Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 48: secret society

   Chapter 120 Secret Association

   Then, Jennings and Ignat came to the archives of the Bath School of Medicine at Backlund University.

  This is a building with a century-long history.

  When he first entered the archives, Ignat seemed to have come to the library of his dreams. The towering stone walls, the intricate carvings and ceiling beams, the beautiful interiors and the mountains of hard-shell books all attracted his attention.

   This is the archives of Ruen's top universities.

   "Hello." Jennings walked over to the reception desk of the archives, and showed his retired military ID to the lady sitting there.

   "I'm Jennings Wenzel, the 132nd President of the 'Apostles' Society of Bath Medical College. I have something to trouble you."

   "Can I check the records of the whereabouts of the members of the society from 1340 to 1349?"

  Igna stood behind Jennings and silently observed Jennings and the lady.

   Maybe Jennings didn't realize that when he returned to Backlund University, his whole temperament had changed a bit. The military temperament in the style is still there, but there is a more elite aristocratic temperament in every gesture.

   And the lady sitting in front of the reception desk of the archives looked very mild at first, but it was just a business-like appearance. Until Jennings Wenzer said the name of her club, her expression suddenly changed, her attitude suddenly became softer, and she even brought some respect.

Therefore, in imagination, the obstacles encountered in accessing the files did not occur. After the lady took out a file and compared it with Jennings' documents, she pushed several large books to Jennings. in front of.

   "Hello, Mr. Wen Ze. This is the information you need." The lady said gently, "You can't borrow it, you can only check it in the museum, I hope it can help you."

   "Thank you," Jennings said with a smile.


   "What's the situation?"

  Igna, while helping Jennings move the materials to the small table in the corner, put his elbow on Jennings' waist and asked softly, "Explain? The 132nd President of the 'Apostle' Club."

   The originally serious Jennings couldn't hold back his face under Igna's actions, and was instantly released from the elite state.

He smiled helplessly: "There is an association system in Backlund University. You can think of it as a small group recognized by the school, founded and run by the students themselves. Everyone will regularly discuss academics, politics, economics and literature in the club. kind of problems. 'Apostles' is one of them."

"one of them?"

  Igna chewed on Jennings' words and laughed.

   "Is it the special 'only' in the entire Backlund University?"

   "Otherwise, how could the president of an ordinary club simply borrow the records of the whereabouts of club members?"

   "It's a little bit special." Jennings smiled embarrassedly, "But it doesn't matter, the important thing is to be able to borrow these materials."

   "With this information, we can know the situation of the classmates who have a 'good' relationship with Scott Bronk."

   "Although it's a little too much." Jennings looked at the piles of thick materials with a worried expression, "We may have to spend a lot of time rummaging through the materials."

   "How come?" Ignat asked rhetorically.

Seeing Jennings' puzzled expression, Igna knocked on the table with satisfaction: "If you come here with Joshua, you really can only find information by hard searching, but... you have me. ."

   Jennings was a little puzzled at first, but his eyes didn't light up until he saw Igna taking out a portable advanced crystal ball from his arms.

   "Can this little guy still use it like this?" Jennings said in surprise.

   "Yeah, others may not, but I can." Igna put the crystal ball on the table and smiled, "Remember to help me keep it a secret."


  With the help of the crystal ball, Jennings and Igna quickly found the information they wanted.

   - Scott Bronk founded the society "Future Medical Research" in 1344. The members of the society are John Warner, Anthony Sid...etc.

   There are 7 people including the president, and 6 of them passed the Loen Doctor Vocational Qualification Exam that year and obtained the certificate.

   This pass rate is indeed a bit unusual. It can even be said that it is ridiculously high.

  Jennings' expression turned gloomy again.

  Igna thought while copying the data on the record.

   "The only one who didn't pass is Anthony Sid." Ignatius pointed to the list with the tip of his nose and said, "Also, he didn't pass the exam for the next two consecutive years."

   "According to the records of the college, it seems that he became a freelancer later."

   Or, in other words, the homeless.

   "Well." Jennings nodded, looking at the record with a sullen face.

   "Want to check other people's school records?" Igna asked. Comparing their school grade records with those who passed the medical practitioner examination may be more intuitive to see if they are "cheating".

"There's no need for that." Jennings copied the page numbers and contents of these pages into his notebook, "If they really have problems, as long as one person is arrested, the others will not be able to escape. "

   "Understood." Igna nodded.

   Therefore, after finding out the information they wanted to know, the two did not stay at Backlund University, but returned to the Siviras Field.

  Theoretically, Joshua, who stayed at the Siviras Field and was in charge of liaising with the families of the victims, should also have news.


   Siviras Field.

   "Mrs. Bronk disagrees with the judicial autopsy. Believing it to be a breach of the integrity of her husband's body. The body has been brought home."

   Joshua, who was in charge of communicating with the families of the victims at the Sivilas Field, brought bad news.

   "She said that her husband likes a quiet environment, so he wants to be buried as soon as possible. The farewell ceremony for the remains and the requiem ceremony are scheduled for tomorrow morning. The burial will take place tomorrow."

  Jennings and Igna's eyes widened.


   "Is this too rushed?" Jennings frowned. Mrs. Bronk's behavior always made him feel that something was wrong.

   "This is Mrs. Bronk's decision." Joshua was also helpless, "The judicial autopsy of non-malignant murders must respect the opinions of the victim's family. This is the law of the kingdom, and we have no choice."

"Then..." Joshua looked at Igna, "I didn't explain it before you left. If Mrs. Bronk came to the Westvilles, she could tell her about the progress of the investigation as appropriate. ."

  Igna nodded.

Joshua looked at Igna with a subtle expression, and said: "Mrs. Bronk strongly denied the possibility of Dr. Scott Bronk's suicide. She believes that this case is 100% homicide. And throws out a possible suspect. people to us."

   "Guess who?"


   Jennings and Igna looked at each other.

   However, all three of them answered in unison.

   - "John Warner."


   "Apostle" neta is the "Apostle" society in Cambridge in real life. Interested students can go to search. Very arrogant!

   Finally got a chance to shape Jennings' image well. One of the characteristics of my J.W. is "Wow, this low-key person is actually really awesome"!

   There is no way to make it even more than fifty (wiping tears)



   (end of this chapter)

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