Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 344: implicated

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Colonel Carroll, the captain of the electronic reconnaissance ship, was also in charge of commanding the three-ship formation.

As Wen Rensheng thought, the mission of this three-fleet formation was to reconnaissance and collect information on the Ocean Cemetery.

But Colonel Carroll himself was reluctant to accept the task.

Because he is not an alien.

And with his position, he fully knows how much risk it would be for ordinary people to come into contact with mysterious events.

In a word, you don't know how to die.

However, the military order is like a mountain, and the above order is down. Unless he wants to go to a military court, it must be implemented.

However, there are tricks to how to do it.

At this time, his formation, under his command, was nearly a hundred kilometers away from the foggy cemetery. With such a distance, the efficiency and accuracy of intelligence collection can be imagined...

At this time, one of his combat staff reminded: "Captain, the radar just detected a seaplane circling over us."

"Don't worry about it, it should be the same mission as us." Colonel Carroll made an instinctive judgment.

Before he finished speaking, a thick fog suddenly rose outside the command room.

"Bastard, I knew something would happen!" Colonel Carroll scolded subconsciously when he saw this. He did not associate the fog in front of him with the plane discovered by the radar just now.

He was even thinking that there was another unlucky ghost implicated by him...

"Captain, the radar is out of order, and external communications are interrupted!" the communications staff member reminded nervously.

"Turn on the searchlights, reduce the speed, and use the lights to inform the other two destroyers to let them also reduce their speed and prepare to stop." Colonel Carroll quickly issued an order according to the previous training manual.

In the fog, if you continue driving, it is very likely that the three warships will collide with each other.

Now their ships are running at a speed of 15 knots, which is 27.78 kilometers per hour. This speed does not seem to be fast, but the mass of the warships is so large and the displacement is thousands of tons. Under the collision, there must be heavy casualties.

Well-trained sailors, quickly carried out his orders.

He had no idea at all that such an approach would be right in the arms of the snatchers.

If he really escaped quickly, it would be a little troublesome.

Of course it's just a bit of a hassle.

At this time, someone saw a blue-green parrot flying from the glass of the command room in the fog outside the window.

"Will there be parrots in the sea? Which sailor brought a pet?"

This was Colonel Carroll's last thought when he was conscious.

At this time, the seaplane had landed on the nearby sea.

Wen Rensheng also controlled the armored puppet to go up to the deck.

He walked into the command room with ease.

"Kill these people!" screamed the budgerigar.

"Kill you to go sailing?" Wen Rensheng retorted.

The budgerigar said triumphantly, "That dog can not only fly a plane, but also a boat."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he controlled the armored puppets to tie up these people and put them into the lifeboat on the boat.

The armor puppets work very fast, but there are 221 people on board, so a lot of time is wasted.

"Fool, fool, if the action fails, it is because of your woman's kindness, every minute we have now is precious!" Budgerigar said angrily.

But the armored puppet was just busy, and didn't listen to it whispering in his ears.

And when he was busy, the dog had already started the boat again.

It's really hard to imagine that a modern ship that requires the cooperation of many people to open, a dog can easily do it...

If the other party is an octopus, he is a little more receptive.

It took more than two hours for him to put all those people on the lifeboat when the ship had already sailed to the foggy area.

"Idiot, idiot, how easy it is to kill them, just throw them into the sea. Fortunately, there is no accident this time. Otherwise, the operation will fail because of you alone! It will even lead to serious follow-up incidents!" The budgerigar chattered.

"Shut up, thieves have their own way. If you rob something, you will rob something. If you kill someone, the nature will change completely. If it is in the middle of a war, it will naturally come as soon as possible, but not now." Wen Rensheng insisted.

He's not killing innocent people.

The budgerigar stopped talking, but flew away.

Wen Rensheng stared at the other party's back, thoughtful.

It seems that behind this incident of robbing modern weapons, it is not so simple.


The budgerigar flew up to an antenna and seemed to be in touch with someone.

"No, that guy is very determined, he just doesn't want to kill innocent people." It said so.

"Hmph, it seems that my brother is really a good person with principles." The voice was Yan Ze's.

"He should be from the background of the new generation. Those guys have been softened by the education of modern civilization, and there is no hard-heartedness. This is all intentional by the Inspectorate." The budgerigar said with disdain.

"Yeah, turning every mysterious expert into a scientist of conscience with compassion, this is what they want - not only disarming aliens, but also psychologically disarming. Those guys who think they control everything, But I don't know that this kind of behavior will only repeat the same mistakes and bring disasters in the future." Yan Ze's tone was as if he could see through everything.

"Unfortunately, there are many people who can see through this, but everyone enjoys it, comfort and enjoyment. After all, it is deeply rooted in human nature." The budgerigar sighed.

"They will regret it sooner or later, because there are always some things that must be solved by aliens with the same powerful heart and strength. This is not something that can be accomplished by any technological weapon or mysterious item." Yan Ze sneered.

"Don't talk about it, those things will take a long time to happen. Right now, this ship should be able to sell for one billion eight hundred million." Budgie returned the topic.

"Don't worry, I have already contacted the acquisition channel. It is a research institute affiliated to the Inspection Department. They have already set a huge reward for those technologies." Yan Ze said with confidence.

"That's good, this time things went surprisingly well," the budgerigar said.

"Is it okay?"

"It's not that it's, but it seems that there is a third force intervening." The budgerigar looked around.

On the calm sea, mist appeared faintly again...

"What's the matter, are those two destroyers catching up again?" The budgerigar asked in confusion.

"No, what happened over there?"

"I see fog again..."

"No, I'm afraid the nearby Ocean Cemetery is at work!" Yan Ze suddenly warned.

"Damn, I just said that it doesn't feel right. Yes, this ship was captured by us. In a sense, it is doomed to death. Because the above technology is researched, it must be completely dismantled and destroyed. This fits the elements of the cemetery, and we are implicated!" The budgerigar analyzed the reason in a flash.

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

As the fog appeared, the captured electronic reconnaissance ship suddenly disappeared into the sea.

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