Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 437: Destruction of the deserted village

Wen Rensheng was quite shocked when he heard Jiang Yuanxia's discovery of this discovery.

The ability of life to adapt to the environment is very strong, or it can be said that those with weak adaptability are extinct, so what we see are those with strong adaptability, such as flies, mosquitoes and small strong mice.

And the last generation of the people in this village actually mutated on the bones and became more suitable for activating xenogeneic species - but from another aspect, could their extinction be related to this mutation?

You must know that the reason for biological extinction is that variation cannot keep up with the speed of environmental change, and there is no variation branch that can adapt to the environment.

According to the records in the archives, after several generations, this village suffered a catastrophe. It seems that it may not be that simple.

Just as he was thinking, a long-lost event sound suddenly sounded in his mind:

"The Destruction of the Deserted Village: The disappearing villages, the lost villagers, and the things hidden behind them will be far beyond your imagination."

"Mystery: ???"

"Mysterious composition: ???"

Wen Rensheng was calm on the surface, but in his heart he was both surprised and happy.

The experience posts I have seen are really useful. When you go out and wander around, you can really encounter some opportunities.

At this time, the male student named Wei Jiang said to Jiang Yuanxia: "Teacher, these topics are too difficult for us to talk about to laymen, it's just a waste of other people's time, we should arrange for this Mr. Wenren first. Just stay."

Wen Rensheng smiled when he heard this.

After all, you are an adult, so if you satirize others, you would be tepid, and you would arrange accommodation for yourself. In fact, it means that if you are a layman, you should go to the side to cool off.

Of course, he wouldn't turn his face, which would damage his bearing, but if the investigation goes on, the other party will soon understand who is the real layman.

So he said, "In this way, there will be three laborers."

Jiang Yuanxia is obviously a kind of silly female scholar, she didn't notice anything strange at all, she just said: "That's right, then, Fei He, you can arrange a place for Mr. Wenren, there is an empty tent next to us. "

Although Fei He was also a little unhappy, his personality was obviously better, so he didn't say anything and took Wen Rensheng to arrange his accommodation.

Wen Rensheng followed.

The three of them lived on a north-facing hillside, which was shaded, ventilated, cool and dry, and it seemed that they spent a lot of time in the wild.

"Mr. Wenren, please live here," Fei He said, pointing to a tent on the west side, "However, please be careful not to walk around in other places, because there are many places where we marked the plum blossoms. , for observation."

"Thank you, I'll pay attention." Wen Rensheng glanced at it, his eagle eyes moved, and he found that there were some marks in many places. It was indeed a plum mark, but it was still very obvious. It could not be said that the other party deliberately embarrassed him.

However, he also has something to investigate.

The so-called "don't walk around" can't restrain yourself.

After Fei He arranged a tent, he left in a hurry. It seemed that he didn't want to be dragged down by his companions.

Wen Rensheng just looked at the tent and started his own investigation in the village.

Walking on the abandoned streets full of weeds and wild vines, you can only see the outline of the former village, a few stone houses still standing tenaciously, symbolizing the former existence of the village.

Where will the meeting point be in the village?

Wen Rensheng activated the Spiritual Control Technique, and soon saw a string of green dots emanating from a big banyan tree in the center of the village.

On the big banyan tree, there is a green and vicissitudes of life tree hole, and a faint trace of bright red can be seen in it, as if some life is bred.

He immediately walked towards the big banyan tree.

After getting close, he saw a plum blossom mark on the banyan tree—obviously, Jiang Yuanxia and the others had already investigated this place.

The green dot is gushing out of the tree hole, as if this is the exit of another world.

Wen Rensheng looked at the tree hole and said nothing for a long time.

I don't know how long ago, Wei Jiang's voice sounded from a distance: "Hey, what are you doing? Don't disturb our research results!"

His voice was loud, which made Wen Rensheng look at him in surprise.

"Just take a look, there's no need to make such a fuss, right?" Wen Rensheng's tone was a little displeased, it's been too long since no one dared to yell at him like this.

"You laymen, that's all, you always think this is weird and that is weird, and you mess around and make a mess of our inspection site." Wei Jiang hurried over, looked up at the tree hole, and found that I was relieved that the plum blossom mark was not damaged.

"I have paid attention to your imprints and will not interfere with your inspection work, but on the other hand, I have also been approved to come here. We are equal, do you understand?" Wen Rensheng stared at each other. road.

"Equality? Without us researchers, you people who only know how to fight and kill, how can you still have your current prestige?" Wei Jiang suddenly said with disdain.

Obviously, he still has the idea of ​​"everything is inferior, only reading is high".

At this time, Jiang Yuanxia and Fei He also rushed over.

"What did you say, Xiao Wei, hurry up and apologize to Mr. Wen Ren." Jiang Yuanxia had already discovered something was wrong. It seemed that this student had inexplicable hostility towards Wen Rensheng.

She didn't introduce Wen Rensheng's true identity, because she didn't want the students to be distracted and focused on research - not to make connections and get out of the way.

But this shouldn't be the reason for the opponent's hostility to Wen Rensheng. Basic manners are still required, right? Let alone a xenogeneic expert.

"I didn't say anything That guy last time, isn't that the case. After he came in, he didn't know what to do and pretended to understand, and he pointed and messed around. It took us a long time to tidy up the scene." Wei Jiang muttered, but his voice was much lower, and he was obviously still a little afraid of the teacher.

"I'm sorry, this student of mine has been doing research all the time. I've been studying for a while. Don't bother with him." Jiang Yuanxia apologized to Wen Rensheng.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you run into me. If you run into other people, it won't be so easy to calm down today." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"Oh, they were so well protected by me that they didn't get beaten up by society." Jiang Yuanxia sighed.

Perhaps it is not a good thing to keep them immersed in the research field. At the very least, it is necessary to understand the principles of being a human being.

In fact, there are many researchers who seem to have a scientific aura bonus, but are of inferior character.

To learn to be knowledgeable, but also to learn to be a person.

After an unkind episode, the four separated again, and Wen Rensheng continued to observe the tree hole.

At this time, the green dots that emerged from the tree holes returned again, but when they returned, he clearly saw that these green dots had already carried some red.



Then, what was the thing that was brought back?

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