Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 350: island simulation

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After some fuss, everyone's interest in puppet art increased greatly, and the spirit of listening to the next class was also more energetic.

Wen Rensheng taught a lot of basic knowledge, and recommended some books to everyone, so that they can read it on a regular basis.

As for everyone's progress check, it will be in half a month.

If you teach something without checking the progress, it is equivalent to teaching for nothing.

After everyone dispersed, Wen Rensheng was about to go back to his room to rest when he suddenly felt the alien heat in his chest.

In the sea of ​​​​knowledge, the perspective of the armored puppet appeared...

Did not die?

Thinking of this, he hurried back to his room, locked the room, and controlled the armored puppet again.


"Quick, quick, the dock will be repaired this month!"

"Take that log over there!"

"Slacker! If you can't work, you can't have dinner if you can't finish your work today!"

After Wen Rensheng switched to the perspective of the armored puppet, a busy construction site appeared in front of him.

This is a harbour, a wharf with a budding shape, under construction.

A long wooden bridge extending from the shore into the sea has just been built, and some dark-skinned indigenous people are laying down more wooden piles to strengthen the long bridge and prevent it from being washed away by the waves.

There are also two long bridges waiting to be built, and a few stakes have just been laid.

After watching the scene in front of him, Wen Rensheng began to absorb the memories of the armored puppet's soul, and finally found that the role of the other party at this time was the foreman of this pier.

He also has a dozen supervisors under him.

This guy left his own arrangements, and he was too bad, just a project manager.

If it was me, I would have to be a regional manager...

Wen Rensheng thought to himself, this armored puppet is spiritual, and it can do many things without his control, just like a highly intelligent robot.

But it is impossible to be in the form of a living human like just now. After all, its true consciousness has been obliterated when it created a puppet.

That is to say, emptiness has intelligence and no consciousness.

Obviously, it was controlled by the entire scene just now, just like an NPC, to complete its own role tasks.

Just as I was thinking, there was a commotion on a dirt road not far away.

Wen Rensheng turned his head and saw that a group of people were swarming over on horses.

At the head were a few Chinese men and women, who were talking and laughing, looking towards the pier.

"Brother Feng, it seems that your measures are correct. Arrest those natives as slaves, and then match them with the overseers assigned by the scene. It seems that the pier is almost completed." The young man in his teens cast a wink.

Wen Rensheng took a closer look, the woman was very familiar, and her heart moved now, isn't this woman the heroine of the previous "licking a dog" incident?

The woman's name is "Mei Mei", and her boyfriend's name is Mu Chengen.

From the previous memory of the armored puppet, he now knows the full name of the other party: Xu Mei, 23 years old.

His idea was quickly validated.

"Mei Mei, this is of course, now the scene is allocated three islands, each island has a wave of people, this is the three kingdoms, whoever maximizes the resources in their hands will be able to fight in twenty years. Therefore, we must not have the benevolence of women, that is, we must squeeze hard to squeeze out the last bit of labor force of the indigenous people. After the infrastructure is built, we will introduce local immigrants at the same time. Township, and finally turn this island into his own emperor's land, so as to have the greatest fighting power."

The young man gave the people around him a serious look and kept talking.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he already understood what kind of scene this was. The scenes he had experienced before were all simple naval battles, and one would definitely win or lose.

This scene is obviously a combination of farming and fighting. Whoever farms better and who can amass a more powerful army will win in the end.

However, he was very puzzled. Farming was slow, and he said that it would take 20 years for the decisive battle. According to the experience of previous naval battles, the time spent in this scene was the same flow rate as the time outside.

Does it really take 20 years to develop?

Aren't these people dying of old age?

But looking at their high spirits, it shouldn't be like this.

Spending 20 years on a deserted island, only to be in the company of backward natives and backward society, there is nothing to be happy about.

There must be some unknown information in it.

Just thinking about it, the group of Divine State men and women have come to the dock and questioned the armored puppet.

"Old Tang, has there been any trouble recently?" the young man asked.

Wen Rensheng had just learned the memory of the armored puppet, so he also knew who this young man was.

The other party's name is Huang Feng, the owner of the island.

So he immediately replied: "Reporting to Island Lord Huang, there are quite a few indigenous people making troubles, and they refuse to work because of the heat. If they are not careful, they will be lazy. But please rest assured, Island Lord, our whips are very powerful."

"Oh, these NPCs are rigid," Xu Mei couldn't help showing off, "It should be a combination of reward and punishment, not just a whip, but also some carrots. How can they work hard just by beating?"

Well, I have rich experience. It seems that I usually teach my dog ​​licking and spare tires like this.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself.

"Mei Mei, it seems that you have a lot of experience, why don't you tell them a few ways?" Huang Feng said to Mei Mei with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Feng. Look at these natives, some of them are always a little more diligent, so you can't just punish them. For those who are a little diligent, you must distinguish them, and then give them some sweetness, and even promote them as juniors. Boss, in this way, other people will have a head start. In the end, I have to draw a big cake for them, such as being able to become naturalized in the future and reach the pinnacle of life..." Xu Mei continued to talk.

Humans are expressive, especially when it comes to directing others to work.

"Yes, yes, our measures were a bit rough before, did you hear that, Old Tang, we will do as Vice Island Master Xu said in the future." Huang Feng instructed.

"Understood, please rest assured several island owners, we will make arrangements to ensure that the dock construction is completed this month." Wen Rensheng controlled the armored puppet and replied.

"Very good, I can rest assured that you are doing things." Huang Feng said a few words, and then, under the leadership of the armored puppet, inspected the construction progress of the wharf.

He also deliberately stepped on the firmness of the long bridge, and found that it did not sway or disperse, and was very satisfied.

"These NPCs assigned to us are still very You should always be nice to them. They should be one of the keys to our victory." He turned his head and said to Xu Mei.

When he said this, he obviously thought that Wen Rensheng didn't understand the meaning of the words just like Xu Mei...

"Don't worry, Lao Huang/Island Master/Brother Feng, everyone is playing old games, how can they not know the importance of heroes and loyalty?" Several other people said in succession.

"Very good, once the wharf is built, trade can be developed. According to modern market theory, there will be products with the lowest production cost and the highest production efficiency in every place. These products will be regarded as key industries, and then funds will be invested in the market. Exchange to get more products, this is making a fortune, this is accumulation. With enough materials, we can consider the military industry and build an army." Huang Feng was teaching the people behind him again.

Wen Rensheng listened, no wonder this guy was appointed as the island owner, and there was indeed something in his stomach.

To fight a war is to fight finances and logistics. Those who will not engage in construction will not be able to win in the end.

In this island simulation scenario, who can win in the end is really a test of wisdom.

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