Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 358: Therapeutic acquisition

After wrangling with the budgerigar, Wen Rensheng withdrew from the control of the armored puppet.

He thought about it, walked out of the room, and called inspector Liu.

"Do you know the ultimate goal of the Sovereign Club?" he asked directly.

"I know, this is an open thing. They want to go back to the golden age of aliens. They have never concealed this." Inspector Liu said as a matter of course.

Wen Rensheng asked again: "Then do you know what means they want to use to achieve this goal?"

"I know, they are attracting new aliens everywhere, provoking their dissatisfaction with us, and trying to usurp the dominant position of our inspection department. When they have a dominant position, the past order will be restored." Inspector Liu said helplessly.

"It seems that you don't know enough. I just learned that they have a big plan to bring the mysterious world to the real world, so as to completely reverse the rules, weaken the power of technology, and greatly strengthen the power of mystery. "Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"Oh, this thing, we all know, this is what they use to pull people's heads and fool people; just like we often say that one day in the future, everyone will be a sage, and the world will be in harmony. Everyone says it's good, yes, yes, few people really believe it in private..." Inspector Liu said indifferently.

"Uh, can't you be shocked and give me some face?" Wen Rensheng said dissatisfied.

"Ah, I didn't expect them to have such a big conspiracy. This time you have made a merit, and you will be rewarded with 1 point for your merit!" Inspector Liu replied exaggeratedly.

"Forget it, since you don't care, just wait and see." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

Maybe as they said, it was just a dream of the other party, just like "I have a dream", how many years I have dreamed, it was still a dream before crossing.

He returned to his room and went to control the armored puppet again.


"Hey, did you just go to deal with the emergency of the main body?" The budgerigar said, and hurriedly flew away from his head.

After Wen Rensheng absorbed the puppet's own memory, he immediately knew what had happened just now - this bird was probably trying to get out of anger, and just grabbed and bit his head just now, but unfortunately it was iron.

He didn't care, and asked casually, "Yeah, it's dealing with urgent matters. You are also a puppet, so you should have this kind of demand, right? How do you usually deal with it?"

"Looking for a secretary, looking for a housekeeper, if you can't do it, just look for an apprentice. It took so much effort to cultivate it, isn't it just to handle urgent matters?" The budgerigar said of course.

"That's right." Wen Rensheng nodded.

Right here, the budgerigar suddenly pointed out the window and said, "Look, there is a person floating over from the sea."

Wen Rensheng looked up, his eyes narrowed, how could he be an acquaintance again?

I saw a young man floating on the sea with a very familiar appearance. It was Mu Chengen, the former boyfriend of Xu Mei.

These two people are really interesting, they appear one after another, and they don't come together.

I saw Mu Chengen lying on a wooden board, holding a bottle firmly in his hand.

"Go and save people." Wen Rensheng instructed, and then quickly walked out of the command room.

The budgerigar flew out from the door.

After a while, Mu Chengen was rescued by Wen Rensheng and laid flat on the deck.

"The person is already dead," the budgerigar snorted, shook his head, and then took a note from the other's arms, "There is also a handwritten note here, is it a last word?"

Wen Rensheng looked down:

"To my Meier, this bottle of beauty water can prove my courage and love."

It's really hard to lick a dog, it's all licked on this...

Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand to find a trace of purple mist, just to practice the healing technique, or a dead horse should be treated as a living horse.

I used it on Yan Ze last time, and I almost learned it formally.

The puppet began to investigate, and the main body began to search the Internet...

Well, this is his original therapy technique - internet search therapy.

"There was no trauma, and it was initially determined that the water choked into the trachea and suffocated to death."

Then he started searching for "the process of drowning".

Some said it was painful, some said it was peaceful.

Then that means the brain gets hurt, and then other organs.

But it seems that the other party has not been drowned for a long time, and many organs have not completely failed.

Then he searched "how to rescue a drowning person".

"Clear foreign bodies in the mouth and nose, open the airway, artificial respiration, chest compressions..."

He did the same in order, even if it was artificial respiration.

He still perfuses the mist as before, stimulating the other's heart and lungs, and restoring these two organs to function first.

Wait, we have to revive the brain stem and cerebellum at the same time, otherwise, the other party can't breathe.

"What are you doing? People die like this, and you don't let him go?" said the budgerigar in surprise.

This man is absolutely dead, he can tell at a glance.

The drowned person has a distinct mushroom-like foam on the nose and nose, which is a typical feature of drowning during his lifetime.

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda." Wen Rensheng said without turning his head.

"Did you not think about building a slaughterhouse when you were killing people?" said the budgerigar disdainfully.

"Don't disturb me, just play."

"Cut, if you die like this, do you still want to save it? Tell you, if you can save I will give you all the profits this time."

"Deal." Wen Rensheng agreed decisively.

The budgerigar quickly added: "Uh, if you can't save it, you have to give it to me."

"That won't work." Wen Rensheng decisively refused.

"Just toss." The budgerigar was very regretful, it flew back and forth, staring at Mu Chengen's body.

We have to find a way to completely kill this kid. The other party is now drowning to death, but most of the organs are still alive and not completely dead.

If you leave it alone, or let ordinary people's doctors treat it, it will definitely be dead.

However, Wen Rensheng looked at it too closely, and he couldn't find a gap for the trouble at all.

After more than two hours, Wen Rensheng finally breathed a sigh of relief as the electronic reconnaissance ship moved away from the cemetery.

"Dead or alive, fight here!"

"Let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was shocked, and a large mist spurted out at the same time, covering Mu Chengen's body.

Mu Chengen suddenly opened his eyes.

The budgerigar was stunned and jumped back in fright.

Of course it's not afraid of cheating corpses, it's afraid of Wen Rensheng, who can even save such a dead person!

"You, who are you holy? This must be at least a master-level healing technique to save people!" It said subconsciously.

Healing techniques of this level can only be learned by an old man who is at least two or three hundred years old.

There are no shortcuts in medicine, only soft and hard bubbles.

Wen Rensheng smiled slightly, the other party was right.

His healing technique had already been acquired during the treatment just now, and immediately surpassed the expert level and approached the master level.

"You have learned the Mystery Healing technique, the extraordinary power is increased by 10 points, and the maximum mystery degree is increased to 395."

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