Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 362: true feelings

Then Wen Rensheng controlled the armored puppet, and after some toss, he came to the bustling city in the Southeast Islands.

In the lobby of a five-star luxury hotel, the armored puppet meets the budgerigar and Mu Chengen.

"Mei Mei, where are you?" Mu Chengen looked around.

like a dog.

Wen Rensheng admired in his heart, being so stupid, he still didn't forget the woman.

He asked himself that he couldn't do it.

Whoever dares to betray him will die, and only in this way can he completely calm his mind.

He can't learn from those boring guys, how to tolerate, how to let go... In the end, one is lazy, and the other is weak!

The budgerigar also hated and beat Mu Chengen's head with his wings: "Fool, women are so important? You have a fortune of over 100 million, isn't it good to find a serious and down-to-earth beauty?"

"I just want Meimei." Mu Chengen muttered, still holding the bottle of beauty water in his hand.

"Oh, isn't that her? Here she is." The budgie stared suddenly in one direction.

I saw a cool, fashionably dressed beauty walking right in.

And her left hand is still holding a human hand.

Wen Rensheng also knew that person, that was Huang Feng who had faked his death once.

He is very familiar with the breath of the other party, the budgerigar is right, this guy is already a mystery expert.

It seemed that he had taken advantage of his last time, and he did whatever he wanted, with a sudden attack, and ended the scene by force in advance, which greatly benefited the other party.

Unexpectedly, he contributed to Xu Mei's betrayal.

Mu Chengen also saw the other party and ran over immediately.

"Meimei, look, what good things did I get for you?" Like a child offering a treasure, he took beauty water and showed off to the other party.

"Okay, Mu Chengen, you don't have to play stupid, it's over between us." Xu Mei said lightly.

"It's over? Why?" Mu Chengen touched his head.

Xu Mei was stunned for a moment and looked at Huang Feng subconsciously.

Huang Feng shook his head and sighed deeply: "He seems to be stupid. It seems that he really loves you. Being stimulated like this, his brain subconsciously blocks the reality and hides in his own fantasy."

Brainstorming is perfect.

"Oh, there's no way, Brother Feng, who made me fall in love with you now?" Xu Mei said in a whimper.

"Meimei, won't you play with me in the future?" Mu Chengen asked blankly.

"Okay, you are also a man, you can put it down if you can afford it, and you haven't suffered any loss..." Xu Mei was a little impatient.

She originally thought that Mu Chengen died in the cemetery, but she didn't expect the other party to come out alive.

She also wanted to use the transfer contract previously given by the other party to accept the property under the other party's name, so she came here.

Since the other party is alive, it is not easy to take it, because if you take it, the other party will definitely pester her to marry.

"You, how can you do this? Dad, she bullies me! She doesn't play with me!" Mu Chengen immediately burst into tears, pointed at her, and complained to the budgerigar.

The budgerigar covered his face with his wings. Whoever likes this son will take it away.

Wen Rensheng was very fortunate to see this, and got rid of this trouble early.

At this time, in the lobby of the hotel, many people with identities came to look here.

"what's the situation?"

"The man and the woman broke up. The man was so stimulated that he regarded the parrot as his father..."

"I always think you're wrong."

The budgerigar had no choice but to fly forward.

"Xu Mei, it's not your fault that you want to break up with my son, but you can't just be so heartless after he has just recovered, right? He became like this because of you."

"What does it have to do with me?" Xu Mei didn't admit it at all.

"Hmph, that bottle of beauty water was obtained by letting him go deep into that dangerous place, right? He said it has nothing to do with you?" Budgerigar said coldly.

It's getting a little **** off.

Sure enough, he is a humble mortal, with a humble temperament and a humble personality.

"Hmph, that's all of his own volition, I just said it casually." Xu Mei raised her head and said.

"You are courting death!" The budgerigar was furious at the moment!

The father who has been called by Mu Chengen for so many days, he always has to do something for the other party.

It looked at each other, and there was a flash of smoke in its eyes.

Xu Mei was dizzy, like a fool, and then like a madman, she jumped into a fountain pond in the lobby!

Huang Feng didn't move, but looked at the budgerigar: "Senior, why should you be angry with an ignorant woman?"

"Hmph, you don't understand, this woman is not a good thing." Parrot said displeased.

"I already knew this, I just liked her appearance, she liked my power, it was just a business." Huang Feng said indifferently.

"It's really messy, and sure enough, this absurd era should be brought to an end!" Parrot said bitterly.

Huang Feng had nothing to say, as if it was very good in ancient times. Are there still few people who sold their sons and daughters in ancient times?

Now everyone knows to put on something to cover up.

At this moment, Xu Mei, who jumped into the fountain pond, was hurriedly rescued by the hotel staff.

After being rescued, the other party sneezed and choked very uncomfortable.

"Hmph, do you know now? Mu Chengen has completely experienced the fear you just suffered!" The budgerigar said bitterly.

Xu Mei was frightened, she ran behind Huang Feng and said, "Brother Feng, save me!"

"It's alright, senior just taught you a lesson and let senior let out his Huang Feng doesn't care.

"Oh, I see." Xu Mei said honestly.

"Why, why, I am such a precious person, but so humble in front of others?" Mu Chengen seemed to be sober, he muttered to himself while watching this scene.

Wen Rensheng walked over: "Because you didn't put yourself on an equal footing from the very beginning, and you won't get true feelings by being courteous and humble, but only contempt and disdain."

"Who are you?" Mu Chengen looked at the armored puppet in confusion, "I always feel that you are very familiar and have a familiar feeling."

"I am the one who saved you." Wen Rensheng replied.

"Let's go, you licking dog, you really disgrace my face," the budgie didn't do much after teaching Xu Mei, so it flew over and scolded Mu Chengen angrily, "When I go back, I will train you well and turn you into a real man! What is going to die or live is all due to hunger!"

Wen Rensheng nodded slightly, eating is the first need, it can indeed suppress people's need for emotions to a large extent.

He said to Mu Chengen, "Do you know what true feelings are?"

Mu Chengen shook his head.

"Let's go, I'll let you see." Wen Rensheng sighed.

The two of them left.

Huang Feng stared at the back of the armored puppet.

Xu Mei was slightly determined: "Brother Feng, what are you looking at?"

"I'm familiar with that person's figure. Could it be that the NPCs in that scene were all simulated by real people outside?" he said in a low voice.

Xu Mei didn't understand, she only knew that she seemed to have missed something.

That Mu Chengen, who was obedient to his own spare tire, seemed to have a stronger backstage—someone who even Huang Feng dared not provoke.

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