Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 10: Unknown

Latest website: Seeing this situation, Igna couldn't help clenching the military thorn in his hand.

But the strange situation in front of him did not disturb Igna's breathing. He forced himself to forget the unease about the unknown that rose from the bottom of his heart, and regarded the cloth head standing in front of him as an enemy.

Undoubtedly, there is an unknown monster in front of him.

It can move away from the patient's body.

So, what form will it take to attack?

And what action should he take to be able to subdue this huge cloth head?

Igna thought calmly, and then he acted quietly.

First, his dominant hand was still clasping the weapon, but the other hand was holding Lemano's travel notes in his breast pocket.

Then, he flipped his wrist and clipped the playing cards hidden on his arm to his fingertips.

In the face of an enemy who is not sure how to attack, he needs certain long-range means. And strengthening the ability of paper may be the most convenient method now.

Enhanced playing cards can reach the sharpness of a normal dagger and should be able to cut through burlap materials.

Igna watched the monster silently.

Although it was cut from the patient's head, it did not seem to have any aggressiveness compared to the patient. There doesn't seem to be any desire to attack.

Now it is standing on the ground, and it is just quietly squirming, breathing, and exists. Each depression is like a sulcus in the brain wriggling, showing a strange sense of rhythm one by one.

Even if this thing did not show the desire to attack, Igna did not dare to take this cloth head lightly.

Therefore, after determining the strategy for launching the attack and preparing for the response, Ignat flipped his wrist, and a few cards that had been enhanced by magic flew towards the cloth head like a blade.

"Puff puff--"

The card was inserted on the head, and the cloth bag was cut a few gaps. Several playing cards were lost in the cloth bag. Under the attack, there seemed to be some viscous gray liquid spewing out like blood.

At the same time, the cloth bag also let out a scream.


Igna was taken two steps back by the scream. However, nothing actually happened. The scream caused neither dizziness nor damage.

It seemed that the scream was just the wailing of the cloth head announcing the end of his life.

Igna could also see clearly. After that howl, the huge cloth head slumped to the ground, and there was no more sound.

But Igna did not dare to take it lightly.

He continued to flip his wrists, and let the playing cards he carried on his body continue to be inserted into his head like a blade.

"Puff puff-"

In the blink of an eye, there were no dead ends that had not been attacked in all directions on Bu's head. Poker cards were evenly inserted in almost every position.

And when he threw the fifth card without any reaction, Ignatius confirmed the current status of the cloth head, it was really dead.


Only at this moment did Igna hide the few playing cards between his fingertips and hide them on his arm.

Then, Igna first glanced around quickly to make sure that his behavior was not noticed by other monsters, and then he tried to approach the cloth head for the first time.

And now, the breathing burlap head looks like a mundane, dirty, huge cloth bag.

"Flame technique."

Ignat snapped his fingers, and the three playing cards KQJ of spades inserted on the left side of his head were suddenly ignited.

They continued to burn quietly, adding a touch of brightness to this dim space.

Igna also used the firelight to further see the original appearance of the cloth bag.

Just like the big-headed patient who was observed on the first floor, countless blood stains were stacked on top of this cloth bag, and I don't know how many times it was repeated. There is also a strange oily sheen to the bumps.

Valley At the bottom of the poker card, Igna saw some sticky gray liquid smeared on it.

Then, when the flames approached, these originally like stains suddenly violently squirmed, bounced, and fluctuated.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ignatius had another sense of dizziness and dizziness in his mind, and felt an inexplicable chill down his spine.

He looked away for the first time, and subconsciously did not continue to maintain the magic, the beating flame on the card went out.

what is that?

what happened?

Two questions kept replaying in Igna's mind.

After the fire light dimmed, Igna immediately moved his gaze back to the cloth bag. The thing still looks old, broken, and dirty.

But looking at this thing, Igna felt pulled by two emotions.

On the one hand, he extremely wanted to cut open the cloth bag to see what was inside, and on the other hand, he extremely wanted to escape from the cloth bag and didn't want to see him again.

This is not normal.

Igna responded quickly.

He pinched himself hard, forcing himself to regain his composure.

This is very abnormal.

After realizing this, Igna quickly took two steps back and took out a small tin-iron-colored square pot from his bosom.

The lid was opened, and the familiar smell of disinfectant, mint leaves, etc., wafted from the spout. The familiar smell made Igna's mind quickly regain clarity.

This is the "Kragg Oil" given by the previous Captain Dunn, which can help people stay awake.

Therefore, with the help of Craig's Oil, Igna's gaze towards Bu's head also regained his composure.

Obviously, there should be some "thing" in this head.

There was some kind of knowledge that Igna didn't know and didn't understand in that gray liquid that bounced and jumped on the playing cards.

what is that? what happened?

The same question as just now appeared in Igna's mind. However, it is different.

Ignat, who calmed down, found that his desire to explore the cloth head was reduced at this time, and the fear of wanting to leave the cloth head was also wiped out a lot. Now for this cloth head, he is in a state that can be explored or ignored, an indispensable sage.

"This shows that the two states just now are unreasonable." Igna made a calm judgment. One is too reckless desire, the other is too imprudent panic.

These are emotions that should not belong to Igna.

Therefore, Ignatius made a decision.

Don't get close to this thing that will affect him yet.

"My first priority now is to find a way to get out." Ignat, who has calmed down, is very clear about the purpose of his Now he is not in a hurry to find out what this is, even if he wants to know, in the future You can also continue to explore by means of dream divination. For the truth, but not in a hurry. "

And according to the current count of heartbeats, he has been here for nearly half an hour.

Therefore, Igna decisively did not analyze this cloth head any further.

Instead, by the dim candlelight, he collected the playing cards inserted in his head. Including most of the playing cards stained with gray creeping liquid, they were stored in the tin iron box carried by Igna.

Igna also cautiously used the wall of spirituality to make a simple seal for this head.

After doing this, Igna looked at the patients who were patrolling back and forth in the corridor in the distance. There is another patient on the corridor not far away.

He pressed the Lemano travel note on his chest and decided to take another test on whether psychological stealth could work.

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