Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 68: God loves the world

   Chapter 140 God Loves the World

"Yes. My Lord calls himself a 'The Fool', in the past, in the present, and in the future. He is the great dweller who dominates the spiritual world, the king of yellow and black who controls good fortune, and the eternal way that every creature pursues. Mark." Igna said solemnly.

   After all, he was also a believer who was preached at the Arcana Church in Conston and studied the canon. His professing to be a believer is not just lip service to a certain extent.

   "Actually, the miracle of the Fool also appeared in Loen." Igna laughed, "It was because of the benevolence of Mr. Fool that I officially believed in the Fool."

  Melissa's eyes lit up and she asked, "So, Schelling, can you talk to me about The Fool?"

   "Is Melissa interested in my Lord's deeds?" Igna made a prayer gesture from the Church of the Fool on his chest and asked with a smile.

  Melissa's cooperation made Igna very happy, and he believed that the one who sent him to eat "Lemon Pudding" above the gray fog yesterday afternoon should be happy to see things like this to some extent.

"Yeah, I'm quite interested." Melissa took a bite of lemon pudding and said with a smile, "I like the magician's 'Taro's Trial' very much. I have always been curious about the Fool who is popular in the book, and the reality What is the connection with the fool who suddenly appeared in life."

  …the same person.

   But Ignatius couldn't say it. Some things, if Mr. Fool wants others to know, there is naturally a way for them to know. He doesn't need to talk too much.

  Igna smiled and said, "Miss Melissa, although I also like "The Trial of the Tarot". However, the fact is that the Tarot Society was never mentioned in the Tome of Fools, and the novel is still a fabricated product after all."

   Ignatius eventually adopted Adal's argument. However, Melissa didn't seem to care about it either, and still looked at Igna with interest.

"But the 'City of Miracles' built by Merlin Hermes in Constant is also true." Melissa blinked and said, "I have read a lot of information, and it seems that all the evidence points to a fool. Miracles at the behest."

"It is indeed the miracle that the angel of salvation under my lord 'Saint Merlin Hermes' performed in Constantine at the behest of Mr. Fool." Ignatius said, "Ms. Miracles are very researched?"

   "Yes." Melissa Moretti blinked playfully, "So knowing that Schelling is a believer of Fools, I couldn't help but want to ask more."

  "..." At this moment, Ignat felt that the air seemed a little hot for no reason.

  Igna coughed lightly, lowered his head and took a bite of lemon pudding. The refreshing and sweet lemon pudding melted in his mouth, allowing him to find himself between his breaths.

"My lord lives above reality and the spiritual world, and there are six angels serving at his seat..." Igna looked at Melissa, half escaping, half seriously reciting the holy words in the Holy Book of Fools .

"The 'mercury angel' is the incarnation of fate; the angel of death is the consul of the underworld; the angel of redemption is the trumpet of our Lord; the angel of life is the crystallization of wisdom." Melissa went on to say Ignatius, "The angel of punishment, The thunder of the Lord, the wrath of the Lord, the hand of the Lord, the judge and the executioner of all the unclean and the fallen.” (Note 1)

  Igna was stunned and looked at Melissa.

  Melissa blinked at Igna, and said, "I am very familiar with the Tome of Fools. I would like to know more about Schelling's own thoughts."

   "Why do you believe in fools?"

  "..." Igna was stunned, but then asked back with a smile, "So, why is Melissa interested in Mr. Fool's miracle?"

  Melissa was also a little stunned, and murmured for a while without saying a word.

  Melissa also has her own secrets...

  Igna did not break Melissa, but gave his answer with a smile: "My words, perhaps because Mr. Fool told me with facts, 'God loves the world'."

   "Whether it's rebuilding the city of miracles, Constantine, or letting the angels of life spread grace after the war, they're telling me, Mr. Fool, that I love this world."

  Melissa was stunned after hearing Igna's answer, and looked at the half-eaten lemon pudding in the saucer in her hand. After a while, she smiled and said, "Maybe me too, because I think the fool... loves this world."

  Igna smiled, did not speak, and lowered his head to take a mouthful of lemon pudding.

  The fresh and fragrant smell seems to be the same as the smell above the gray fog.


   "There is nothing wrong with the contract." Lawyer Jurgen Cooper told Igna after reviewing the contract, "This is a very fair contract."

   "Okay." Igna nodded, took the contract and quill from Jurgen's hand, and signed this investment contract worth 1,200 pounds with Melissa.

   However, just when Igna handed the cheque for 1,200 pounds to Melissa, a man suddenly broke in outside the door.

   He hurriedly and symbolically knocked on the door twice, then pushed open the door and entered.

   It was a man in his early thirties, wearing a linen shirt and with very short hair. At first glance, his hairline receded a little, and his face looked a little old-fashioned, but his black hair and brown eyes were somewhat similar to Melissa. It's just a little less agile and agile, and a little more tactful that belongs to a social person. (Note 2)

   "Benson?" Melissa looked at the person in surprise and blurted out the person's name.

   "Melissa." Benson Moretti smiled when he saw Melissa, and said, "You forgot to bring your pocket watch this morning. Fortunately, I have a rest this morning and can deliver it to you."

After   , Benson handed a pocket watch to Melissa. Then, he looked at Igna very naturally.

"Ah, this is Sheerin Hill." Benson stretched out his hand to Igna, showing a very kind smile, "I heard Melissa talk about you before, and you and Melissa said As described, I recognized it right away."

   "..." Listening to Benson Moretti's words, Igna felt a little dazed.

What's happening here? Melissa and her brother said about me?

Holding Benson's hand, Benson smiled and patted Igna's shoulder as if he was at home: "I don't know where you work? You were able to spend 1,200 pounds to fund Melissa's project. , that's a lot of money."

"It's okay." Igna smiled and replied vaguely, "What I value is the whimsy and broad-mindedness of Miss Melissa's project. I think 1,200 pounds of investment is what I can do for this great project. The biggest help the project has given. If I wasn’t short on cash, maybe I would want to invest more. Because this is a revolutionary and groundbreaking new type of transportation that can benefit the world.”

  Igna used Tai Chi to knock Benson's question back.

   However, although Igna was calm on the surface, there were turbulent waves in his heart.

  Benson, as Melissa's elder, "happens" to deliver something at this time, and "happens" to recognize me. Also "naturally" asked about my income "by chance"...

   The sense of looking at the household registration... should not be enough...

   "Benson, what are you doing here?" Melissa, who was standing aside, seemed to be a little angry came over and stretched out her hand and pulled Labanson's shoulder.

  Benson glanced back at Melissa, not knowing what color to give Melissa, Melissa pursed her lips, but didn't speak.


   I got a big cado. It seems very much! !

  Igna hurriedly smiled at Benson, took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, and said quickly: "Ah, Mr. Benson, I still have some things to deal with. I'm in a hurry. I'm leaving today."

   "Is it in such a hurry..." Benson Moretti was a little surprised, "Then I will send you off?"

   "No, Mr. Moretti." Ignatius said, "I'm just an investor, really, just an investor."

After emphasizing it twice, Igna smiled at Benson and Melissa, who were a little stunned, took off his hat, smeared oil on the bottom, did not waste any time, and left Beckland as if flying with lawyer Jurgen. German Technical University.


  Note 1: For the content of the holy scriptures, please refer to the seventh volume of The Hanged Man, more than half a year after the fifty-ninth chapter.

  Note 2: For a description of Benson's face, see The Joker, Volume 1, Exercises in Chapter 26.

   (end of this chapter)

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