Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 337: There's a way

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American battleship formation.

"This is impossible, those cowardly Latin slobs who only know samba and football, how can they have such a strong will to fight? They are not those stubborn Orientals!" Black Albert looked into the sky and flew again. A piece of black press machine group, unbelievable.

"It seems to be the abilities of those two Shenzhou people. They really shouldn't be underestimated. They actually have skills that change people's hearts. Those skills are often difficult to learn and master, unless they are geniuses who come out of 10,000,000. It must fit the corresponding xenogeneic." The white Charmian sighed.

"Damn, those aliens who are accompanying them are dead. Their alien power is about to be exhausted. Although the consumption of anti-aircraft machine guns on sniping is relatively small, it is still unbearable after such a long-term consumption." Black Able Te looked at a xenogeneic who was blessing the anti-aircraft machine gun with sniper skills, shook his head and said.

The figure of that person is already illusory, and it is obvious that he will disappear in the next moment.

Here, they don't have Wen Rensheng's ability to speed up the recovery of alien power.

"It seems to be a reckless fight, but the real threat is only dive bombers, but it's not easy to play dive bombing well. As for those torpedo planes, they are all useless things and can't hit at all. Besides, there are destroyers to do it. Wall." Charmian, the white man, was not panicking.

As he said, although anti-aircraft machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, quickly lost the effect of high hits, the problem is that those South American pilots, few people can play dive bombing as they are trained.

Although many people have the courage, the hit rate is still very low, often more than a dozen times, they can't hit a single shot.

What's more, the battleship has thick skin and thick flesh. Even if it eats a 500kg bomb, as long as it doesn't hit the key point, it can continue to persevere under damage control.

It is said that the aircraft carrier restrains the battleship, the premise is that the pilot training level must pass the test.

Pilots are difficult to train, and carrier-based aircraft pilots are even more difficult to train.

Seeing this, the black Albert immediately felt relieved.

However, he soon regretted: "Just like this, we can only draw a tie with them, and we can't wipe out those aircraft carriers like in history. After all, they are all products of Shenzhou people, and their speed is no slower than our battleships. ."

"Yeah, if it's just a draw, it doesn't make sense, we won't get anything. By the way, I have an idea." The white Charmian rolled his eyes.


In the command room, Wen Rensheng looked down at a note, which was given to him by a seagull when he went to the deck to let out the wind just now.

"Hello, dear sir, I can help you defeat this American fleet."

"You should have received the news that your carrier-based aircraft have achieved few results. They only sank one of our destroyers and damaged two battleships. On the contrary, they lost nearly 200 aircraft and 200 pilots. I don't think this counts. What a victory."

"I can help you win a big victory, and my condition is that after the scene is over, you can pay me $60 million."

"If you promise, please let this seagull bring your reply back."

Spend 60 million for a game victory, this is probably the most expensive krypton gold.

Wen Rensheng had just read the note when the captain of the aircraft carrier walked over with a look of frustration: "We still failed, the level of those pilots is too poor, it is clear that the enemy's anti-aircraft weapons have lost their power, like a Peel the hard shells of coconuts and they can't eat the meat."

Wu Liansong shook his head at Wen Rensheng.

This is the sadness of consultants. No matter how good your plan is and how effective your planning is, if you don't have a sufficient level of executors, you will still fail miserably.

Wen Rensheng looked at the secret letter and asked the captain, "How many aliens do we have here with expert sniping skills?"

"We, the total number of aliens is very small, and they are not willing to go to warships. They just want to stay in their plantation to drink coffee and smoke cigars." The captain shook his head.

Speaking of this, the captain was very puzzled: "Why are your aliens willing to go to war, all of us aliens will hide behind. If they are forcibly requisitioned, they will run back to Europe or America. , this time it's fighting America again, and they won't come forward even more."

Understand, this is another reason why aircraft carriers can't beat battleships in history.

It's just that this is not recorded in the history books, and the American people do not want a brilliant and reversed victory that others see as invincible.

That's right, if only one side has a xenogeneic player, it is equivalent to a heavyweight playing a lightweight.

There is never only one reason for failure, just as there is never only one reason for success.

Wu Liansong replied, "Of course it's because we understand that if our country fails, we will lose successors, security, and many, many."

"Isn't that right? You can rely on the victors. Just like the Mongolian army back then, the craftsmen never killed them. As long as they surrendered, they would even select the craftsmen before the brutal massacre." The captain shook his head and said.

Wu Liansong knew that he could not explain clearly to the other party. After all, the two sides had different backgrounds. The South Americans were all newly established colonial countries. .

Thinking of this, he took Wen Rensheng to the side: "I think these guys are muddy and can't support the wall, even if we have suggestions, it's useless to encourage morale, we can't let us fly the plane to fight, I don't either. Can fly."

"Although I've just learned it, it's only for civilian use." Wen Rensheng also shook his head.

Wu Liansong said helplessly: "It seems that we have to let them I don't know what will happen after the scene is over."

Wen Rensheng showed the note to the other party.

"Hmph, it looks like a scam at first sight. Now both sides can't fight. After all, we still have carrier-based aircraft to cover the battlefield information. They only have a very small number of reconnaissance planes, so they can't find our exact location. Now we can withdraw from the battle at any time, He has the initiative in the battlefield. That guy just wants us to take the bait, not leaving the battlefield, and then trying to melee us." Wu Liansong saw through it at a glance.

"Yes, this is a scam. The other party must also know that we can see through it. He is betting on our greed, betting that we want to do whatever we want. These guys have studied our strategy very deeply." Wen Rensheng agreed.

"Yeah, these Amelicas look upright and honest, but they actually play conspiracies, no less than us," Wu Liansong nodded, and then asked, "Then what do you want to do now? I've seen it through. It's useless to count on these South Americans."

"Well, it's useless to count on them, now we can only count on us." Wen Rensheng said quietly.

He still has a way.

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