Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 360: godson

Mu Chengen, this tall and sturdy young man, was originally an enviable son of a wealthy family.

There are a pair of parents who love him, and a girlfriend who can show off.

But now he doesn't know anything, he's just a fool, a giant baby.

In a restaurant in the secret port, the budgerigar is taking him to dinner.

"Hurry up and eat, it's because of your stupid son that your father and I have lost hundreds of millions!" Budgerigar said indignantly.

"Drumsticks, drumsticks." Mu Chengen said, pointing to the fried chicken drumsticks menu on the menu.

"You're not stupid..." The budgerigar went directly to the dining table, took a fried chicken leg, and threw it in front of him.

There were a few other people in the restaurant, all of them looking curiously at this strange combination of parrot and man.

There is nothing strange about the parrot, the strange thing is that the man, an ordinary person, how can he come here?

This is a hidden place.

Mu Chengen grabbed the fried chicken leg, and instead of eating it first, he handed it to the budgerigar: "You eat first."

The budgerigar felt a little strange, then shook his head and said, "I don't need to eat."

It is a puppet, it only needs the power of alien species for energy, and there is no physiological need at all.

For some unknown reason, it suddenly felt a throbbing in its chest, a feeling that had not appeared in a long time.

Mortal feelings?

Only then did Mu Chengen take a big bite of chicken thighs.

High-calorie foods are quickly converted into nutrients, and into sugars and nutrients to feed new organs.

For this meal, he finally ate a full four kilograms of food.

Budgerigars certainly don't feel bad about this, anyway, this restaurant provides food for free.

Moreover, the people of Shenzhou have long lost their memory of starvation. No one has starved to death for hundreds of years, and there is a large amount of food overproduction every year.

After eating enough, the budgerigar took the information from Wen Rensheng and found the other's family.

He lives in the Southeast Islands, has both parents, and has a lot of property. He went out to travel with his girlfriend, and was finally met by the armored puppet on the island near the Ocean Cemetery.

Forget it, send people back and pull them down.

It thought so, then made a phone call, found a plane, one person and one bird got on the plane.


After some tossing, this person came to a big island in the southeast and landed in a bustling city.

The budgie called a taxi again and sent the other party to the community where he lived.

It is very puzzled. It is said that this guy has lost so much money. On the way, it would be better to throw the other party directly into the sea.

Why do you have to follow the instructions of the armored puppet and send it back the same way without taking the trouble?

Well, I must be afraid of that guy, and he can have such a strong healing technique. The real power can be imagined.

You can't hate the relationship with each other just because of an ordinary person, right?

I'm not that clueless.

It will never admit that it has developed a subtle father-son relationship with this strange young man.

While thinking about it, the budgerigar rang the doorbell in front of him.

The door opened quickly, and a half-hundred old man who looked exactly like Mu Chengen came out.

"Xiao En, what's the matter with you?" Father Mu opened the door and immediately saw his son's abnormality.

Anyone can see that the young man who used to be vigorous and polite, now has innocent eyes like a baby.

"Oh, that's it anyway... so that's what your son is like," said the budgerigar impatiently.

"What is this, Mr. Parrot, can you not omit it?" Father Mu pleaded.

"Simply put, your son drowned and his brain died, and then there was a nosy Bodhisattva who rescued him on the way, but his brain had to slowly recover. Anyway, I think you are still young, in your 40s. Let's just give birth to another son, this time I'll save my worries and don't need to breastfeed." The budgerigar said simply.

Is there such a thing as persuasion?

But Father Mu was still very grateful, he believed that the other party would not deceive him.

At first glance, this parrot is a product of the mysterious world, and it will not deceive itself because of this.

"Thank you, please come in and sit down." Of course Father Mu would not let the other party leave.

One is thanks, and the other is just in case.

If there are any sequelae, it is better to ask the other party to solve it.

"No more sitting, I'm busy."

"Hey, I still have some properties under my name. I want to leave it to my son to manage it. It seems that he doesn't need it anymore..." Father Mu continued.

"Uh, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Of course I have to save people to the end." The budgerigar turned around immediately.

"What's in his hand?" Father Mu also found what Mu Chengen had been holding.

"What kind of beauty water is it, something for his girlfriend Xu Mei." The budgerigar replied casually.

"Xu Mei? That woman must be her problem. My son has always been far away from danger. This accident was definitely instigated by her." Mu Chengen's father hit the truth almost instantly.

This is my father's intuition.

"Oh, it seems that you don't agree with their association." The parrot landed on the coffee table and asked.

Mu Chengen's father went to pour a cup of tea and put it in front of the other side.

He looked at the silly son who kept following the parrot, and sighed: "I don't agree, what can I do? I told him earlier that the woman was not a good match, but he just didn't ~ Young people only pay attention to appearance, and they chase after people when they think they are beautiful, and they have no idea what is hidden under their appearance."

"Isn't that because of your poor education since childhood, he didn't learn how to see people?" The budgerigar said disdainfully.

"Yeah, it's the father's fault if the child doesn't teach. But how can mortals teach their children comprehensively? Even if Confucius teaches his disciples, there are still distinctions between the wise and the foolish, what can I do?" Father Mu said helplessly.

The budgerigar was silent.

It remembered that, a long time ago, it also had a son, also because of a woman, and died in vain.

No one can blame, but the guy himself.

The other party had already rejected him, and he fantasized about impressing the other party with courage and love.

In contrast, its son seems to be a little worse than Mu Chengen.

It shook its head, leaving those boring thoughts behind.

Isn't it just a son?

Live and die, live and die.

It won't care.

"Forget it, don't mention this, let's talk about your industries." The budgerigar decided to find some interesting topics.

"You are really true," Mu said helplessly, "I have two large plantations in the east of the city, one is a rubber tree plantation, which produces tens of millions of natural rubber every year, and a rice plantation, which produces hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Thousands of rice."

"Uh, mosquito meat is also meat. Okay, it's up to you to take care of the plantation. Just give me half of the income every year." The budgerigar dipped in the tea and wrote an account to the other party.

Father Mu smiled and took a picture of the account with his mobile phone.

He doesn't care about money anymore, look at the idiot's son, let's teach it again.

As for having another child, it is impossible, because he loves his wife very much, and his wife can no longer be born.

He also doesn't want to find someone else to have another one.

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