party really wanted to invite, which was ironic...

He listened carefully. What the Duzun will do is to control the entire world by pursuing the excavation of alien species, so that all resources and even all things in people's hearts are under their control.

Then after such a concentration, they will abolish those useless waste of resources, such as the resource distribution method of digging holes in the east and filling them in the west, concentrating all power, using it to increase power, and then expanding to both worlds at the same time.

This is a very extreme group of people.

But if you think about it carefully, what Yan Ze and the others have done is actually feasible.

The road they are going to take, in the past life, there was a sci-fi term called "end-of-life".

A very small number of elites can rely on highly intelligent management and operation methods to rule the entire world. They do not need to meet unnecessary needs, but focus on the development of technology, and all resources are put in the most useful ~As for the average happiness, it's nothing at all.

What the Sovereign Society seeks is not to reverse history, to go to a dead end, and in a vague way, they are actually taking a road that best suits their own interests.

They must have used the master-level prophecy and knew the feasibility of this road, so they will stick to it.

With the aliens, the mysterious world, and the boost of modern technology, it is indeed possible for them to achieve what they want.

These people are not fools. Maybe they are all extremely selfish and have no bottom line. Because of this, they will not take a path that is doomed to failure.

It's just that their avenue is too extreme, and the chance of success is too low.

After all, everyone has one head and two hands.

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