Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 102: To the Guardian

Su Yuanning was stunned.

He has heard this sentence countless times in the past two days, but for some reason, it came out from the mouth of Senior Xiao Zhou, which made him feel particularly touched.

Is it tone? Or the environment?

Or has this existence in front of me once saved countless people?

Su Yuanning didn't know.

He only knew that at this moment, he wanted to speak but couldn't make a sound, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and his eyes were particularly sour.

Su Yuanning opened his mouth and tried to speak, but failed.

He didn't know what to say.

Obviously he has heard countless thanks, but he can't say anything.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingrui smiled, patted his shoulder lightly again, and sat down beside him.

He was beside him and whispered: "From your story, I feel abundant humanity."

"Although the story is short, you didn't mention your own experience, your own contribution, or your own feelings." Zhou Mingrui said, "But I know that being a 'hero' is very difficult."

"How do you feel? Will you regret it?" Zhou Mingrui asked.

His voice was soft, but sober and concerned.

Although soft, it can go straight to the heart.

"I... don't regret it." Su Yuanning replied again.

His answer remained unchanged.

Su Yuanning raised his head and looked at Zhou Mingrui, as if hoping that this answer would be affirmed by Zhou Mingrui.

However, Zhou Mingrui said nothing. Just staring at him without speaking.

Tranquility spread between the two, but it was Zhou Mingrui's speechlessness and gaze that made Su Yuanning's eyes even more sour.

Because in those eyes, there is no praise, no appreciation, only deep, deep concern.

He knew that at this moment, Su Yuanning realized it.

He knows everything.

He knows his self-blame, he knows his hesitation, he knows everything.

"...I have no choice. I...cannot betray the principles."

Su Yuanning spoke slowly. His voice was extraordinarily hoarse.

"But, I...even if I do it again, I will do it again. I will still report it to the church, I will still destroy this conspiracy. Found the danger, found the conspiracy, found the trace of evil, I can't just sit back and watch ." Su Yuanning said in a hoarse voice.

"The only thing I did wrong was to put my friends in danger." Su Yuanning said while covering her face.

"I'm too weak."

"I'm so useless."

"I'm so stupid." Su Yuanning buried his head in his palm and said in a hoarse voice, "It's because of me that I put my friends in danger."

"If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't face such danger at all." Su Yuanning said.

"No. You've tried your best." Zhou Mingrui sighed softly, and he stretched out his hand and gently embraced Su Yuanning's shoulder. "If it weren't for you, Backlund would be in an unprecedented crisis. You are everyone's hero."


"No, I'm not." Su Yuanning said.

"I haven't been able to save everyone."

"I got Melissa, I got Jennings, I got Joshua."

Just as he said that, he suddenly felt that a gentle clear stream suddenly appeared in his mind, soothing his uneasy mood.

Su Yuanning was stunned, he wiped his cheeks indiscriminately, and slowly raised his head, but did not find the pretty figure in his impression in the living room.

"I can also use 'appease'." Zhou Mingrui couldn't help but smile as he noticed Su Yuanning's actions, "Of course I won't let anyone eavesdrop on the things that make men cry."

"How does it feel to be comforted at the level of a god?" Zhou Mingrui asked with a smile.

Su Yuanning was stunned, and suddenly felt that his ears were a little red for no reason.

He coughed lightly: "I'm sorry, Senior Xiao Zhou. Just now, my emotions were a little out of control. I... always thought I could balance my mood. But I didn't expect that..."

"No, it doesn't matter." Zhou Mingrui raised the corners of his mouth lightly, his eyes seemed to be full of smiles and abundant humanity, as if the story just now reminded him of the same experience.

"This is the heavy choice the guardian has to bear." Zhou Mingrui said.

"Throughout the ages, no matter where you are, it is always the most difficult to 'guard'."

"Because there are things that are valued, there are weaknesses."

"But there are always some things that are higher than others." Zhou Mingrui gently patted Su Yuanning on the shoulder and said, "It is the things we value that give us the courage to face everything."

"If Backlund is really polluted by 'He', no one can be alone. Whether it's Joshua, Jennings, or Melissa." Zhou Mingrui said, "You have done a great job. .I'm proud of you."

Having said that, Su Yuanning, who had calmed down a little, fell silent again.

After all, he still put Joshua and Jennings in danger.

"Perhaps staying away is the best choice." Su Yuanning was thinking so, but found that someone said this sentence.

He looked at Senior Xiao Zhou who said this in surprise.

Zhou Mingrui raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think so?"


Su Yuanning scratched his face in embarrassment, and in Zhou Mingrui's clear eyes, he finally nodded and admitted his thoughts.

"If you really want to protect the safety of your friends by 'leaving'." Zhou Mingrui, who was sitting next to Su Yuanning, paused and said, "Although it hurts a bit, I have to say that your choice is correct."

"As a Beyonder, if you want to protect the people you value, you really need to have a certain amount of strength."

"At a low level, it may have the power to crush ordinary people. However, as long as it is involved in a high-level dispute, there is no ability to resist. But it is unavoidable."

Having said that, Zhou Mingrui looked at Su Yuanning. With Su Yuanning's eyes facing each other.

There was a trace of guilt and profoundness in his eyes: "Because you are the chosen one, if you can come here, you should know that the danger will not be too far away from you."

Su Yuanning nodded silently.

He can understand.

All the gifts of destiny have already been secretly marked with prices.

If he hadn't met Senior Xiao Zhou, he would have absolutely no chance to be favored by the Angel of Destiny, and there would be no way to connect everything.

And, he knew, this might just be the tip of the iceberg of what he was going through.

But he doesn't regret it.

In a different world with no relatives, it is already rare to meet a kind-hearted fellow like Senior Xiao Zhou.

"Yeah." Zhou Mingrui nodded slightly as if seeing his satisfactory answer in Su Yuanning's eyes.

"However, the saint who wants to protect Sequence 4 may not be enough. In this era, at least Sequence 2 or above is required to be able to fight against 'them'."

"The angel of Sequence 2 already has a part of divine power, so even if he sacrifices, he can let those who he valued spend the rest of his life under his 'blessing' and live a stable life."

Su Yuanning listened carefully. Zhou Mingrui raised his hand as he spoke, grabbed a cup of sweet iced tea from the air, and handed it to Su Yuanning.

Su Yuanning was startled, but still took it with both hands and took a sip.

The familiar, cold and delicious sweet iced tea calmed his mood to a certain extent.

Zhou Mingrui continued: "But Sequence 2 is not so easy, and the high sequence will face more madness and chaos. Every promotion is like walking on the edge of a cliff, which is not such a wonderful experience."

"Many people lost themselves on the way to promotion. They forgot their original intentions."

"We are the guardians and the pitiful creatures who are always fighting against danger and madness."

After Zhou Mingrui watched Su Yuanning take a sip of sweet iced tea, he also grabbed a cup of sweet iced tea from the air and took a sip.

"So, what do you think?"

Su Yuanning was stunned, not knowing why Senior Xiao Zhou threw the question back to himself.

However, for this question, he also can answer without thinking.

"Certainly keep going."

"Whether it's for those important people, it's also for the hope of returning home." Su Yuanning said, "I still remember, Senior Xiao Zhou, you said that after Sequence 2, I will be able to see where the hope of returning home is."

Hearing Su Yuanning's words, Zhou Mingrui was startled.

Su Yuanning didn't miss Zhou Mingrui's stunned moment, but he just felt that Senior Xiao Zhou had forgotten about it. So Su Yuanning firmly said: "I will be promoted to Sequence 2 as soon as possible."

"Okay." Zhou Mingrui said. He put down the sweet iced tea in his hand and let him float in the air.

Then he continued to be gentle and authentic. "At low sequences, 'parting is always inevitable'."

"But you can't leave without saying goodbye like this." Zhou Mingrui blinked, "In this case, you don't respect your friends too much."

"Huh?" This time, it was Su Yuanning who was stunned.

"Anyone who leaves without saying goodbye is disrespectful to the other party's performance. When making a unilateral decision, have you considered the other party's feelings?" Zhou Mingrui looked at Su Yuanning and said with a half-smiling smile, "Are you going to do this quietly? Push Melissa aside?"



For a moment, Su Yuanning, who never hesitated, hesitated.

Because... from what happened when he first entered the gray fog, and the various visions that Melissa had shown before, he might have guessed the relationship between Senior Xiao Zhou and Melissa. . Even if it's not... it's...


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