Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 346: so-called destiny

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After hearing Wen Rensheng's words, Director An nodded to the two experimenters.

Then came a series of dazzling ceremonies, Wen Rensheng really saw the whole process of how to use mysterious power to steal high technology.

It turned out not to be out of nothing. First, put the technical data you have on it, probably as a pre-made sacrifice, and then put the content you want, the problem you want to solve, the effect you want to achieve... carefully describe it.

In the end, it is to infuse the power of alien species to carry out the prophecy and get the feedback from the legendary "Laplace Monster".

It seems that the more detailed the pre-information provided and the more power provided, the higher the probability of getting accurate feedback.

When this series of rituals was over, one of the experimenters suddenly said in surprise: "Yes, I have!"

"I have it too!" Another experimenter said at the same time.

Then the two began to frantically go to the side to do experiments. In that case, it was like a scientist who had been thinking for a long time and finally got a possible solution!

Wen Rensheng glanced at Director An inexplicably, and the latter smiled bitterly: "They didn't say the word inspiration..."

"Understood, I won't misunderstand that they can have children, although in this world, men can have children under certain circumstances..." Wen Rensheng followed with a smile, and then looked at the two who were hurriedly doing experiments. expert.

It turns out that the prediction of science and technology can not directly get the answer, but get an inspiration, an idea to solve the problem, whether it is right or not, or you need to repeat the experiment yourself.

This is actually the real science. It is obviously wrong to give a formula or a textbook and regard it as the correct truth.

You can't become your real thing without experimenting.

Just like the recipe of the American people, can it be completely applied to the production environment of China if it is copied?

The basic materials that the two parties can provide are different in composition, and the various technological processes and standards are also very different. The direct copying of the American formula is not necessarily suitable for the production environment in China.

The production environment is really important. The same software system, under the same hardware, will behave differently due to various factors.

Therefore, the solution idea is obtained, and the experimenter needs to test, summarize, and verify... Finally, based on its own production environment, it proposes a production formula that matches and suits its own industry.

"Very good, very good," Director An also looked at the two experimenters, and then applauded, "Manager Wenren, this time you have done a great job, using the sniper technique beyond the master level, you can Solving Schrödinger's cat, this invention is too important, and I will definitely report your merits."

"It is natural to contribute to the country." Wen Rensheng said calmly.

"Well said, but unfortunately many things that were taken for granted are now taken for granted." Director An sighed.

"As the times evolve, people's hearts are enlightened, and new things are always needed to adapt to people's hearts." Wen Rensheng comforted.

"Yeah, just like the war a hundred years ago, 20 to 30 million soldiers were mobilized, and the casualties were several million, and the rear is also very stable. Now that several thousand people died, the noise would be unbearable..." Director An nodded. head.

It is normal. The more developed the society, the more valuable human life is, and the better the life, the less motivation to go to the battlefield.

This is the most common law, so the old rice in the previous life will vigorously develop various over-the-horizon strikes, drone strikes... This is to follow the law of development, so they have also achieved great results.

You can toss and fight everywhere, while maintaining relative stability in the country.

Those who do not follow this rule will suffer heavy costs.

Wen Rensheng thought about it this way, and then said, "Aren't you working on combining puppet technology with modern weapons? Try to reduce human participation as much as possible, so that people are in the position of decision-making, not the position of front-line executives. This is in line with the The law of development is like factory automation, handing over the production of harsh environments to robots, automated production lines... In the same way, the harsh battlefield environment must be handed over to machines to solve."

"That's right, your vision is correct. Now we are on this path. Unfortunately, some people think that this will make people lose their fighting spirit and become weak in the end." Director An shook his head and said.

"Facts speak louder than words. People's greatest strengths are their minds and hands, not minions. Using tools to fight is a deeply ingrained truth that will not change. To fight with puppets and machines is to develop tools to the extreme. There is absolutely no problem." Wen Rensheng affirmed.

"What I'm saying is, it seems that your mind is really clear, and you have a mature way of looking at the world." Director An said with sincere admiration.

This is not a lie. Many aliens in their 40s and 50s, no, even dying of old age, are still confused. They have either money or professional skills in their eyes. They don't have a clear way of looking at problems like Wen Rensheng.

And the key is that the other party can not only see the problem, but also solve the problem seriously, instead of just talking.

For example, in the scene just now, the "Schrödinger's cat" that many people could not do, was thought of by the other party within a few months and applied quickly.

That's the amazing thing.

This is the real terrifying afterlife, not the aptitude of the alien species, the talent is extremely high, it can be compared.

Because those things are foreign objects, not strong in their hearts.

"That's all because I stand on the shoulders of giants." Wen Rensheng said modestly.

Still a giant of both worlds.

After some enthusiastic chat, Director An personally sent Wen Rensheng out of the Inspection Division.

Three days later, Inspector Liu called him, it was about Ye Ye inoue.

"The matter of Inoue Yeba has finally been thoroughly investigated. The Destiny Society behind her was established with the support of the American people. It has a history of over a hundred years. Be independent from Shenzhou's sphere of influence..."

"These guys are really well-intentioned. Their arrangement is very long-term, and it is a very complicated and vicious scheme. Inoue Yezi is only one of their These East Islanders will be in the screw shell. Doing a dojo, specializing in these ingenious intrigues and tricks, but not knowing the general trend of the world, is definitely not something that can be accomplished by these small tricks.”

"Yeah, the real general trend is still to follow the rules to do things, and rely on some conspiracy and ingenuity to win big profits. It's just short-sighted." Wen Rensheng agreed.

At the same time, he also heard the long-lost event completion prompt.

"The Hand in the Well: It's done. The hand that came out of the well came from a long history. It's just that the more people want something, the more history people can't get."

"Mystery: 125."

"Mysterious composition: The Hundred Years' War, the so-called Mandate of Heaven, cannot be sought."

"You solved a mysterious event of medium difficulty, and the mystery increased by 3 points to 289."

Sure enough, it seems that the Inspector Division also has talents beyond the master-level sniping technique, which is inevitable, after all, it has such a profound background.

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