Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 375: East Island trip

When Mr. Zhao heard this, he couldn't help but be taken aback: "No, it's a large island of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. It has to span tens of thousands of miles and float to the vicinity of another continent. How is this possible?"

Yes, common sense thinks it is impossible, but the scene like the Ocean Cemetery has appeared, what is really impossible?

Wen Rensheng smiled: "Everything can be from easy to difficult, just like landing on Mars, first launch a satellite, then a space station, go to the moon, and finally go to Mars, we can also float one or two islands to America first. Nearby, let them taste the power of those people."

"But wouldn't it be boring if you do this?" Zhao shook his head and said, "If someone rebels, just exile them to a distant island, so as not to be ridiculed and tyrannized, why do you need to fight?"

"Isn't that the director complaining just now that the north and south can't support the wall, we have to find a group of guys who can support the wall, and block those America people, so as to save them from being too busy every day, they always feel that their home is safe, and they go around when they have nothing to do. Toss." Wen Rensheng explained.

"Hehe, how is it possible for those Dongdao people, they have always been very tame. If they go to the American people, they will only become their help. How can they be tossed?" Mr. Zhao did not believe.

Sure enough, without a lesson, no one would know the cruelty and stubbornness of those guys.

The frequent occurrence of volcanoes and natural disasters caused those guys to despise their lives and tyranny, that is, modern life, which changed their temperament.

Director An shook his head and said: "No, those guys have a very good way, but we have been suppressing them and supporting their upper classes, while the Chinese and gentry suppress the rise of their lower classes."

"If that's the case, why didn't you forcefully promote Han culture and assimilate them like other places?" Zhao asked in surprise.

"There is a reason for this, but it's a very high-level secret, so I can't tell you." Director An refused.

I can guess one or two without telling us.

It should be when the ancestors were preparing for a major disaster in the future, and transferred to these rebellious guys.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself.

At this time, Director An said to Wen Rensheng again: "Forget it, I was confused by your nonsense just now, your suggestion is too bold, and there are many obstacles, so I'll leave it to the future and plan carefully. Besides. Now we have to send people to investigate, but now that they have made a ruthless attack, they can only choose people who are proficient in puppetry, and that's not thinking of you."

Wen Rensheng was relieved when he heard the words, and it seemed that the other party had no intention of treating him as a cannon fodder at all.

Think about it too, how could a person with strategic value like himself be easily put in those dangerous places

In the past life, generally when you reach the position of middle and senior generals, it is strictly forbidden to fight on the front line, not to mention now

"But I don't have a puppet that fits my heart yet. I have practiced hands before, so I'm afraid I can't take on the big responsibility." Wen Rensheng spread his hands.

His armor puppets and fat dolls have their own uses, and there is no way to use them.

"It doesn't matter. Since it is official business, we will of course allocate a batch of high-quality materials to you." Director An said immediately.

Wen Rensheng immediately agreed: "Then of course I have an obligation."

The logistics have been solved, and it is also necessary to make some efforts, especially in pacifying the frontier problems. If you ignore it, you may hurt your family in the future.

Another week has passed.

Wen Rensheng controlled a new puppet he had created and came to the Inspection Division, joined with the two inspectors who had gone to Dongdao to investigate this time, and boarded a fighter jet heading for Dongdao.

The puppet he created is still a normal young man, with clear features and beautiful eyes, which makes people feel reliable at first glance.

He doesn't like to be turned into a beast or the like. Although it is more convenient in some places, it is easy to cause distortion of thinking.

In the long run, people are not like people.

The two inspectors are also puppets, each with an expert who is proficient in puppetry behind them.

The puppets controlled by the three were sitting around a table in a luxurious cabin of an airplane, talking to each other.

"I'm afraid that the puppetry of the manager of Wenren is close to the master level." A female inspector opposite said. She has a mediocre appearance and is in her forties, but she looks very dignified and belongs to Wang Cuiyan.

"Sister Wu praised it." Wen Rensheng smiled.

An adjacent male inspector smiled and said, "Sister Wu is not a false compliment, but the truth. She has studied puppet arts intensively, and she has been able to master it in 20 years, and she will never miss it."

"That's really amazing. According to Brother Chen, you can cultivate to the master level in 20 years, and I'm afraid you can also be ranked in history." Wen Rensheng said sincerely.

"Haha, in front of a genius like Manager Wen Ren, what is the historical ranking?" Sister Wu shook her head.

"Yeah, Manager Wen Ren is only 21 years old this year. People can't be compared with others." Inspector Chen also sighed.

Wen Rensheng heard the words of course and said: "It's very common, there are saints every five hundred years, and future generations will view those saints in the same way as the two of them."

He is not aimless. When future generations look at the history of their predecessors, those heroes who have been screened out are really like hanging out.

It's very simple, those who didn't open are eliminated, and only those who are open are left in history.

The two inspectors looked at each other and shook their heads secretly.

It seems that this person is good at is just too proud.

But it's normal, young people are more energetic.

During the discussion, the fighter plane has already landed at the Kyoto Airport in Tokyo.

The welcoming ceremony was very solemn. The late general's second son, Tokugawa Ieyuki, that short and stocky man, came to greet him in person.

The celestial dynasty comes, this is where the etiquette lies.

The red carpet, the line that greeted them, made their way to an airport.

Seeing this scene, Wen Rensheng once again thought to himself that the ugly scenes of the previous life must not be repeated.

Some idiots actually regard the dirty place as a sanctuary in their hearts, which is nothing more than a reverse of strength and weakness, and prosperity and decline.

There is no way to do this. In the previous life, there were only cold and strict material laws. There was no empire that was undefeated for thousands of years.

Those idiots do not understand this truth, how can they know that it is not easy to survive in the world. How many prosperous kingdoms have finally become other people's lackeys, or even completely disappeared, they just pretended not to see

But in this world, there are supernatural beings such as alien species, and this rule has been broken. And what he has to do is to continue to be strong in the past and continue to be strong for all generations.

He followed Wu and Chen and suddenly had an inexplicable idea, why are these two people's surnames so coincidental?

Could it be that the Inspector Division has other ideas?

As he thought about it, he chatted with Tokugawa Kayuki who greeted them, and the two of them could be considered acquaintances.

The other party was more attentive this time, and Wen Rensheng could figure it out with his heels. The other party was preparing for the position.

It is not up to them to decide the generals of Dongdao, and the only one who can make the final decision is the Celestial Dynasty.

This is also why he has been dead for many days, and there has been no new general, and he has to wait for someone from Shenzhou to investigate.

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