Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 594: crack and exist

Milia took the initiative to walk in, and the professor followed up afterward. Everyone else gathered around the door, and no one went in, as if there were some man-eating monsters inside.

In fact, there are only some broken seats in the storage room, as well as a bucket full of stinky smell, a rice bowl, other than that, there is no one else.

But there was blood on one wall, and there were signs of impact, and a thick layer of white ash fell on the ground.

"It looks like it came out of the head," Professor Miley looked at it carefully and said, "It's a pity that there is no surveillance video, otherwise, you can know what happened."

"I have a way." Miria said.

Saying that, she transformed into a giant hammer again, and then a ray of light filled the room.

At this time, an illusion appeared in the eyes of everyone, showing what happened in the room.

Wen Rensheng saw the illusion, and his heart moved.

It seems that this Milia's abilities are very comprehensive, and that Seed of Light does have an extraordinary side. Her hand is similar to the retrospective mode of prophecy.

Zhao Han and his father Wen Rende both know this skill, but he doesn't.

The biggest advantage of this skill is that it relies on Laplace Demon to achieve information playback without the participation of human soul fragments.

In the illusion, the crazy fat man was normal at first.

Later, after eating a meal of wild vegetable porridge, he suddenly went insane. He desperately slammed his head against the wall, causing blood to flow out of his head.

Then, when he was about to die, he bumped again and disappeared into the wall.

"So you can leave here as long as you hit the wall?" the professor said in surprise.

"It seems so, but we still need a volunteer to verify this." Milia is also very happy.

"It does need to be verified, but the network here is open. Before verification, first contact the outside world to let people outside determine whether the crazy fat man has really gone out, and then go to the volunteers." Professor Miley analyzed.

Milia nodded: "The professor is right, I'll contact the people outside and send them the picture of the fat man, so that they can find the whereabouts of the fat man."

Then she immediately took out her phone and started working.

After about ten minutes, she said with an ugly face: "The mad fat man did go out, but he still died. He committed suicide by hitting a wall."

"Unexpectedly, after going out, he still chose to die," Professor Miley sighed. "Now we can find a volunteer to verify this."

His eyes were on the crowd of bystanders outside the door.

But who wants to hit a wall?

It seems that he can get out, but if he is killed after going out, he might as well live in this cage.

The people on the outside of the door looked at each other in dismay, and no one spoke.

"Come on, as long as I pay attention, don't be too hard when hitting, it should be able to avoid the fat man's end." Professor Miley said.

"No, let me come." Miria shook her head.

"No, you are the maintainer of order. If you have an accident, everyone here will die, and I don't have this problem." The professor shook his head.

"No, if you die, it will be even more difficult to crack this space." Milia also refused.

This is where the problem ends.

Under normal circumstances, the trial and error trainers trained by Eagle Fort and the Federation are used to solve this problem.

But because of her excessive persistence, Miria had a conflict with Eagle Castle and was calculated by the other party. Naturally, there was no trial and error sent.

And those who are trial and error are the forwards, scouts, and the latter in the war... They are always on the verge of sacrifice.

Cruelty is cruelty, but it is an integral part of winning.

The professor turned to look at the onlookers outside the door.

They all bowed their heads and stepped back.

"Now we need to recruit a volunteer. The advantage is that you may go out directly, and the danger is that you may be injured or even killed, but we promise to give you good treatment. Even if you fail, you will be given priority in the distribution of food later." Professor Finally spoke up.

Several people looked at each other, and some seemed to be moved.

After all, wild vegetables and weed bark are really bad these days.

For a delicious bite, some people can go to the battlefield with guns, and now some people are excited.

But more people still want to endure and wait for others to test.

After a long time, an old man finally agreed to be the volunteer under the persuasion of the professor.

This old man was actually seriously ill and could not live more than a year. He came to this lake island to travel before he died. He could do whatever he wanted.

Miria promised the other party that, regardless of success or failure, she would spend favors after the event, and ask the aliens who are proficient in mysterious healing techniques to treat the other party.

After careful discussion between the professor and the old man, all preparations were made, and then the other party went to the storage room to hit the wall.

This time, everyone came to watch.

The other side was careful when they collided at first, but nothing happened.

It wasn't until later that the old man became anxious, and the force of the collision increased a lot. When he hit the wall for the tenth time, and blood stains appeared on his head, the whole person finally disappeared into the wall.

The professor then took out his mobile phone, lowered his head and shouted excitedly, "He succeeded, he got out alive!"

Everyone was overjoyed, but many people still had doubts.

Someone asked the most important question: "How to prove that he got out alive and not eaten by monsters?"

"It's very simple, the Internet is still open, the volunteer's Internet account has been handed over to me, and I have just contacted him." The professor took out his mobile phone without hesitation and showed it to everyone.

As he said, the picture of the volunteer old man just now appeared on the phone.

"Sir, Mr. Professor, I succeeded. Don't forget what you promised me!" The old man's face flashed with excitement, and he shouted at the phone.

Everyone can understand the excitement of this sick old man. It was originally a journey of death, but now it is a desperate life.

"Don't worry, you saved everyone, that's what you deserve. I promise in the name of light that I will find someone to cure you." Milia came over and assured.

The content of the next video is smooth.

Everyone leaned against the wall and left this cage space, no, the circulation space. It's just that after the collision, the difficulty seems to be getting higher and higher, and more and more blood needs to be knocked out.

At first it was enough to scrape some skin, then it was bloody.

Obviously, this river disaster is evolving, identifying whether the ornament is really going to die.

So it's not a crack, the loop space doesn't go away, there will be others coming in.

It's just that they knew how to get out.

But the next time people come in, it will be difficult to rely on this method. I am afraid that they need to hit themselves half dead before they can leave. At that time, not everyone will have the courage to do so.

That river is catastrophic, and it will always choose a suitable ornamental pet, just like people have finally selected a suitable captive pet after thousands of years of optimization.

But this has nothing to do with Wen Rensheng.

After all, this disaster did not happen on the land of Dongzhou.

No way, he is such a straightforward person.

Just like Sun Monkey in Journey to the West, he only protects his own home, other people's homes are on fire, and he has nothing to do with him.

After all, when his own people caught fire in the previous life, no one came to put out the fire. On the contrary, there were countless people who fell into the hole, and only one or two genuine people came to put out the fire.

And he helped Milia to spread the basic skills of deciphering disasters, which was a return to those who were sincere in the previous life.

In addition, Hugh wants him to pay more.

And when everyone left the island in the heart of the lake, that is, at this time, Wen Rensheng got the cracking prompt of the incident.

Wen Rensheng was very happy after reading all the records of Big Cat Puppet.

Yes, finally I can go back to the familiar pattern of the past.

From the beginning to the end, he did not spend much time and effort to gain the crucial core competitiveness.

In the past few days, he has dealt with a lot of his own affairs.

This model, he needs to continue to carry forward.

Now there is still a mysterious event that has not been completed, that is, the initiator of the circulation space - the quiet Xibi River.

Able to work The big cat once again set his sights on Miria.

Wen Rensheng happily decided that the big cat would be the manager of Sister Bright in the future—a broker who specialized in finding those mysterious events for the other party.

He is not afraid of the other party being lazy and appease...unless the other party doesn't want the seeds of light.

It's a perfect design.

And such a perfect design can only be realized if it is as perfect as him.

Of course, it is necessary to give the other party some sweetness occasionally, just like now, Miria is going around asking about the xenomorphs who are proficient in mysterious healing in order to fulfill the promise to the first volunteer old man.

Wen Rensheng controlled the big cat to appear.

"You're doing well, that old man, I'll help you heal."

"Thank you, Teacher Cat." Milia thanked sincerely.

She didn't find herself a tool at all, because that was exactly what she wanted to do and had to do.

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