Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 576: die if you don't study

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The eagle monitoring the town fell from the sky.

The three xenogeneic experts followed closely.

"That boy is the key to solving the disaster? He seems to be just a puppet, is it the work of a master?" Shen Wan asked.

Of course, the three of them could see the abnormality of "Li He" at a glance, and the people on the blockade line outside also informed the other party's origin in time.

When Li He came into the town, Wen Rensheng greeted him from behind.

"Yes, you can do it casually, right?" Wen Rensheng said without modesty.

"This, this is equivalent to the resurrection of the low-level version. I don't know if it is the original Li He?" Expert Mo said in surprise.

"It must be the original version, it must be impossible to replace it before, but now the mysterious world is getting closer and closer to our world. After death, the soul is preserved more completely, the original way of thinking and memory can be preserved, and the brain and The nervous system has really become a hard disk-like existence." Eagle nodded.

"Sure enough, there are also opportunities in the crisis. In the past, resurrection was impossible. After death, the soul quickly dissipates. Where can one find a complete soul?" Expert Ba sighed.

"Of course it can't be said to be a complete resurrection. His body is just a puppet and will gradually lose his humanity in the future. The reason why a person is a person is closely related to his body, and the law that matter determines consciousness will still take effect. Human nature is in the final analysis. It is determined by the combination of hormones, endocrine, neural reflexes, and various messy things. Losing his body, he will inevitably gradually become a machine that can only think..." Wen Rensheng continued.

This is the resurrection of the low-end version. It is very rough, and there are many disadvantages. Just placing the soul fragments in the puppet will cause many problems.

To live is just to live.

Can't eat, can't drink, can't sleep, all kinds of physiological characteristics are lost, and human nature will gradually disappear.

This is the real world, and every detail is revealed.

Just like ordinary people who only have a minor operation, may cause mental problems due to sequelae, not to mention that this is a complete replacement of the body hardware. It is a miracle that there is no problem, and it is normal to have a problem.

It's just that Li He is still in a state of just being resurrected. His original thinking habits and human nature can still suppress all kinds of discomfort and feedback from his body, but it's hard to say what will happen in the future.

But the worst result is nothing but madness.

"Even so, it's not bad. There is hope in life. It's nothing to be a human being." Expert Mo said seriously.

"Why, Lao Mo, you don't want to be a human anymore?" Shen Wan teased.

"What's so good about being a human? With so many troubles every day, I sometimes want to be a dog." Expert Mo sighed.

"You still think it's troublesome, so do the other billions still want to live? It's really hypocritical." Expert Ba said with disdain.

"Okay, you two, don't crook the building. Master Wen, what are we going to do now?"

"Wait and watch."

Wen Rensheng said lightly.

The three were thoughtful.

Although they were still confused at this time, they still pretended to understand, otherwise, how could they follow the master?

Afterwards, Li He wandered around the town.

At first, he was able to turn a blind eye, but when night fell, he saw some innocent children, because they couldn't keep up with the progress, and they had to suffer the same punishment, and finally the persistence in his heart changed.

"It shouldn't be like this, there should be a distinction, it shouldn't be so extreme."

He muttered to himself like this, then ran back home shouting.

In his home, the parents who were sitting there were first panicked and then wept with joy.

They don't care what state Li He is in now, in short, their child is alive...

Seeing this scene, Li He's obsession completely disintegrated.

Why does he care so much?

He can't even meet the minimum expectations of his parents, what qualifications does he have to ask everyone to study?


At the same time, in the eyes of the eagle, the whole town is like a peeled orange, allowing it to see the hidden threads of threads below.

Specifically, in his eyes, there is a faint white mist above the heads of every ordinary person in the town at this time, connecting them together.

Li He is a key node in the context. The broken node is equivalent to a gap in the intact orange peel, which can no longer stop his peeping.

This is the grotesque catastrophe. It is omnipresent and non-existent. If you don't find the key point, you will not find its root cause, but only see mysterious phenomena.

Wen Rensheng was thoughtful, dealing with grotesque types of disasters. He had had several experiences before, and now he can basically sum up the rules.

Find the cause, find the key nodes, and then eliminate them in a targeted manner. Basically, this disaster will disappear.

It's like a dry disaster, like that ice and snow cave.

Now that he has seen these veins, it is easy to break them.

The eagle was in the town, searching for those veins back and forth, making sure not to fall behind.

In the end he found that all the veins were in the town.

It seems that this is indeed a regional disaster. Maybe someone has left the town, but was pulled back to class.

They are like truant children, no matter where they run away, someone will always bring him back to school.

The eagle flew to the top of a person. This person was none other than the one who pretended to be a xenogeneic person before, who had deceived a group of young men and women.

The eagle stretched out its claws and released a trace of alien power, cutting off the vein of white mist on his head.

Then it starts watching.

The reason for choosing this guy is because in the process, the other party may die and may be attacked.

Catastrophe is not a matter of reason and logic.

But Wen Rensheng doesn't feel guilty, how can there be a perfect solution?

When inspector Liu found him, he tacitly agreed that he had the right to dispose of it.

This is a war.

The comparison of war is who can defeat the opponent when the damage tolerance reaches the limit.

There is never a perfect strategy and tactics.

On the second day, the young liar followed by the eagle habitually went to class, and then habitually took the daily test.

Then he still failed.

Because he was not a studious person, he has always been a rogue in the town, living on his ancestral property.

Dongzhou will not allow people of normal physique to stray and beg, but it is also impossible to prohibit others from living on their own and not working.

Just when the liar thought he was about to lose another toe, nothing happened...

"I, I was rescued!" he shouted happily.

When others saw this, they were stunned for a moment, and some people who knew his details immediately talked about it.

"How come? This liar, the guy who harms children, why is he all right?"

"It's true that good people don't live long, and disasters live for thousands of years."

"Yeah, when will we be the head..." Someone sighed heavily.

It is very hard to have to study in class every day, and with the horrible punishment, it is even more hard.

Student class is more difficult than many jobs.

They don't know the story behind the scenes, so such a misunderstanding will naturally form.

They thought it was unfair to let a liar live, but they didn't know that the other party acted as a tool for mine clearance and trial and error.

Of course, Wen Rensheng would not explain the story behind these people.

And this liar still has to pay the price after the whole thing is over, and it will not be so simple.

It's a big crime to pretend to be a different race, not to mention that they harm others, and when combined, they have to do hard labor for more than ten years.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng no longer hesitated, and chose some other people to cut off the white mist veins on their heads.

The situation is still good without any abnormality.

After discovering this, Wen Rensheng called the other three.

"Can you see those white lines above these people's heads?" Eagle asked.

"I can't see it." Expert Mo wondered.

The other two also shook their heads.

"Then you have to study hard in the future... If you don't study, you will really die." Wen Rensheng said meaningfully.

The three of them felt chills behind their backs, and they really didn't miss classes these days.

Then the eagle stopped taking care of the three and began to perform excision operations on everyone.

A week later, the town was in a frenzy.

And Wen Rensheng also ushered in a reminder of the completion of the mysterious event "Learning and Life and Death".

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