Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 388: All is well

Wen Rensheng wants to make an overseer.

It's a puppet, but it doesn't have any human weakness, it will have perfect oversight rules.

It will judge Wen Rensheng's actions according to firm principles and remind him in time.

So Wen Rensheng started to go online again, and with the money he just earned, he started to buy various promising puppet materials.

Fortunately, I still have the essence dug from other puppets when I robbed the blood aliens last time, which can greatly reduce consumption, and only need to buy some auxiliary materials, otherwise, it will hurt again.

He started doing functional design.

It is necessary to let the other party have a set of scientific judgment standards to judge their own behavior to pick out the good and the bad.

In this way, the mistakes made in the past can be avoided.


For the next few days, Wen Rensheng was busy with his supervisor puppet.

Until this day, the day when the college entrance examination ended, Zhao Han returned with a complicated expression.

"What's the matter, looking at your face, could it be that it's baked?" Wang Wenwen, who was nursing his son at home, joked upon seeing this.

"No, after working hard for a long time, I found out that it doesn't seem to be interesting. The problem is too simple, there is nothing that I can't do, let alone problem solving, even the speed of writing is far faster than my classmates, at least three times as fast as them. ." Zhao Han looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and the whole person fell into an inexplicable emptiness.

"Che, it's so mysterious, isn't it the same as when I play games, when I open a plug-in? At first, I was enthusiastic, killing a lot of people, and slowly I got bored, and I died with one knife, and it became a fun part without challenges. It was greatly reduced, and it quickly entered the desensitization sage period..." Wang Wenwen disdainfully.

Zhao Han nodded again and again: "Well, that's right, that's the feeling. No wonder everyone has to hide their clumsiness and don't want to show their identities as aliens. If I let other students know that my problem is so simple, it will definitely be very awkward. It's good. But trying to understand the world of ordinary people without being able to get away from them is really painful..."

"Okay, just treat yourself as one of those billionaires. If you want to live far away from the crowd, don't billionaires rarely have contact with ordinary people?" Wang Wenwen said indifferently.

The other party felt this way, she had felt it as early as in elementary school.

Because of her mother's harsh education, she was a lot more than her classmates when she was very young, and she felt the warmth and warmth of humanity since she was a child.

Xenomorphs are too powerful to be envied by billionaires.

After all, billionaires are still human beings, and there are many constants in human beings. There are not a few rich people who die because of terminal illnesses. Of course, they are always much better than the poor.

Zhao Han nodded slightly when he heard this.

It's time to cut up with the former friends... In fact, since the incident of being hijacked by the alien species, it is time to make such an action.

Everyone always goes a different way.

"Understood, I'll be a quiet and beautiful girl in the future, just like Sister Yunshuang and Sister Shanshan." She waved her fist and said.

"Haha, it's good for you to continue to be a club." Wang Wenwen said disdainfully.

The fat doll next to him clapped his hands and smiled: "Clap, stick."

"Dong Dong..." Zhao Han angrily knocked on the doll's head, and then asked, "When did you start your secret plan, I have finished the college entrance examination now, and I have no other thoughts and can cooperate with you."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't expect you to be so righteous, I was wrong just now," Wang Wenwen heard the words, and immediately saw the wind, "All my preparations are almost done, now you help me predict and see when On the auspicious day of the zodiac, which place is the treasure land of Feng Shui?"

Zhao Han started to predict immediately.

Wang Wenwen wanted to give birth to a baby to fool her mother, and she had no objection to it.

As long as anyone sees Wang Cuiyan's desire to control her, they will feel sympathy.

She would also be sincerely happy that this friend could be relieved.

"The stupid Zhao Han rarely did a clever thing. What she did today will be rewarded a thousand times in the future. June 26 is the most suitable day for auspicious signs, and the place is at The top of Dongyue."

That's great, if you are a good person, there will still be good rewards.

Seeing this, Zhao Han excitedly said to Wang Wenwen: "June 26, the top of Dongyue, everything will be fine."

"Well, will it be too high-profile?" Wang Wenwen began to hesitate.

Zhao Han instigated: "What are you afraid of, if you want to play, play with the big one. If it is too small, the aunt will doubt it."

Anyway, watching the fun is not too big of a deal.

"That's right. My mother can easily see the flaws. She has to be shocked." Wang Wenwen glanced at the vivid fat doll, and finally made up his mind.

Looking at the time, there are still more than half a month before the two of them start making the final preparations.

Half a month later, the time came to June 23, and the two girls decided to set off.

But before leaving, Zhao Han suddenly said that he was going to find Wen Rensheng to follow.

"Let's see him? I'm going to have a baby. Men are not good in the past." Wang Wenwen was not very happy.

"In case there is an accident, someone will tell you the truth." Zhao Han insisted.

"Okay then." Wang Wenwen agreed.

So Wen Rensheng was pulled into a strong man again.

Originally, Wen Rensheng didn't plan to go, but asked his mother to follow him. After all, these are two girls, and the place to go is also very safe.

But the sudden prompt from the mysterious seed made him change his mind.

"Mysterious Birth: In mythology, there is also reality. Life on earth is really sent from heaven."


"Mysterious composition:???"

Wen Rensheng felt a little helpless after seeing the prompt.

It's not normal depending on the situation.

I didn't expect Wang Wenwen to be able to toss such a big thing, and even the mysterious seed can be touched.

So he agreed, but in order to avoid suspicion, he pulled Wu Shanshan again.

"I don't know what you are going to do, I just take you on a trip as a reward for Zhao Han's successful college entrance examination." Wen Rensheng said.

Zhao Han's college entrance examination results have been self-assessed, and the standard answer will come out after the exam

And she has an extraordinary memory, and she memorized her answers almost the same. Except for the uncertainty of the composition, there are basically no mistakes in other topics, and at most it is just a few points deducted.

This is the reason why she feels that there is no challenge. After training so hard for so long, it turns out that the opponent is a scumbag.

Wu Shanshan didn't refuse, and she didn't know what the two of them were going to do, because she was always busy with her own affairs, and she couldn't have the time to worry about Wang Wenwen's affairs.

In fact, her relationship with Wang Wenwen is not very close.

Because she knows that the other party is a smart woman, and smart people don't like to be with smart people, it's too tiring unless one is smarter.

So the group of four took a plane to the airport at the foot of Dongyue Mountain, and then chose the night of June 25th to start climbing the mountain.

Dongyue Sunrise is a famous scenic spot.

However, there are many mysterious disasters in this world, and the night is the peak period, so few people dare to climb it with confidence.

Of course, there are bold people everywhere. Although there are few people, Wen Rensheng and others still encountered seven or eight waves of people on the road, including some elderly people.

"Dongyue's yang is heavy, and there are no evil spirits, so don't worry." An old man said to the four people while slowly climbing the mountain ladder.

"Probably so." Wen Rensheng was noncommittal.

There are many legends and myths in the past life, Dongyue is connected to the nether land, this is the positive return to yin, or the use of extreme yang to suppress extreme yin.

It's just that in this life, this Dongyue has indeed not experienced any mysterious disasters.

The reason is very simple, there are aliens on duty at the foot of the mountain.

Because this place is so famous, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign people all know that this is the legal principle of the inheritance of the Shenzhou Dynasty.

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