Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 352: fast forward

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After thinking for a while, Huang Feng clapped his hands: "Okay, everyone is quiet and quiet, listen to me."

Everyone was silent and looked up at him.

He is the only alien here, so he can become the island owner, and there is no objection.

"Through the ages, those who have the same desires from top to bottom win. If we want to win in the end, we must first have a unified understanding of ourselves. Victory is the most important thing. If we lose, we will lose even our lives!"

"On the two opposite islands, one is a black man and the other is a white man. They are both aliens, not my race, so their hearts must be different. And this is a place outside the law, if it really falls into their hands, the scene NPC can survive, let's I'm afraid it's better to live than to die!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was awe-inspiring and nodded again and again.

"So let's put personal wealth aside first, let's start with me, and now we have to save food and clothing, everything is for victory!" Huang Feng gritted his teeth.

Xu Mei's face was a little displeased, and she cut her food and clothing? This place is already very dilapidated, and we have to frugal off food and clothing, can we live on?

It's just that she wisely didn't say it.

"In addition, someone said that the whole island is a joint-stock system. I think this proposal is very good, especially since we are an island. When Shenzhou went to sea in ancient times, the people on the seaboard were the joint-stock system. Everyone was on the same boat, thinking together and working hard. , so that we can survive the stormy seas and reach the other shore.”

"Now we are on the same boat. Let's discuss this proposal carefully, and then formulate a detailed system - for example, the total number of shares should be expanded according to the total number of material production, and the extra shares every year will be distributed to those who work hard and work hard. people."

"The island owner said it well." Someone immediately complimented.

"Yeah, in this way, everyone has the same desires, and everyone has shares. If the island develops and runs down, no one will benefit. On the contrary, if there is development results, all can share."

"Those NPC foreman have shares, even if someone wants to take advantage of the loophole, someone will take the initiative to report him, because this is tantamount to blatantly embezzling his money."

"In addition, some detailed systems must be formulated to prevent someone from embezzling other people's shares. For example, these shares can only be used for annual dividends, but not for voting or transfer."

The enthusiasm of everyone came up, and they put forward various useful suggestions, which made Huang Feng very gratified.

This system can adapt to large companies with hundreds of thousands of people, and can develop those large companies to the top of the world, which is enough to show its vitality.

And this island, developed for 20 years, is at most a colony of millions of people, so using this measure can be maintained for a long time.

Of course, if the scale is larger, reaching tens of millions of people, it will not work. After all, the larger the scale, the higher the complexity, and it is difficult to solve many problems with only one shareholding system.

For example, some industries can make a lot of money, and those people will feel that they should take more shares; some industries are losing money, and if they take the same shares, some people will be dissatisfied.

All kinds of problems, when the scale is small, can still be coordinated, but when the scale is large, it will not work, and those troublesome serious regulations must be used.


It didn't take long for Wen Rensheng, the NPC foreman, and others to be brought into a hall in the center of the island for a meeting, and then they learned that the entire island was going to implement a shareholding system.

Well, this is also a good method. After all, this method has been used in previous lives since ancient times. Since it has been used all the time, it means that it is in line with people's hearts and the environment.

It’s just that the sutras are good, but how to recite them well is another matter.

Huang Feng was in the hall. After announcing the news, he gave a lecture to everyone.

"Now there are 235 official citizens on the island, and everyone can get different shares according to their positions. Everyone has to work hard. The more you work, the more valuable the shares will be."

"Our island is one. Don't think that the enemy is coming, as long as you surrender! Let me tell you a story. The ups and downs in the history of our Shenzhou, the big landlords and businessmen, all have the same idea. However, In fact, apart from a small number of different race families, there are no families of thousands of years!"

"The reason is very simple. The big landlords and businessmen own a lot of wealth. Those foreign enemies, if they don't kill them, how will they obtain wealth and distribute them to their own groups?"

"This is cleverness but cleverness! I always feel that I can pedal on two boats, but I don't know that the only boat that can really be stepped on is the one under my feet! If you want to change boats, you have to look at the original boat on that boat. Some people agree or not. There is no aristocratic family from the previous dynasty that can get along well in the new dynasty!"

Wen Rensheng nodded secretly, but there are exceptions, that is, those who take refuge first can benefit; of course, those who delay refuge at the end always want to wait until the overall situation is clear before making a decision, which must be the pig that was killed.

The overall situation is clear, what is the use of Xinchao for you? Of course it killed the New Year.

In the previous Qing Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, it was such a process. Those local tyrants and evil gentry who pretended to be smart, ended up eating their own fruits.

They thought that after surrendering, they would still be able to enjoy the privileges as before, but as a result, they were brought to the table, and it was too late to resist.

Originally, it was possible to maintain a Northern and Southern Dynasty, but as a result, they fought with each other and quickly fell. This is a typical example of being clever but being mistaken by cleverness.

After Huang Feng's remarks, everyone applauded.

Then some work was arranged, and then the meeting ended, and everyone left the hall one after another.

Wen Rensheng followed the crowd and walked out of the conference hall.

It's just that he didn't walk for a long time, and he suddenly froze for a moment, because everyone's footsteps suddenly stopped at the same time.

Then he saw the island scene in front of him, and a thick fog rose.

The fog quickly covered a barren and wasteful island.

Then he finally understood how the next 20 years would pass...

"Island No. 1 has implemented a national shareholding system, and the enthusiasm of employees has greatly increased. Five years later, the island's infrastructure has been improved, advantageous industries have emerged, and the economy has grown rapidly... At the same time, new problems have emerged."

A line of words suddenly appeared in his mind.

After the narration, the fog slowly dissipated, and a large new building appeared in front of him.

The pier has been expanded several times, and the boats come and go, making it noisy.

In a large factory area, the blast furnace towers, the smoke rises, and the raw materials come in and out.

Coal and iron ore were brought in, and ironware and daily necessities were brought out.

This is the so-called advantage industry - this island has coal and iron to build coal-iron complexes, which is better.

There are also neatly arranged residential areas, one after another of private houses—water pipes, roads, and sewers, all neatly arranged and well-equipped, with about a hundred thousand people living there.

In the age of great voyages, it was already a very strong colony, and after many colonies were built, there were only ten thousand people.

It turned out to be the fast-forward method of "XX years later", not the sky-defying ability to accelerate time.

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng has fully understood the operation principle of this scene-decision-makers have formulated a reasonable system and made arrangements.

Then the scene will rapidly evolve according to these systems and arrangements, combined with the current foundation, and finally give a reasonable intermediate result.

The time point at which the evolution ends should be when there are intense conflicts in the development, and then it will be automatically suspended and the decision makers will intervene again.

Of course, decision makers should also be able to choose to suspend at any time. The hints that Huang Feng, the island owner, saw should be very different from what everyone can see.

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