Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 383: Answer

After thinking about it, Mu Chengen finally just kicked the half-fat man fiercely, and then scolded: "Go away, don't let me see you in the future!"

The half-fat man climbed up with difficulty, and Wen Rensheng noticed that there was a trace of viciousness in the other's eyes.

Mu Chengen turned around and came back.

At this moment, the half-fat man suddenly took out a pistol from his arms and shot at Mu Chengen's back three times in a row!

"Bang bang bang!"

Of the three shots, only two hit Mu Chengen's back.

He fell on his back, his face full of disbelief, he turned his head and pointed at the other party: "You, you dare to kill?"

"I'm in self-defense! You can pretend to me!" The half-fat man held a pistol and gritted his teeth, "You bull! Re-install it for me, get up, and give me a dozen more!"

Mu Chengen vomited blood, he suddenly looked at Wen Rensheng and said with difficulty: "Uncle, save me again..."

Wen Rensheng stepped forward, and at this moment, the men in sunglasses who fell on the beach had already climbed up one by one, all stunned.


"Isn't it agreed to only fight for one meal?"

"It's over, we've become accomplices!" Someone panicked.

They are just making some money and supporting the scene. The bottom line of accepting is to fight and fight and stay in squat for half a month, rather than being an accomplice and exiled to do hard labor for a few years!

The budgerigar flew over, pounced on the opponent, and exclaimed loudly, "Son, you can't die..."

Wen Rensheng was speechless when he saw it. This parrot had bad intentions. The two of them could stop the shooting just now, but they didn't stop it.

He didn't stop it, he wanted to see if the budgerigar would stop it, but the other party actually let the man shoot.

The other party's intention, he could guess, was nothing more than to let Mu Chengen have a little more memory and infuse some ideas by the way.

The two bosses have their own thoughts, so the rookie is out of luck.

Thinking like this, Wen Rensheng squatted down and rescued Mu Chengen.

On the other side, his mysterious healing technique has already passed the proficiency level once.

Now you can swipe again.

If you find a guy and get hurt every day, your proficiency can rise very quickly.

It is a pity that such a guy is hard to find, and no one is willing to dedicate himself to be a noble general teacher.

Stop the bleeding, remove the bullet...

The half-fat man stood with a pistol in his hand.

There was some panic in his eyes, although he insisted that it was self-defense, he also knew that it was not reliable.

Now he will at least be sentenced to seriously injure others, at least ten years or more, and five or six years as short as possible.

Just for a moment of anger, it is necessary to pay such a big price.

He was a little dissatisfied.

If Mu Chengen died, the price he paid would be worth it, but if he was rescued, he would have to go to jail, which is absolutely impossible!

For some reason, such a brainless thought filled his heart.

Obviously Mu Chengen was rescued, and he could be dealt with lightly, but he thought so, and he did it.

He suddenly picked up the gun and said to Wen Rensheng, "Don't save this bastard! I want to avenge Xu Mei, I want his life to be worth his life!"

"It's so boring to be jealous," Wen Rensheng said without raising his head, "Is it worth it? There are still many beautiful things to do in this world, and so many delicious food, delicious food, film and television novels, beautiful sports... You want Are you going all the way to a dead end?"

When the men in sunglasses heard this, they all nodded secretly.

Isn't it?

Those of them who are old fight, either with fists or sticks, they always know the severity, the most fear is those who are new to the industry, who do not know the severity and ruin their youth.

Hearing the words, the half-fat man was a little panicked, but suddenly became angry: "Are you looking down on me? Xu Mei looks down on me, Mu Chengen looks down on me, and these thugs look down on me, today I will let you all look down on me. You know, I'm not someone who can be arranged casually!"

He actually shot Wen Rensheng directly!

Another three shots, all the bullets were fired directly...

Wen Rensheng didn't dodge or dodge, and let the bullet hit the armor and land on the ground.

Everyone was shocked.

Whether it was the half-fat man or the thugs with sunglasses he hired, they were all stunned.

Can someone actually resist bullets directly?

It's a bullet close at hand!

Could it be that he is a legendary alien?

Yes, that's right, I should have thought of it long ago, the man who can fight just now must be a xenogeneic!

The sunglasses thugs stared blankly at these people.

Unexpectedly, it was just a support scene, but I saw these legendary characters up close.

Just like ordinary people, seeing a billionaire around.

No, it is much rarer than that. After all, there are millions of billionaires, and there are even fewer aliens.

The half-fat man was even more panicked. He held the pistol and looked at the muzzle with his eyes: "Impossible, there must be a problem with the ejector."

He said that, and for some reason, he pulled the trigger again...


The bullet penetrated through the left eye, then flew out from the back of the head, and the whole person fell on his back.

"Oh, how did he get off the hook?" cried the budgerigar.

The other men in sunglasses were also stunned, and the development of the matter was truly jaw-dropping.

They were only here to participate in an ordinary fight, and by the way, they shared hundreds of thousands of pocket money, how could it become a situation of one death and one serious injury?

Wen Rensheng shook his head secretly.

This budgerigar is indeed a member of the Sovereign Society.

Ordinary people's lives, in their eyes, are simply things that are manipulated at will.

As long as they are not discovered by the Inspectorate, as long as they can make sense of it, they will dare to do all kinds of frivolous things.

What happened just now, if it wasn't for the budgerigar, he would dare to eat this beach on the spot.

At this time, he had already helped Mu Chengen to finish his treatment.

Compared with the last time, it was much easier to treat.

Mystery therapy is amazing.

Everything was cleaned up, but there were two more new skins on the back, much whiter than the surrounding area.

Everyone was stunned again.

"It's not a skill to kill the living, but a saint who can save the dead..." The man in sunglasses who was leading the charge suddenly said.

That's right, Mu Chengen's is almost lifeless in their eyes.

He was shot twice in the back, and the person who was sent to the hospital was cold.

However, the half-fat man has been beaten out of his brains, can he still be saved?

After Wen Rensheng treated Mu Chengen, he looked at the half-fat man and shook his head slightly.

"It's hard to save even gods."

He didn't do it. In fact, he could try one or two, but the other party shot him with a gun first. Why would he save someone who was going to kill himself?

In fact, let alone killing him, even if someone dared to scold him, he in this world must make that person unlucky.

Slandering a saint is a capital offense.

The budgerigar glanced at him, then slapped Mu Chengen's face: "My son, are you all right?"

Mu Chengen opened his eyes, and then said in surprise, "I'm not dead?"

"Not dead, not dead, don't be afraid."

"Great, thank you uncle." Mu Chengen got up and kowtowed to Wen Rensheng.

This is a real life saver!

He has understood a truth, even if he is strong, he can't pretend to be forceful, otherwise, he will easily be shot.

The budgerigar waited for him to kowtow, and then asked: "The question I gave you just now, how to deal with the provocation of ordinary people, do you now understand what to do?"

"Understood, I have to learn to endure, we also have many nemesis." Mu Chengen thought seriously.

"It's only half right, the real answer is that in the face of provocation, we must cut the grass and root, and we can't leave trouble!" The budgerigar said grimly.

Wen Rensheng didn't say anything about this, he called the police, and then waited for someone from the local police station to come over to deal with these matters.

Of course the others couldn't leave either. They were all witnesses and participants, and it was impossible for them to leave like this.

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