Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 365: Features and Recommendations

Wen Rensheng looked around the venue and said slowly, "Maybe someone is behind the scenes."

"So, who has such great ability to control such a powerful monster?" The deputy director continued to ask.

"If you can control the Zhenguo sea beast, I believe that someone can also control this kind of monster." Wen Rensheng continued.

"The Sea Beast of the State is maintained by the power of one country, coupled with the continuous inheritance. It is hard to imagine that other private organizations can have such perseverance and perseverance." The deputy director shook his head.

Wen Rensheng nodded slightly, and the other party's words proved the fact that despite the change of dynasties, there has always been an organization behind Shenzhou that continues the legal system.

This organization is naturally composed of aliens.

This is the biggest difference from the previous life. In the previous life, there are only a few families that have been passed down from ancient times to the present, and they are all the most shrewd.

This world is different. The alien organization has enough power to maintain its own independent existence. It has continued from ancient times to the present, using the national power of the prosperous period to build many large projects, such as this sea beast.

"Wait, I feel a little familiar with this method," Liu Xuncha suddenly said, "Do you remember the people of the Duzun Society, they publicized that their future goal is to let the mysterious world come, the complete evolution of alien species, these scenes The appearance of , doesn't it mean that the mysterious world is coming?"

Wen Rensheng was stunned for a moment, the other party was showing what he had said to him before, and he showed it again. At that time, this guy didn't believe it at all.

But he didn't think that the cemetery was created by Dominion, because from Yan Ze's words, he didn't feel it at all.

Of course, Yan Ze is just a **** who runs errands, and he may not know it at all.

"Could it be that they have such a great ability that the Dominion would come up with it?" The deputy director frowned.

"After all, their history is also very long, which makes sense." Someone echoed.

"It's unlikely, their activities are all within our sight. However, they are likely to use the principles of this cemetery to advance their ultimate goal," Teacher Qin vetoed, "Who is behind the scenes? , we can’t discuss it here, let’s talk about the characteristics of the cemetery and see how to make better use of it.”

"Okay, there are five features we have developed now." An experimenter opened the laptop he carried with him and projected it onto the screen in the conference room.

"One: open to everyone, without any restrictions."

"Two: The type of scene you enter is related to the wreckage of the boarded ship."

"Three: After entering, death is real death, not a game."

"Fourth: The scenes are complex, but they have a common feature, that is, they are all scenes of war and conflict. Even if peace construction occasionally occurs, it is only an interval before the war."

"Five: You can get certain benefits from it, provided you survive, and don't use the items obtained from it indiscriminately."

"It's all nonsense," Mr. Qin muttered, then opened a bottle of mineral water and poured it.

"It's not nonsense," the experimenter was a girl in a white coat, about 20 or 30 years old, with a ponytail, she said seriously, "By summarizing these basic characteristics, we can make better use of the grave field, serve us."

"Then tell me how to use my great expert," Teacher Qin teased.

"It's very simple. First of all, we must break the illusion and train from the psychological to the spiritual. The cemetery cannot be regarded as a place to upgrade the game." Experimenter Mo said calmly.

"Only those of you who are squatting in the office dare to use those places as a place to upgrade the game." Teacher Qin shook his head.

Everyone was a little puzzled and looked at each other.

"Old Qin is not usually like this, why is it always wrong today?"

"Is it the aftermath of going to the cemetery?"

Experimenter Mo ignored these whispers and continued: "We summarize the improvement effects of different scenarios. The naval battle scenario can often improve various combat-related skills; the island hegemony scenario can comprehensively promote the development and evolution of alien species; grievances Personal conflict scenes of love and hatred are more likely to produce various special items”

"It's still a bit dry." Teacher Qin nodded and drank water again.

"Old Qin, if you are not feeling well, go back first and find a doctor before taking a look." The deputy director couldn't help but said.

"Uh, I'm so sorry," Teacher Qin said, but his body stood up and walked outside. "Everyone, I'm not feeling well, so I'll take my leave."

Wen Rensheng raised his head and watched the other party leave. It seemed that the other party's psychological impact was really serious.

Fortunately, when he went last time, he made adequate preparations.

"Oh, it seems that the place is really dangerous, even an old fritter like Lao Qin will be recruited," the deputy director shook his head, and then said to everyone, "Continue the meeting."

"Secondly, our experimental team put forward a suggestion to allow people who are proficient in puppet to enter the exploration. Before ensuring safety, do not let the aliens go further, and prohibit ordinary people from entering." Experimenter Mo Continue.

"Thirdly, to mobilize more people, we need more funds, as well as talents proficient in illusion, to conduct research."

Well, in the end, I still can't forget to ask for money, it's a typical experimenter

The deputy director nodded and said: "Very good, your work is fruitful, I will issue a notice and push it to other inspection divisions for approval."

Experimenter Mo nodded and said nothing.

Seeing this, the others continued to discuss.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to puppet, and I haven't learned it before. My family is poor, and I can't learn these skills that can only be learned by rich and aristocratic families." An expert shook his head.

"Yeah, the key to puppet art lies in materials, skills and knowledge are not the most troublesome. These are the skills with the highest threshold. Just like the ancient alchemy art, without the support of the royal family, don't even want to play." Someone sighed.

"Yes, I still remember that I was very interested at the time, and I had to give up research on this skill in order to become an expert. Later, when I got older, I always stayed behind to do research, and put it down when I didn't use it. ' Someone else agreed.

The deputy director frowned, what do these people mean?

Do you want to wrap him up?

He can't let it go. Researching this skill is indeed very expensive. From the beginner level to the expert level, one person needs to invest billions of materials.

No matter how rich the inspection department is, it is impossible to invest in logistics and researchers like this. Only those on the front line can invest in this way.

Wen Rensheng understood the power of the Mysterious Seed even more. He only learned the elementary level, and he had an effect close to the master level. This is equivalent to saving a lot of money.

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