Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 596: kill the root

What is the source of the circular space?

In the car, Big Cat pushed the "Quiet Sibe River" incident to Milia, who was still a little confused, but Professor Miley, who was the driver, understood the whole incident just after hearing it once.

"It's a chain of events. That strange river hunts the crowds around it, eats the river by the river, and then feeds us in the cage. The meat in the cafeteria comes from..."

"Don't say it anymore, professor." Milia turned pale and shook her head to stop it.

Miley forced a smile. Although the nun is powerful and decisive, in some matters, he is not as open as an ordinary person.

"However, Mr. Cat, how can we destroy that river? It's so big, so long..." Miria then said in distress.

Wen Rensheng didn't answer immediately, and he also felt a little troublesome.

The other party is hiding in the river, and there is no clear position at all.

The only good news is that according to the information collected by Eves' group through trial and error, it is determined that the other party is regional, unlike the previous dry disaster, which is a global outbreak.

But there are thousands of kilometers up and down the Xibi River, and it is impossible to find them all.

"Do you remember the skills I taught you before? If the disaster is hidden or hard to find, we need to use lures like fishing to catch it out." The big cat said calmly.

"Understood." Miria nodded.

At this time, Professor Miley suddenly asked: "Just the few of us? Shouldn't McCann have such a powerful organization as the S.H.I.E.L.D. in the movie? These things should be handled by them."

The big cat didn't speak, it didn't need to answer the question.

Milia said bitterly: "I came out of that institution, and they are completely rotten. Many ordinary people like professors are willing to assemble, sacrifice themselves, and eliminate disasters together."

"But most people in that institution are unwilling to do so. They have a long lifespan and infinite wealth. They just want to be appeased by disasters, they just want to maintain a superficial order, and they don't want to take their lives and die with the monsters. They It has become a monster itself!"

Professor Miley was shocked when he heard this, with an incredible expression on his face: "How can they do this? We usually pay so much tax money to support and support them, how can they make a deal with a group of demons?"

Wen Rensheng was not surprised, he had already seen through this matter.

Most ordinary McCanns actually love their land very much and are able to sacrifice, but those alien classes don’t think so, because they come from all over the world, and they have long stopped seeing themselves as ordinary humans, and they are the only ones who respect themselves. Similar to those people.

It's just that Duzun will be restrained by a strong inspector and cannot stand on the stage, but McCann's side was completely separated from the ordinary people because of the deep integration of aliens and chaebols.

Judging from Milia's words just now, she has thoroughly seen the true face of Eagle Castle, so the people of Eagle Castle will find an opportunity to be trapped in the circulation space.

It was not killed directly because Eagle Castle did not dare to do too much, after all, there is the existence of prophecy.

After this kind of thing is done, it can't be concealed. Once it is publicized, it will cause the complete alienation of the aliens.

However, with her own variable, she taught the other party many skills, made her able to organize people, and finally successfully cracked that circular space, instead of spinning around there all the time.

Milia turned her head to look at the professor and said seriously: "So we need to mobilize more people to establish a pure organization, find those who are not afraid of sacrifice and are truly willing to purify this land, and unite."

The big cat suddenly said: "Don't you have a Disaster Elimination Federation? And your aliens have the effect of discerning people's hearts. You should think about going back, joining the high-level there, transforming them, and gradually replacing those rotten guys with new blood. "

"Mr. Cat is right, I will do it." Miria cheered.

In her eyes, there was a flame, it was an unstoppable flame, an unstoppable flame that burned everything.

Professor Miley nodded, his heart filled with a sense of sanctity, and those tiny thoughts before were all vanished in front of this flame.

He has a lot of faults, but there is no doubt that he loves the land, and so do many people, but they don't know the truth yet, and they haven't been organized.

Wen Rensheng smiled when he saw this.

Those words he said were of course based on his own and Dongzhou's position. If McCann blindly compromised with the disaster, all the pressure would be transferred to the Dongzhou people.

So on this basis, he needs to give the other party some correct guidance.

Of course, this kind of guidance is beneficial to ordinary people in McCann, but it is not of much benefit to those McCann aliens.

Before he knew it, he played a big game of chess.

The professor continued to drive, and then said: "Sister nun, I believe that there are many ordinary people willing to fight, but we lack the strength to fight against disasters."

"This won't be a problem. Those rotten guys don't deserve the power given by God. They should be deprived. I will take those alien species back and hand them over to those who can use them correctly." Milia said without hesitation. .

When Wen Rensheng heard this, only two words appeared in his mind: perfect.

Thanks to the hard work he taught him before, the owner of the Seed of Light finally made a choice that satisfied him the most.

The chess game begins.

Professor Miley's face was slightly excited, and of course he longed to see the mysterious power.

And according to his current performance, he is likely to be a member who can be used correctly.

It didn't take long for the two and one cat to return to the lake, the source of the Xibi River.

And here, the big cat actually saw Eves and that Ronnie again.

The two were in front of a tent, looking out at the lake.

But the three trial and error people who followed the two of them disappeared.

Probably dead.

Ordinary people will die casually in this bizarre disaster without any reason.

"Did we just wait here and do nothing? Three companions have died." Ronnie's voice came from a distance.

"You also know that three companions died? It's not because you insisted on not leaving, otherwise, how could they die?" Eves scolded.

"The mission hasn't been solved at all, how can you just leave like you said before? That's totally irresponsible!" Ronnie retorted.

At this time, Miria seemed to know that Ronnie and asked Professor Miley to drive the car over.

"Ronnie, it's me." She reached out the window and greeted.

"It's" Ronnie ran over in surprise.

The two groups then got together.

Eves' eyes swept over Professor Miley and the big cat. When he looked at Miley, he was like looking at an ant and a dog, but when he looked at the big cat, he was cautious and in awe, just like looking at an angel or a Buddha. .

However, the external images of the two are just the opposite, one is a person and the other is just a pet.

"Is this the source of that grotesque river?" Miria asked Ronnie.

"Yes, I'll send you our investigation report." Ronnie took out her phone and said.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised that the two women knew each other. After all, it stands to reason that Miria is still the editor in Eagle Castle.

At this time, Eves, who had swept over one person and one cat, turned to Miria and said, "You are that Sister Bright, right? It's nice to meet you, ma'am."

"I'm not happy to see you." Milia glared at him, very indifferent.

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