Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 466: Color Li Nei

Superman, originally a superhero, is synonymous with saving mankind, but in this world, it is piled up with human flesh and blood.

It's ironic, but very real.

Aren't any heroes made from the flesh and blood of ordinary people?

There has never been an exception.

Wen Rensheng thought this, and at the same time, he also had a competitive spirit in his heart.

The McCanns love heroes, especially extraordinary individuals, which can be fully verified from their films.

He thought for a while and said, "Have you ever thought about exposing this news so that they can't step down completely?"

"It's useless. After we learned the truth, we tried to do this. However, the seemingly loose McCann people actually have far more binding force in this regard than we, those of us who spread the news, immediately I was caught, but fortunately they were all hired hands, so it’s not a pity to lose it.” Parrot said frustratedly.

Wen Rensheng nodded, yes, many people would not have thought that when it comes to cultural control, McCann is the first.

"You came to me, should you want me to deal with their superman?" Wen Rensheng decided not to go around in circles and asked directly.

"Yes, although we still have some powerhouses who can fight against or even crush them, they are not willing to directly confront those super soldiers that were temporarily concocted, and their puppets can't afford this task. Unless they can fully Only when they master the details of the other party will they take action." The budgie was a little embarrassed.

I thought I was well-prepared, but it turned out to be a fight, and foreign aid was often needed.

This made the face of their Sovereign Society torn off again and again.

But because of this, they couldn't bear the result of defeat.

This is the power in reality. Before the battle, they thought they were very powerful, but when they fought, they would be full of flaws. Only after a long period of training can they have real combat effectiveness.

Wen Rensheng suddenly understood that it was the old reason.

The probability of fear of death for the new generation of aliens is getting higher and higher, which is the problem of too long in peacetime.

They enjoy more and more, but also more and more afraid of death and battle.

From this point of view, the Sovereign Society is inherently insufficient, and it is impossible to shake the foundation of the Inspectorate.

After all, the latter can maintain the situation and complete their role and tasks, which is enough.

The people's requirements are not high, as long as they can provide a safe environment, they can overcome other things by themselves.

In this case, the Dominion Club can only be a relatively weighty **** at best, and of course it is also a **** that attracts much attention.

"Okay, I will fight, and I also want to see how good those supermen are?" The big cat's cold voice gave Parrot great encouragement.

"My good brother, you are really a reliable person. I'll go back and tell them." The parrot came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Wen Rensheng shook his head slightly when he saw this. Some people can only play the role of running errands, while others are born protagonists.


After the parrot left the big cat, he quickly came to a conference room.

A video conference was soon held for the news it brought.

"Can it do it? A big cat who doesn't know the basics, even if he performed well in the previous battle, but it is a super soldier equivalent to a master-level alien. Although it is only a rush version, its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. After all, their previous backgrounds All of them are true warrior kings..." An old man in a robe, who should be a master, doubted.

Of course, the parrot knew who the other party was, a timid old man, and even proposed to retreat.

It's ridiculous, it's all about this, if you retreat, it's not a waste of time, and the investment of tens of billions will be for nothing.

And the reputation has plummeted, how can they absorb the aliens of the new generation?

"Whether it works or not, there is no loss to us anyway, so we must retreat without a fight." Gray Wolf, who presided over the entire battle, expressed his support.

Of course, he would not choose to retreat. If he retreats, all the responsibility for defeat will be borne by him, which means that his status will also plummet.

In this case, of course, the big cat's life-saving straw must be firmly grasped.

"But we can't pin our hopes on him alone, we also need to make our own super warriors." Then Gray Wolf turned his head and said.

"Uh, do you want to imitate those beasts? No, if you do that, there is no possibility of retreating back to the mainland. We can only hide outside permanently." Someone immediately objected.

"Yeah, the inspectors are too hypocritical. If we do something like that, they will definitely clean up us completely, and they will no longer tolerate hidden dangers like us in the mainland." Someone soon echoed.

When Gray Wolf heard this, he was immediately disdainful.

A group of stern people, they usually don't take ordinary people in their eyes, but when things come to an end, they are afraid of the deterrent of the inspector, and dare not use ordinary people as bargaining chips.

What are mortals, mortals are nothing but crops for twenty years. The poorer they are, the more they grow, the more they grow. If not for the advent of industrialization, weeds would be harvested every two hundred years.

Industrialization broke this law, allowing mortals to live a life where they don't need to worry about cyclical rates.

After all, in an industrialized country, no one wants to have more children, because one person can earn enough resources for old age.

As the leader in charge of combat and military affairs in the Sovereign Society, he is of course extremely tough-hearted, and even his subordinates are the number to win when necessary, not to mention those mortals who have nothing to do with him.

Besides, those people are not native people.

But since so many people were against it, he could only give up his own ideas.

Although that, in his opinion, is the only correct idea, after all, only cavalry can deal with cavalry, and only aircraft can deal with aircraft.

To deal with mushrooms, only the mushrooms themselves.

If you want to deal with the super warriors of the McCanns, follow them.

Although it is impossible for them to compare with the McCanns in terms of financial resources, but they have one advantage, that is, they do not have to bear too much pressure.

After all, they are just a private organization.

So Gray Wolf sneered: "Since you don't dare to do this kind of, then make some powerful puppets, at least one that can consume the opponent's super warriors.

"One can't do it. After all, the puppet is a puppet, not the body. The transmission of power is only half, or even less. I am afraid that it is possible to exchange three for one." A master in the field of combat gave accurate data.

They are not aliens like Wen Rensheng, the latter has mysterious bonuses, power transmission is not a problem, the puppet can be stronger than the body.

After all, flesh and blood cannot compare to alloy puppets made of various advanced materials.

A participant in charge of logistics immediately shook his head and said: "Three for one? You can't afford such a consumption during the meeting. It is very difficult to exchange one for one. It would be great if you could exchange one for three."

"One for three, no one can do it, unless those grandmasters are willing to end the game." The battle master immediately sneered.

"It is impossible for grandmasters to end up. They are either in retreat or studying some major projects. They will not come forward in such situations." Gray Wolf shook his head.

"Then it is our limit to reach this point. We are already proud of being able to take the McCanns, the second most powerful force in the world, to this point." The robed old man who spoke first hinted at something.

Retreat? Admit defeat?

A shadow shrouded these once mighty fellows.


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