Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 325: Pirate Ship

The lifeboat sailed into the route in the thick fog.

The waves were rolling and the sea breeze was blowing, and everyone was full of tension and anticipation, looking at the wreckage of the ships in front.

At the same time, the people behind the cruise ship full of American people were also staring at Wen Rensheng and his group.

Pioneers always attract the attention of many people.

As for why Wen Rensheng was sure that it was an American cruise ship, because in their chat, they said, "There are not as many rich people as they are." Only the rich people in America are stable on paper data. more than in China.

It didn't take much time for the two lifeboats to arrive at the first ship wreck one after another. One and a half were dumped in the sea water, slightly undulating and foggy sailing warships.

The three decks, the tall bow, and the gun windows are solemn and solemn, but all this is meaningless, because it has been turned over in the sea.

The glory that used to be flamboyant in his lifetime has completely passed away, leaving only rotten wooden boards and dilapidated hulls, which have become a paradise for all kinds of marine creatures.

A bunch of maggots are entrenched on the boat, densely packed and daunting. There are also octopuses, jellyfish, and sea snakes that occasionally stick out their heads in the hull...

No matter how you look at it, I feel that this ship has long been rotten, and it is impossible to transport people.

But seeing this, Zhao Han was a little scared.

Are you really going up? I heard that sea snakes are highly poisonous, and there are no non-venomous sea snakes. "

Of course, I have to go up, and I want to become a xenogeneic expert, but I can't succeed just by laughing and laughing." Wang Wenwen cheered her up, "Just like how much hardship I suffered when I was a child? The tiger bench, the chilli water, the cantilevered head beam, the thorn thorns... all are real references, not allusions. "

It's not easy for you to grow so fat. "Zhao Han was taken aback.

Well, it's probably because of the stress effect. Just like defense, in order to fight the damage, it will release the power to strengthen the body, in order to fight the destruction, so I absorb a lot of extra nutrition. "Wang Wenwen looked at the sky 45 degrees.

Afterwards, the two people in the nonsense were rushed by Wen Rensheng to the sailing battleship mercilessly.

Teacher Wu, you go up and look at the two of them. Wen Rensheng turned around and instructed Wu Liansong.

Ok. "Wu Liansong agreed, and then followed him onto the boat.

A wave of waves hit, and everyone looked at the overturned sailing warship. It seemed to sense that someone was coming up. It slowly righted itself, then turned around, set sail, and drove towards the foggy area on the right side of the route...

oh god..."

Incredible! It is entirely God's will that a tattered sailboat can set sail on its own. "

Sure enough, there has never been a theory of evolution, the earth is flat, and everything is a hoax. "

The Americans on the cruise all exclaimed.

Wen Rensheng looked back at those people, secretly admiring them.

He admired the adventurous spirit and fearlessness of these people, and a group of ordinary people dared to go deep here.

As a xenogeneic expert, he has to design in every possible way to ensure safety.

These people can be said to be empty, and it cannot be said that they are blessed by God.

But when you think about it, it's not surprising.

After all, in the past life, there was no need to worry about eating and drinking, and when all kinds of entertainment were flooded, there were a lot of people playing all kinds of incredible sports, such as parkour on the roof, riding on the top of the mountain...

Everyone has their own aspirations. In the eyes of some people, it is better to live a dull and boring life than to spend more than ten years in excitement.

Therefore, although the majority of people are afraid of death, but the total population is so large, as long as there are 1% of the people who are irritating, the number of potential customers generated by this will be enough to kill this ocean cemetery and turn this place into a Ocean Paradise.

I believe that it will not take long for someone to discover business opportunities, open up routes, collect tickets, set up checkpoints, provide auxiliary services... Accommodation, food and entertainment.

He wouldn't be surprised if someone actually built a temporary island here.

Now the shipping industry is sluggish, and there are a lot of old ships waiting to be dismantled.

In a blink of an eye, Wen Rensheng thought of Qian Jing in the future.

After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to Wu Shanshan, "Actually, if you open your own adventure park here, you will have a brighter future. Those who dare to come here, by default, are pessimistic about life and death, and they are bold, they are your target group. ."

That's right, you invest more. "

The money I invested before has not been distributed yet. "

Don't be so stingy, there is no dividend to expand reproduction. "

While several people were talking, the sailing warship had entered the foggy right sea area.

It didn't take long for them to hear the rumble of artillery fire, then shouts and fighting.

Wang Wenwen's voice could be heard faintly.

Look at my one-hit cannon! "

bingo! Give me a sink! "

Stupid Zhao Han, don't just stand there, hurry up and move the cannonballs, this time it's going to be red hot solid bullets! "

Wu Shanshan looks at Wen Rensheng: "They had a great time, are you sure what can be learned from this?"

At least practice your voice. "

Wen Rensheng looked up at the foggy area. Although he couldn't see anything, he had to take a look. At least he could show that he cared about them.

Apparently, they had entered an illusion, where sounds could be heard, but no sight could be seen.

On the cruise ship behind, some people were obviously impatient when they heard these voices.

It looks like a lot of fun! "

It seems to be an ancient battleship battle. "

I heard that there is a virtual reality game in Nanzhu recently, which seems to be quite similar to this. "

That one seems to be quite troublesome to play, and you have to go to Nanzhu to settle down for a long time, or only those aliens can play. "

Well, both look similar, let's try this one first. "

Who is going with me? "Someone shouted soon after.

Me, Alan Ralph, count me in. "

I, George from Wolf State, will not be left behind. "

Soon, the speedboat was put down again. This time, there were seven or eight people standing on the speedboat, all eager to try.

Wen Rensheng looked at these people with a trace of pity in his eyes.

But he won't say much, everything is his own choice, and he is also responsible for it.

No one is forcing them to come over, and if something goes wrong, don't force anyone who is not related to come and save them.

After all, rescue itself is dangerous.

Shall we start training too? "Wen Rende is also a little impatient.

Wait for Zhao Han and the others to come out. "Wen Rensheng refused.

At this time, the speedboat came over, and several white people were still whistling towards this side.

This is a game for the brave! "

You cowards, see how we get the treasure from there! "

Wen Rende glared at those people.

It's just that the people who can come here must be very courageous, and they are basically the type who don't pick things up and feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, Wen Rende's glaring eyes did not arouse their panic, but instead bursts of laughter.

The speedboat also deliberately rowed near their lifeboats, splashing large waves.

Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand to block, the dense fog blocked the waves.

After seeing this hand, the people on the speedboat suddenly exclaimed.

The devil, the devil's means! "

They are all devils! "

Wen Rende scolded: "Go away, you nonchalant things, if you want to die, you can come directly!"

Wen Rensheng shook his head: "Don't get angry with a group of dead This is a cemetery, not a paradise."

Wen Rende then suppressed his anger and said angrily, "These American people are getting more and more arrogant. More than a hundred years ago, when they saw us, they only dared to talk with their tails between their tails."

Don't they believe in God? God wants them to perish, so give them a period of madness first. "Wen Rensheng said lightly.

Wen Rende heard this, took out his mobile phone, and called up the white cat pet.

He decided to predict the fate of those people.

However, the white cat pet shook his head and said, "This place is too huge, it has exceeded your prediction range."

Wen Rende had to give up and stared at those people fiercely.

At this time, those people had already selected a pirate ship from the wreckage. The double-knife skull flag was flying high. It was terrifying, and the speed of the ship was very fast, and it also sailed into the fog.

What caught Wen Rensheng's attention was that the direction the pirate ship was traveling was on the right side of the airway, which was exactly the same as the direction the sailing warship was going just now.

Is it a coincidence, but this cemetery, intentionally allocated?

He prefers the latter.

Not long after, screams and anger came from the direction of the pirate ship.

Hang them! "

Even dared to **** the spring of youth, this is a treasure to be paid tribute to the king and queen of Folangji. "

Wait, we just picked this ship because we thought it was cool, we're not pirates, we're just merchants. "

Every captured pirate will say he is a businessman. "

Only listening to those screams, obviously those who whistle before.

Obviously, they were inside, experiencing a great fear of being hanged as pirates.

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