Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 112: Proposition end

The moon is as cool as water.

A crimson moon hangs above the night sky.

Igna sat in the room.

There was no light in the room, but he placed his fingers on his forehead, fixedly looking at the suitcase and crystal ball in the room that were dyed red by the crimson moonlight, and listened to the clock's movement every second with bated breath. The sound of mechanical bite sounded very clear in his ears.

Three o'clock midnight.

"Time's up," Igna whispered to the empty room.

After speaking, Igna stood up.

With a "snap", he snapped his fingers, and the flotation technique made two cups of black tea suspended in the air, and at the same time, two clusters of small flames ignited under the delicate tea cup.

However, the light of the flames failed to catch Igna's eyes.

He looked back at the red moon outside the window, his eyes were dark.


At the same moment, in the house belonging to Sir Simpussy on the outskirts of Backlund, a petite lady was sitting by the dresser.

She was holding her chin and looking at the red moon outside the window in a trance.

And on the crimson velvet bed behind her, an aged but handsome man was sleeping sweetly. It's just that the stretched expression on his face doesn't quite match the marks on his body, as well as the various unnamed utensils scattered on the ground.

Obviously, looking at the decoration in the room, this room is incomparably luxurious. The porcelain pieces used for wall decoration come from the ceramic factory owned by the former royal family of Intis, the bedding is mahogany of Balam, and the silk sheets are from the famous handwriting of Feneport.

However, if anyone who knew about these top luxuries was here, they might not be able to connect the naked man on the bed with Sir Simpsey, the owner of the manor they knew. Nor would I believe that the lovely, vulnerable-looking Vincente Kanssler and Sir Simpsey could play such a "game".

However, no matter what others think, they will not have the opportunity to see this scene.

Wen Xiulin, who was sitting by the window, looked at the red moon outside the window and seemed to be in a daze.

Her expression looked a little naive. She was wearing a nearly transparent nightdress, but what she drew were **** lines that would never belong to a girl. Her unclothed shoulders were as round as fat, and her collarbone was like an upside-down bowl.

She raised her hand, fiddling with the skin care products on the dresser in front of her as if bored. None of the delicate, expensive skin care products have been opened, and her expression seems uninterested in them.

On her right hand, there is a silver mirror, which is so rough that it can hardly reveal a person.

But in an instant, a **** trace appeared silently on the silver mirror.

Seeing this scene, the intelligent and sweet Wen Xiulin's expression suddenly darkened, and she stared out the window again.

The garden seemed very quiet in the middle of the night. The manor, which has been carefully tended by gardeners, swayed in the breeze and moonlight, and everything seemed peaceful and peaceful.

The facial features looked extremely delicate, and the combination of Wen Xiulin, who was even more beautiful, quickly retracted her gaze, walked quickly to the coat rack, and took off a black robe with a hood.

She quickly put her clothes on, fastened her belt, and turned over her hood. Apart from the fact that the curves of her body are completely unmasked, she has almost transformed herself into an assassin.

Wen Xiulin pulled down the hood, and at the same time, reached out and pulled out a handful of fluorescent powder from the hidden pocket around her waist, and sprinkled it on her body with the incantation.

Her figure began to disappear inch by inch, as if the portrait had been erased by an eraser.

After completing the invisibility, she quietly left the bedroom, went to the room on the other side, and pushed open the window without a guardrail.

With a slight leap, Wen Xiulin stood on the windowsill.

Standing in this position, she could easily see the wall behind the villa. She raised her chin and looked down at a petite figure who was quietly climbing over the wall.

She took a breath, and with a slight jump, she almost fell like a feather, and stepped on the lawn of the garden without a sound.

in the garden.

The petite girl in the night clothes restrained her movements vigilantly and looked around carefully, as if she was worried about whether she would be discovered.

However, the "invisible" Wen Xiulin quietly approached her, and when she was unaware, she went around behind her.

In Wen Xiulin's hands, she didn't know when she had a blue-black blade.


She shot like the wind, and in the next instant, she was able to stab the dagger into the back of the girl in front of her.

However, at this moment, she found that her body was suddenly out of control.

Her head suddenly went wood, and it felt as if the steam of a steam locomotive disappeared in an instant. In her field of vision, everything became so slow, even the movement of sending the dagger forward.

In a trance, she felt that she had become a puppet lacking oil, and the gears on her body were extremely difficult to bite.

She saw the girl with her back turned to her, slowly turning back frame by frame.

What appeared in front of her was a petite and lovely face, blond and blue-eyed, like a lovely loli. But her face is unbelievable and extremely majestic. Wen Xiulin could only see her small chin.

She saw him speak.

The voice was pleasant, but it was difficult to connect words together. Wen Xiulin tried her best to get her body moving again, but in vain.

In the end, the girl joined the words frame by frame.

"Here, interaction with the outside world is prohibited."

Wen Xiulin suddenly felt that something was pressing on him, and something was being peeled off from her.

Something seemed to happen, and nothing seemed to happen.

The only thing Wen Xiulin can be sure of is that she is almost in complete control of her body.

That does not work……

How could she not understand that in front of her was the Law Mage. She passed the law and cut off the possibility of her escape using the mirror. It also forbade her to seek help from her mother.

When did she mess with the Sequence 4 Law Mage? Who is the person who came with the Master of Law? Why can you quietly get rid of the ban she set.

what to do……


Wen Xiulin's thoughts were not over yet, and her figure suddenly moved smoothly.

I saw the figure of this girl reappear in reality, she calmly put away the dagger, turned around in place, and lifted the skirt.

"You are so beautiful, Miss Judgment. Your majesty makes me unable to look directly. I am almost convinced by your uniform."

"Wen Xiulin" suddenly spoke like a normal person, but her voice was so sweet that it almost dripped honey.

But the girl in the night clothes in front of her ignored her coquettish behavior and pouted.

"Dear Miss Magician, have you had enough? We don't have much time." She said helplessly.

"Wen Xiulin" stuck out her tongue.

"I'm not playing, I've been working hard," she said.

Just as she was making faces, "Wen Xiulin"'s body was like a vase, and it quickly tore apart, but no blood spurted out, and her body didn't crack.

Instead, inch by inch of black filled the cracks and interfaces of the body, as if the night was eating away at his body. After a few breaths, only a smiling head floated in the air. And this head is also covered with broken traces like broken porcelain.

With only one head left, "Wen Xiulin" winked at the petite girl and smiled.

In the next moment, this skull crawling with fissures was also swallowed up by darkness.

When the head completely disappeared, the figure of the petite girl also disappeared in the garden at the same time.

A gust of breeze blew, and the garden returned to peace, just like before, quiet and quiet.

It looked like a peaceful night.


Igna sat in the room.

His movements have not changed, and his fingers are still placed on his forehead. The suitcase and crystal ball stained by the crimson moonlight were still in front of him, and he still relied on listening to the sound of the mechanical bite to determine the clock's movement every minute and second.

quarter past midnight. The crystal ball suddenly flickered.

"It's over." Igna whispered.

Suddenly, Igna's inspiration was touched, he heard footsteps, and he turned around subconsciously.

The room was cut off by silence, and Miss Fors Wall and Instructor Hugh Dilcha in night clothes appeared in front of him.

"Your request is settled." Forsi reached out and took the black tea floating in the air, took a sip, and said, "But since you said she was a believer of the Outer Gods, the body was disposed of directly."

"As a judge, I can be impartial and complete the entrustment." Hugh Dilcha said the same after taking a sip of the black tea.

Igna nodded silently, and handed the check under the crystal ball to Fors.

"Traveler's cheque, the password is the three-segment name of Mr. Fool written in Old Feysac." Ignatio said.

Forsi nodded slightly, let go of his hand, and after using the flotation technique to make the black tea float in the air, he reached out and took the traveler's check from Igna.

After carefully checking that the numbers above were correct, Forsi and Xio showed the same expression, and carefully put the check into the lined pocket of the received clothes.

"Is there anything else I can help with?" Fors Wall said after clearing his throat.

"I want to go somewhere before you send me back to Aalto, okay?" Igna picked up the suitcase and asked politely in a low voice.

Fors nodded and put his hand on Igna's shoulder.

Before leaving, she finally asked, "Are you all ready?"

Hearing Fors's words, Igna took a last look at 221b in the dark.

Everything in the living room has been tidied up. Jennings' scrambled shoes were also put back in the original shoe cabinet. There were no manuscripts and books on the desk originally occupied by him. It was empty, with only two letters and a key.

Ignace took 221b's appearance in his eyes again, and replied, "Ready, Miss Fors."

The next moment, the color in front of his eyes suddenly became intense.

When he was able to see clearly again, he had come to the suburbs of Conston.

The place was unremarkable, with only a few small rock piles standing abruptly in the distance. This place is too ordinary, and any traveler might not stop here.

But Igna stood in front of those stone piles.

This is the tombstone made by him that night.

Standing in front of these simple tombstones, Igna, like before, conjured a bunch of flowers from his arms.

Ignat looked at the small stones, drew a prayer gesture from the Church of the Fools in his heart, and placed the flower in front of the stone while on his knees.

"Sorry, it took me a while to find that college student." Ignatius said with a smile, "Fortunately, the story has come to an end. The bad guys have been punished.

"Your friend, the master of juggling, Dalot Evans, is finally able to set off again for the next journey under the watchful eyes of fate."

Igna stood up again and whispered: "Our story will be recorded truthfully."

"May this news put you to sleep."

(End of Volume 2)

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