Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 403: bottleneck of power

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"Mu Chengen, mystery: 21."

"Mysterious composition: seed of blood, primary extraordinary physique, primary puppet technique."

Seeing the simple two lines of information, Wen Rensheng couldn't help being shocked.

It doesn't look very good, don't forget that the other party activates the xenogeneic species, and it has reached this point in less than two months.

That's the difference between licking and being licked...

"You go to help check the information first, and see where there are more incidents of this kind of antiquities being lost." Wen Rensheng instructed.

"Oh, I'll go right now." Mu Chengen hurried away with the excitement and energy of a new-born alien.

Wen Rensheng looked at the other party's back and shook his head slightly.

A good guy, but always following the budgerigar, I'm afraid the road will go wrong.

Only take one step at a time.

After all, the other party is also an adult and should have the ability to distinguish.

Just thinking about it, the budgerigar flew over from the living room window.

Wen Rensheng asked, "How is the situation?"

The budgerigar said excitedly: "Everyone is very happy, saying that such an open and honest opportunity to enrich the collection is too rare, and it is just used to enhance our heritage."

"What should I do?" Wen Rensheng continued to ask.

"The guy who dares to do this kind of thing has only three or five heads, just staring at each one. Well, you heard right, selling antiquities outside is a beast, and a beast should be represented by a head." hate hate road.

"It's really strange, they can't be short of money, why would they do such a hateful thing?" Wen Rensheng asked in surprise.

"They lack strength. Those beasts are on the verge of promotion and cannot break through for many years. They don't find their own reasons. They just want to use external force. Since the trading gate can exchange for many mysterious things, there may not be a way to break through power. Don't care, in comparison, what is selling some antiquities?" The budgerigar said of course.

"So it is." Wen Rensheng nodded. Besides money, there are also strength and longevity, which are what people pursue, but there is no upper limit to these two.

In fact, there is no limit to the greed of making money, only a limit to productivity.

"Can you tell me a specific person?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Oh, you are really brave. After knowing this, you can't get out of this matter and go against them, but at the risk of losing your life, they have many methods. Unless you don't go outside for the rest of your life, there will always be When they get a chance to retaliate, we rely on a few big bosses, they dare not retaliate, are you alone, can you afford it?" The budgerigar threatened.

"A gentleman can do something, and he can't do something. Mighty and unyielding, poor and humble." Wen Rensheng said decisively.

"Uh... If you can take off this vest first and talk to me like this, I can call you a good man." Budgerigar said disdainfully.

"The vest cannot be taken off. The original invention of the puppet technique was to make the righteous people bleed less and do more work." Wen Rensheng argued strongly.

"Ancient Snitch always had to be masked."

"That's different."

The budgerigar said impatiently: "Well, there are three biggest suspects in total, namely Wei Haoming, who is already at the peak of the master level, Wang Changyu, who is in the middle of the master level, and Zhang Anwen, who is at the expert level. These three are all about the same age. Over 150 years old, each has his own company, many subordinates, deep-rooted, really old and not dead is called a thief.”

"The first two still have some capital, and the latter Zhang Anwen, who is only an expert, dares to do such a thing?" Wen Rensheng's eyes narrowed.

"He has a bloodline disaster tool, which was handed down from his ancestors. When his ancestors were framed and killed by ten clans, the grievances were soaring, and the disaster tool was born. Only one woman survived, it was his ancestors and their descendants. Activating the alien species, participating in the process of destroying the dynasty, and then mastering the disaster weapon is powerful, but it is also subject to the opponent, and it is difficult to advance. Outsiders speculate that it should be the reason why the power is absorbed by the disaster weapon..." Budgie began to speak.

"The motives are really strong, no wonder you are listed as a target of suspicion." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"Yeah, this guy is actually the most dangerous. The other two masters can control themselves, but he may be controlled by the disaster weapon." The budgie sighed.

"Well, since there are suspects, just start staring at them."

"Staring is not something you can just casually stare at. Don't forget, people also have puppet skills, and they also wear vests to do bad things. In fact, they don't know how many subsidiaries there are. They will definitely not let them do this kind of thing. Instead, let the guy who can't fight with eight poles do it." The budgerigar laughed secretly.

Wen Rensheng ignored this guy's sarcasm, he thought carefully, what the other party said was right.

But now there is a clue.

The missing ancient painting has not been found yet, so you can use the prediction technique + sniper technique to precisely locate it.

According to Wang Wenwen's description, the person behind the doer is definitely not an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, he decided to do it.

There is nothing to worry about, at most it is to throw a puppet and recreate it again. Besides, there are people who will reimburse it, right?

So he said to the budgerigar: "Okay, I'll go watch this guy with a disaster weapon, but this is good for you, can you give me some support?"

"Didn't you just say that you are a gentleman? A gentleman is poor, what support do you need?" The budgerigar asked in surprise.

"Gentlemen also need to eat, and saints also charge tuition." Wen Rensheng was righteous.

"Oh, alright, alright, if you can find out what happened, we'll take care of it for you. I saw that those guys were not pleasing to the eye, but I didn't have a chance to do it." The budgerigar said quickly.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng asked the other party for detailed information, and then set off.

The budgerigar stared at the distant back of the armored puppet, with uncertain eyes.

What is the origin of this guy?

Even prophecy can't find his origin.

Ordinary investigative methods are not very effective. They only have some superficial information, which is hindered by many obstacles from the Inspection Department.

But it will come out sooner or later. The more contact, the greater the possibility of revealing the bottom.


After Wen Rensheng got the information, he delivered the armored puppet to a certain important town in the northwest region.

This is the hometown of Zhang Anwen, the most suspected of all - the location of a well-known travel This important town is located in the south of Dingxi City, the capital of the Northwest Region. Military town type fortress city.

This is also true. After Wen Rensheng came to this place, he saw a long wall surrounding the city and towers standing high, showing a hint of ancient style.

It's just that the interior is full of shades, the streams are gurgling, and the scenery is pleasant.

That travel company is doing tours of historic sites in the Northwest. There are too many historic sites in the Northwest Region, and they are well preserved and have high tourism value.

Just like the ancient Great Wall, murals, sculptures, cultural relics... The categories are complete and everything is available.

When Wen Rensheng was walking on the road, he could see some stone statues standing beside the sidewalk. Just looking at the traces on it, he knew that it had a history of hundreds of years.

Even if it's not for selfishness, but only for these antiquities, he can't allow anyone to destroy them, let alone steal them outside to consume them.

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