Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 392: danger of extinction

When the host heard this, he also nodded slightly towards the young Director Xing, expressing his approval.

The old director Wang also said: "Brother Xing is right, we must vigorously develop technology, save manpower, and then carry out talent evaluation and classification, and put qualified people into handicrafts, such as art, literature, handicrafts. In this way, our Shenzhou population has the highest quality and the best arrangement, and we will definitely be able to dominate the world again in the new changing situation."

At this time, Director An suddenly said to Wen Rensheng beside him: "Xiao Wen, tell me your opinion"

Wen Rensheng nodded. When they came, the two did not exchange opinions privately. That is to say, what he said now is completely his own opinion and has not been interfered by anyone.

He looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him.

He wasn't panicking, although it was such a top meeting, he didn't feel anything.

Because the power is in himself and no one can take it away, he doesn't need to panic.

The reason why people show timidity to high-level people is simply because the other party has the ability to deprive him of something.

"This trading gate, from the time it appeared, I was guessing where it came from. I think it has a lot to do with the Ocean Cemetery that appeared recently. When we get benefits through it, we should think that it is also Get benefits through us. And after it grows, it is still a win-win situation for us. I am not optimistic about this." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

Everyone smiled slightly, looked at each other, and nodded.

Of course, they also want this, but it is really amazing that this young man can bring it up.

Instead of being fooled by the immediate benefits, but seeing the inner woes, this is a person who is worth cultivating with a long-term vision, who can lead a family, a family, and a country.

And those who are only greedy for the small profits in the present, but forget the future disasters, just like the monarch in the story of "Destroying the Guo on a Fake Journey", who was bought by the small profits and forgot the truth of "lips die and teeth are cold",

"That's good," Director Wang said, clapping his hands, "the remarks just now, in the final analysis, are all our own wishful thinking, and the enemy will not follow our wishful thinking. Those who do not seek truth from facts and only care about their own calculations, All have failed in history, none of them have succeeded. We have only seen the trade gate, but this trade gate is not a natural resource without consciousness, it is a mysterious thing, just like the alien species, whoever regards it as a gold mine that can be dug at will , that would be absolutely appalling.”

The others applauded.

Wen Rensheng smiled, indicating that he was used to it.

When the applause stopped, the host continued: "Mr. Wenren's suggestion is very good. We all talked about the advantages before, but now we need to consider its disadvantages. Director An just said that this is likely to be a trap. We Before development, we must investigate clearly, and at the same time, we must issue proposals to other forces with trading gates, so that they cannot rashly use this trading gate."

Everyone nodded, this is the way to be prudent.

China is already very strong, and what it needs is steady development, rather than seeing a little benefit and rushing to it, ignoring any strategic considerations.

"There are now six trading gates in the world, located in my country, Nanzhu, America, Central Europe, South Africa, and South America. Among them, there are two that we can control, two that can exert significant influence, and the only one that cannot be influenced. Just two of South America and America"

The host started to introduce the situation again, and after the introduction, he asked everyone to express their opinions again.

"In this way, the situation will be very bad," Wang Lao Director sighed, "The American people will definitely try their best to support the trading gate, and then let it grow stronger. After it grows, the first target it attacks is most likely to be the strongest. Ours. It's their specialty, and even if it ends up hitting them in the foot, they'll do it."

Wen Rensheng was shocked when he heard this, and looked at the old director Wang, who looked like an old man in his 60s, his eyes were full of wisdom.

It seems that someone has already realized this problem, and the American people are using various means to pull Shenzhou off the throne and then sit on it themselves.

He has the memories of his previous life, and he couldn't agree more with what Mr. Wang said.

From the very beginning, America was not a country seeking peace, but a place full of liars, villains, and robbers that concentrated all the evil in the world.

It was with their financial support that World War II was finally launched. The war resources of Germany and Japan in the previous life were mainly accumulated through the capital of America.

When China suffered the catastrophe, they even exported steel and oil to each other until World War II was about to break out.

When World War II broke out, Britain and France, who were at the forefront of the world, completely declined and dismembered. It took them fifty years to finally reach the top.

"Do your best, mobilize our strength in America, publicize the degree of harm, and try to change their measures." Director An suggested.

"It's useless. Their management is loose on the outside and strict on the inside. It's very hypocritical. Once those forces are activated, they will only be cleaned up immediately." Director Wang shook his head.

"In this way, the final situation is that the bad money drives out the good money. Everyone competes to extract the benefits from the trading gate, strengthen themselves, and at the same time make the manipulator behind the trading gate strong, and finally die together" someone sighed.

Wen Rensheng was deeply awe-inspiring, this is the scary part of the general trend. You know it's a trap, but you still have to step into it.

Wait, this method is quite familiar.

That's right, isn't this one of the "game theories" created by the previous Sea Eye disaster?

This is a typical prisoner's dilemma. Everyone has to pursue their own optimal solution, it is difficult to cooperate, and in the end there is only a lose-lose situation.

Dark Brain, consecutive events

All things have an inner context.

However, my side was making wishful thinking just now, so why is this behind-the-scenes mastermind not making wishful thinking?

He calculated the overall situation, but not himself in the game

As long as you grow up, you can break it with one effort

Sure enough, this is the fate of the one who descended from the sky. When he came to this world, he wanted to be the savior of the world and become a saint by the way.

Of course the others didn't know what Wen Rensheng was thinking, and they all frowned.

The situation is clear at a glance, but there is no way to solve it.

China and America have competed for two or three hundred years. How can they reach a sincere cooperation?

In this situation, the one who benefits is the man behind the transaction gate.

"The only way is to issue a restriction agreement to slow down the growth rate of the trading gate as much as possible, and try to exaggerate its dangers and portray it as a world-annihilation thing. In this way, I believe that even in America, they will not Dare to go too far, after all, what they want is the first, not the end of the world." The young Director Xing suggested.

Wen Rensheng nodded again. In his previous life, he was in a cold war, and America didn't get off the hook in the end, which verified the other party's thoughts.

Although the two worlds have different histories, the geographical environment and cultural thinking are the same, so the opponent's judgment will not be greatly wrong.

"Okay, then we have to concoct a disguise to make others believe the danger of this trading gate. Of course, this plan should be as real as possible. Fake things can't be deceived for too long. "The host finally made the only decision for this meeting.

After the meeting, Wen Rensheng didn't go back immediately, but under the leadership of Director An, he ate and drank with the other five directors to get closer.

Everyone is a different species, and the number is rare. In addition to public affairs, we must take into account personal friendships and try our best to stay in a group to seek inner peace.

To be honest, at their level, the competition for interests on the table is more for their subordinates than for themselves.

At the meeting, Director An and Director Xing, who were tit-for-tat, were also drinking and chatting in private, enjoying a lot of fun.

"Mr. Wenren, he is the most outstanding young man I have ever met in the past few years. Brother Xing, although you are powerful, you are still far behind." It seemed that he drank too much. At the banquet, Director An Pointing at Wen Rensheng, he exclaimed loudly.

"Haha, this is a good thing, and it is a great good thing, with a younger generation better than me, I can be lazy, and sleep more peacefully at night, don't worry about waking up one day, there will be a storm that burns the wizard. Director Xing didn't care, but smiled sincerely at Wen Rensheng.

"Yeah, at our point, seeking stability is the most important thing, but in this world, if you don't leave quickly, there is no word for stability, and you can only hope that the younger generation will become stronger and stronger." Wang Laosi Chang drank his tea and nodded vigorously.

Wen Rensheng smiled, a hint of relief flashed in his heart.

There are few aliens, which is a disadvantage and an advantage. Fewer people means less introversion, more unity, and the above pays more attention to cultivating and promoting the people below, rather than suppressing and guarding against them.

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