Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 316: Gold and Silver Double Shuttle

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When the two came to the light, they suddenly saw a bright light, and in front of them was a domed hall.

Inexplicable blue-black ore is inlaid around the hall, exuding a faint fluorescent light, illuminating the hall.

Next to the corner of the wall, there are rows of shelves, and the shelves are filled with all kinds of gold bows, silver arrows, gold knives and silver armor, as luxurious as they are.

"Be careful of those stones, don't approach them, they should all have strong radiation. The ancients didn't understand these and regarded them as treasures." Yan Ze put his eyes on the shelf and reminded casually.

"Thank you Brother Yan for your reminder." Wen Rensheng stared at the ores, thinking of something.

And this thing, obviously Yan Ze does not know, the other party only knows a little.

The ancients did not understand radiation, but this did not prevent those blue-black ores from being treasures.

Californium, a transuranic element, is extremely difficult to exist in nature, and is often artificially synthesized. One gram in the previous life was 27 million US dollars...

But here, there is a full wall.

It is much more expensive than gold. The main reason is that it is difficult to extract and synthesize, it is very unstable, it is difficult to exist in nature, and it has high value and can be used for medical treatment.

The ores in front of him are very consistent with the pictures in Wen Rensheng's memory, and they should contain this element.

In fact, this is the most expensive weapon, a weapon that can irradiate people to death...

However, Yan Ze is a xenogeneic person, and he is immune to all diseases, but he is not afraid of these. If those ordinary people came in here, they were unprepared, and they stayed for a long time.

"Brother, take a look at what you like here, take two, they are the default benefits." Yan Ze couldn't wait to walk to the shelf, looking like he loved money like his life.

Many immortals in ancient legends also love money like their lives, the famous Journey to the West, there is no less irony about this...

There is only one reason, they are symbols of people.

Likewise, aliens love money as much as their lives, because they are human by nature.

But Wen Rensheng didn't care, what was money?

It's superficial, what he wants is mystery.

He swept over them one by one, using the power of alien species to probe them one by one.

To his disappointment, the expensive things in the room turned out to be ordinary things.

Although it has been stored for a long time, these weapons are obviously the first time they have seen people, and there is no mysterious story at all.


He shook his head disdainfully.

If it weren't for a mysterious event, I'm afraid I'd have to take an empty run.

There were hundreds of expensive weapons on the shelf, but Wen Rensheng didn't take any of them.

And Yan Ze first chose a pair of golden armor to hang on his body, and then he resisted a big golden sword and wrapped a golden chain, which was really vulgar.

"Brother, why don't you take any of them?" He asked in surprise after choosing.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "There's nothing I like, so let's hand them all in."

"..." Yan Ze has nothing to say, there are still people who don't like money?

Could it be that this guy is not actually a puppet, but an ancient armor that has become a spirit, posing as a mysterious expert? So there is no concept of money.

After this thought came to him, he compared the front and back, and found that the other party did have such a vague air of birth, which could not be faked.

He was stunned, and then secretly delighted in his heart.

Wouldn't it be better?

A spirit of armor without a real identity, if there is any inconvenience in the future, you can let the other party do it.

Thinking of this, Yan Ze became very enthusiastic and took on a lot of extra work, such as searching for secret rooms.

After some tossing, they found three secret rooms, large and small, and finally searched for the Tibetan soldiers, and they returned the same way.

After walking through the long passage, Yan Ze's expression changed when he walked downhill to the passage where the big silver ball was located.

I saw down the slope, a thin layer of blood, floating on the smooth stone surface of the passage.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"You didn't kill it, and I didn't kill it. What's going on?" Yan Ze didn't have the slightest sympathy in his tone, he was just a little puzzled.

He originally wanted to kill all the treasure hunters, but he didn't do much. Later, when Wen Rensheng mentioned the idea of ​​robbing advanced weapons, he forgot about it.

He didn't want to upset his newfound partner because of this.

But reality is more magical than imagination.

Just by looking at those bloodstains, you can tell that the people who escaped before are probably dead.

The two then bypassed the big silver ball and continued to return.

They stepped on the bloodstains with their feet, leaving **** footprints one by one.

Go through the promenade, go around a few corners, and finally come to the entrance stone gate.

Wen Rensheng walked in front and saw a corpse on the ground first.

It turns out that this is the "Blood Filled Cave".

The scar-faced man, the strong woman, the leaders... all turned their backs to the sky, with a large hole between their chest and abdomen, which was horrible to see, and blood flowed out in a "mimi".

Wen Rensheng glanced around carefully, trying to find out the cause of death.

Yan Ze glanced at it, but he didn't care. He first put his eyes on the armored puppet, and then on the closed stone gate.

Isn't that the death of dozens of cannon fodder? What is the difference between life and death, and death and life?

The key now is how to open the stone gate and then leave this dangerous place smoothly.

At this time, Wen Rensheng had already found a clue.

He stretched out his palm and hit a corpse in the air.

A golden flash suddenly appeared from under the corpse and penetrated towards him. The speed was fast and ruthless, almost like lightning, and it smashed into the chest of the armored puppet in the blink of an eye!

If Wen Rensheng was here, at such a close distance, he would at most encourage the power of alien species to resist, but it would be impossible to completely dodge it.

After all, the space is small and the distance is too short. Although we have been careful, we can only resist.

The risk of hard resistance is unknown.

And now, of course, he doesn't care at all.

Just listening to the sound of "bang", the golden light hit the real iron plate, the momentum was completely lost, and then it was caught by the armored puppet.

It turned out that it was a golden shuttle, with two ends and a thick middle. After it was caught, it did not give up, and was still spinning and struggling. If it was a flesh-and-blood hand, it would have been injured by its high-speed rotation at this time.

Such a drastic change shocked Yan Ze all over.

He thought, at such a close distance, he couldn't avoid it. Xenogeneic experts still have many limitations.

He hurried over and looked at the spinning golden shuttle in the armour puppet's hand.

There was no blood on it, but it revealed an awe-inspiring evil spirit.

"This guy seems to have a trace of spirituality?" Yan Ze asked in surprise.

"Well, this thing is very dangerous, I want to suppress it myself." The armored puppet said seriously.

"Bloodthirsty Golden Shuttle: Thousands of years of quenching the evil soldiers, the shuttle will see blood. The evil soldiers who slaughter dozens of treasure hunters when they are born, ordinary people can't hold them. The more blood you see, the stronger the power, the stronger the power, and the greater the evil nature. ."

"Mystery: 80."

"Mysterious composition: mysterious disaster weapon, endless killing."

"You have seen a new disaster weapon, the mystery awareness has increased by 2 points, and the maximum mystery degree has been increased to 282."

That's right, Wen Rensheng thought to himself, this baby will be his reward. No one wants to take it away, because only you can restrain it.

No way, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?

Having obtained this disaster weapon, the mysterious event "Opened Treasure Room" should be completed soon.

Just open the door yourself again.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng, who was overjoyed, controlled the armored puppet, stepped over the corpse, and came to the stone gate.

I remember that Old Man Ma was under the stone gate and found two stone caves, which can only be opened after perfusion with blood.

Wait, two stone nests?

The blood is perfused, the blood is absorbed...

Wen Rensheng woke up suddenly, and the armored puppet suddenly turned around.


Before he could finish his sentence, a silver shuttle suddenly came out of the stone wall, but it directly attacked Yan Ze who was following him.


Such as the sound of defeat.

Yan Ze touched a silver shuttle protruding from his chest, his eyes wide open. The golden armor just put on is indeed made of gold, and its defense power is equal to 0, so it does not hinder it in the slightest.

"No, it's impossible!" He gushed blood, pressed his chest hard, a sense of powerlessness instantly appeared, and he fell on his back.

A mysterious expert was assassinated like this!

Wen Rensheng was stunned.

This is the end without the puppet technique...

Wen Rensheng walked up to the other side and said in a complicated tone: "Oh, Brother Yan, we met for the first time, and we were chatting speculatively, so you just left. If the earthen pot is really broken by the well, the general will inevitably be killed in battle, let me people deplore."

This guy was tossing around, he didn't expect to die so cleanly, it really made him feel a little awkward.

"Wait, me, I think I can save myself a little more." Yan Ze said with difficulty, wide-eyed.

The armored puppet nodded: "Got it, Brother Yan, what are your unfulfilled wishes and last words, what passwords and anonymous passbooks you haven't told your family, tell them quickly, and I'll help you pass them on."

" I didn't see anything about that gold and silver shuttle, it's all yours." Yan Ze finally turned around.

"Oh, so you're still alive, I'm really lucky, I just learned a little healing, so I'll show you." Wen Rensheng said in a surprised tone.

He pulled out the silver shuttle and released the power of alien species to help the opponent stop the bleeding.

"Thank you..." Yan Ze tilted his head and passed out.

Wen Rensheng's eyes lit up, was he in a coma?

It's good to be in a coma. In this way, you can practice mysterious healing to the fullest.

Anyway, practicing surgical skills on this guy, I don't feel any guilt at all.

A rare mysterious expert, he can definitely improve his proficiency a lot, and he can get started in one go.

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