Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 60: Foodie Resonance (Celebrate 3000 Collection)

   Chapter 132 Foodie Resonance (Celebrating Three Thousand Collection)

   "Why is Schelling so surprised?" Audrey smiled and said, "Have you seen similar cakes before?"

  Igna looked at Audrey Hall in surprise. Although he was surprised just now, he quickly covered up the past. How did Miss Audrey Hall see it?

   "I'm a little surprised." Igna smiled embarrassedly, "Because I thought the chef brought out a few bunnies for dessert!"

   "Haha, I also have this illusion." Jennings helped to clear the siege. "I believe this is the 'Snow Rabbit' Miss Vanessa said. It's so vivid!"

  Vanessa covered her mouth and smiled, and said, "Yes, and the taste is also very good!"

   "Try it now, Schelling. And everyone."

  Igna nodded crampedly, picked up the gold spoon, and tapped the back of the "Snow Rabbit" with the back of the spoon.

  The soft touch and the swaying body make this little thing seem to have vitality and can jump out of the plate the next moment.

  Ignatius is not only familiar with the shape of the dim sum, but also the taste is almost exactly the same as that in the "knowledge that does not belong to this era" he has. Soft and delicate taste, the mouth-melting milk fragrance overflows the mouth.

   The guests were also full of praise for the "Snow Rabbit".

   "Is this a pastry you researched yourself?" Igna looked up at the chef standing on the side. It seemed that Vanessa Sears really valued pastries enough that she even asked the chef to deliver the pastries in person.

   "Yes." The chef with brown hair who was obviously a Loen person nodded slightly and said humbly.

   "Then, Miss Vanessa, I have a request that may be a bit presumptuous." Igna laughed, "I really like 'Snow Rabbit' very much."

   "Can you let me bring some of this pastry back? Officer Joshua Leeds didn't come today because of some official business. I think he must also want to taste this delicious pastry."

   Vanessa Sears happily replied, "Of course."



   Ignatius and Jennings returned to 221b with elaborate food containers.

  There are three white and tender snow rabbits lying in the lunch box. Said to bring it back for Joshua to eat, of course, an excuse. Snow rabbits are frozen pastries that can only be wasted if they are not eaten overnight.

  Igna had already eaten a lot of pastries at the afternoon tea party, and he was not hungry at all when he returned home, but this pastry could have other functions.

   After saying "good night" to Jennings, Igna shut himself in the room on the pretext of going back to the master bedroom to wash up.

   - He's going to divination the source of this Snow Rabbit recipe!

   Said the practice was not from his previous era, and all the names he used were written upside down!

   However, even with this recognition, at the tea party, Igna was not in a hurry to "recognize" Kent. This aspect is also for security reasons. Who knows, people with the same knowledge will be companions.

   On the other hand, Miss Audrey Hall is surprisingly observant. If you do too many things in front of her, it's easy to reveal your true thoughts. Divulge too much information.

   Plus, Kent isn't necessarily the owner of the real recipe. In this world, it is obviously not wise to expose yourself directly.

   took out the high-grade crystal ball he carried, and Igna put the crystal ball in front of Snow Rabbit.

   "Original creator of the 'Snow Rabbit' recipe."

   "Original creator of the 'Snow Rabbit' recipe."


  The stars twinkle. The crystal ball showed a completely different orientation from Vanessa Sears' house.

   "Chorwood District...Minsk Street...122."

Igna recorded the fortune-telling address in the notebook, and tapped the table lightly with his finger: "It seems that this 'compatriot' is also more cautious. He has a certain sense of precaution, and instead of coming forward himself, he chooses to take the party. The son was sold to a noble cook."

  Igna thought for a while, and then divination: "The original creator of the 'Snow Rabbit' formula knows how to interpret Roselle."

   This is the best way to judge whether the other party is a "special person".

  Because Ignatius has tested it, if you just point to someone who has knowledge that "does not belong to this era", the divination will fail directly.

The answer from the    crystal ball is yes.

   "It seems that I have to find an opportunity to visit." Igna thought for a while and made a decision.

   After divination for the last few questions, "Is the other party an Extraordinary", "Is it dangerous to visit the other party", "Whether there are other companions around him who understand Roselle" and got a negative answer. Igna re-arranged the sacrificial ceremony on the table.

   He is going to sacrifice the Snow Rabbit to Senior Xiao Zhou!

   "Senior Xiao Zhou should like it..." Su Yuanning couldn't help thinking.

   "I just don't know if he would mind borrowing flowers to offer Buddha." Su Yuanning stuck out his tongue quietly.


on Monday.

   As usual, after finishing the writing materials in the morning and having a light meal at noon, Ignat went back to his room to prepare for the weekly gathering of Senior Zhou in the afternoon.

   "Thank you Yuanning for the 'Coconut Milk Rabbit' that 'Express' gave me. It's delicious." Zhou Mingrui leaned on the back of the chair, smiled and nodded to Su Yuanning, "Did you make it yourself?"

   "As long as Senior Xiao Zhou likes it." Su Yuanning smiled and looked at Zhou Mingrui, who seemed to be in a better condition, and said happily, "However, I didn't do it myself. I just borrowed flowers to offer Buddha."

   "Senior Xiao Su Yuanning blinked and said, "So I think I may have discovered another traveler who came across from our big foodie empire. "

   "But he doesn't seem to be a Beyonder." Su Yuanning continued, "I used divination to determine his location, and I plan to visit him when I have time."

   "Really?" Zhou Mingrui leaned on the back of the chair, gently stroked Arrodes' chin with his fingers, and asked curiously, "After you find him, what do you want to say to him?"

   Seeing that Senior Xiao Zhou didn't mean to stop him, Su Yuanning felt a little relieved.

Su Yuanning truthfully informed Senior Xiao Zhou of his plans: "Through astrology, I have determined the location of this fellow countryman and confirmed that he is not a Beyonder. I think I should at least 'tell' him some occultists in a friendly way. Knowledge."

   "Otherwise, even if he disguised himself by selling formulas, he would still be easily 'locked' by others."

   "But if you don't mind, Senior Xiao Zhou, I hope to investigate him for a while and see if the situation should tell him about the Church of Fools."

   "Yes." Zhou Mingrui nodded, "You can do it the way you want."

   (end of this chapter)

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