Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 22: correct choice

Su Yuanning was stunned, he was about to forget this agreement.

Now that Senior Xiao Zhou mentioned it, he also recalled the mental journey at that time. When he first heard Mr. Gehrman Sparrow talk about this reward, he was really confused.

Because he needs something behind both of these choices. At that time, he had neither a powerful Beyonder item nor a trusted backstage. If he wanted to talk about "recording" his Beyonder ability, he could only think of Miss Fors.

However, although time has not passed for a long time, he is surprised to find that his thoughts are completely different from before. After experiencing Backlund's life, his vision seemed to open up and he saw again many things that he had ignored.

Even if he puts aside the strong background of the Abraham family, he still has many colleagues who can record extraordinary abilities.

Miss Justice, Miss Judgment, Miss Magician. Dr. Susie, Butler Jules, and perhaps Miss Courier could all be the objects of his records.

"I choose Sealed Artifact." Su Yuanning said. Unlike at the beginning, Su Yuanning gave the answer immediately.

"The right choice."

Zhou Mingrui nodded with satisfaction. His fingers lightly tapped, and the glove on his right fell to Su Yuanning's hand, turning into a thin black glove that seemed to be made of some kind of black animal skin, and a piece of parchment.

As soon as the gloves started, Su Yuanning felt the happiness, tranquility and gentleness lingering in the gloves.

"The number of this magical item is 'LOM-02-1416', or you can also call him 'the one who loves the sun does not starve'." Zhou Mingrui said with a smile.

"It is made of monsters killed by Gehrman Sparrow when he traveled in the Land Forsaken, and corresponds to the 'Hanged Man' pathway sequence 5 'Shepherd'." Zhou Mingrui explained.

"It can provide a "shepherd"-like ability to devour souls, including resentful souls and evil spirits, into the body, and drive these souls in a unique way, using their certain abilities accordingly."

"However, its switching state is slow, it takes at least one second, and the driven soul can only use one to three abilities before death. As for how many and which types, it is all determined by luck, and at the first time" After grazing 'set it down."

"Now there are five grazing souls in 'Those Who Love Sunshine and Don't Starve', and they are all monsters from the Land Forsaken by God." Zhou Mingrui said gently.

"They are: 1. Traveler, who can quickly roam the spiritual world and 'travel'; 2. Psychiatrist, who can make the target fall into a frantic state, can give psychological hints, can simulate the dragon's might to deter individuals and groups, and create chaos; 3. , Arsonist, can accurately release flames; Four Magicians, can transfer damage, flame jump, paper avatar; Five Briber, can use charm and bribes."

"It's a little guy who hasn't seen light and hasn't eaten enough." Zhou Mingrui said with a smile, "So his negative effect is that he needs to get enough sunlight for eight hours a day, and if it is cloudy, he will 16 hours under a light source. It doesn't like thunderstorms, and if there is lightning, it has to be sung to sleep."

"If it does not meet its requirements, it must be fed with human flesh and blood. If it is not available, 1000kg of livestock meat can be used instead." Zhou Mingrui said, "So be sure to take him to the sun every day."

"Okay...Okay." Su Yuanning nodded.

Although the negative effects of this Sealed Artifact are a bit unique, I have to say that it is really a very powerful Sealed Artifact. Su Yuanning felt that if he brought it, he might have the power to fight against the enemies of Sequence 5.

Moreover, since he is the recorder himself, considering that the content of the "record" is one-time, "grazing" as a permanent weapon can provide effective support and supplement for the content of his record.

"Written on the parchment scroll are the ritual steps to request gifts." Zhou Mingrui said, "The order of the ritual and the number of the items must be remembered clearly, otherwise the ritual may fail."

"Okay. Please don't worry." Su Yuanning nodded, "Thank you Senior Xiao Zhou for your gift. This is really a very powerful Sealed Artifact."

"No need to thank you. It's fine if you like it." Zhou Mingrui nodded with a smile, "I would also like to thank you for bringing me good news."

"In addition, in order to reward you for making the right decision." Zhou Mingrui waved his hand, and on the left side of his hand, five pure brilliance also fell into Su Yuanning's hands, turning into a "learning punch card".

The time written on it was Sunday night, and Su Yuanning could choose to go to the study through the transfer ceremony to learn and record 5 kinds of divine abilities and Beyonder fighting skills from Teacher Gehrman.

Su Yuanning looked at Zhou Mingrui in surprise, while Zhou Mingrui blinked.

"Early digest the recorder's potion and figure out the secret that belongs to Bethel Abraham." Zhou Mingrui rolled his eyes and said gently, "This is your next task."

"Okay." Su Yuanning nodded.

At this time, he was no longer frightened.

All gifts are already marked with a price. He had known it for a long time, and he had no regrets.

"Senior Xiao Zhou, I will definitely work hard to complete the task."

Zhou Mingrui leaned on the back of the chair, his eyes widened: "I believe in you."


After returning to reality, Igna quickly performed the ritual of requesting the gift. I got "Those who love to bask in the sun don't starve" and put it on my hand.

Then he was surprised to find that although the body of "the one who loves to bask in the sun does not starve" is a black animal skin, when it is brought to his hand, it can change its shape and color according to his wishes. After the thin gloves were put on the hands, they became docile.

The weather in Aalto was fine and the afternoon was still sunny. Just like Ignatius's mood.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, Igna decided to take a seat in the sun room with no hunger. Study the Abrahamic family literature in a sunny location.

He has now been promoted to Sequence 6, and he has unlocked many documents in the family's library. It may be possible to find more knowledge related to that space.


Four days passed quickly.

In the daily knight training, documentation, and practice with Jules Tien, the date agreed by Ignatius and Fors Wall came in a blink of an eye.

"Don't you have anything else to bring?" Miss Fors looked at Igna, who was wearing a double-breasted trench coat, a half-height silk top hat, and a cane in her hand. Other than that, she didn't bring anything else. asked.

"Yes, Miss Fors." Igna nodded.

Although in fact, Igna still brought a lot of things, the reason why he looks light and simple now is because he is carrying a "traveler's ring".

It was the extraordinary item that Jules Tien found for him in the family treasury after he heard that he was going to the Rorsted Islands.

The traveler's ring is somewhat similar to the treasure bag in Xiuxian, or the storage ring in Western fantasy, which can be used to store items.

There is about 10 cubic meters of storage space in this ring for materials.

However, like all extraordinary items in this world, the "Traveler's Ring" has certain negative effects.

Of course, the negative effects can be offset.

In general, for a traveler's ring to maintain its storage effect, the traveler's ring's family crest needs to be smeared with the owner's blood every three days. If not applied in time, the space will collapse and items will be lost randomly.

Seeing that Igna had no plans to take other things, Fors Wall didn't ask any further questions.

Then, according to the agreement, she asked Igna to pay and record five "trips", then grabbed his shoulder and took him to the Rorsted Islands.

Aalto's warm sunshine, dry air, and the scent of incense in the room were still clinging to the skin.

The next moment, the salty smell of the waves carried the warm and humid air and collided with Igna.

Coming to the new environment, Igna subconsciously reached out to block the too bright sunlight.

At the same time, his eyes could not help but be attracted by the most conspicuous building 100 meters away.

There is a towering white tower in that building, a grand porch and main body, and a majestic gray-white doorpost. The holy emblem of the Church of Fools hung in the most conspicuous position was even more shining in the sunlight.

New City of Silver, Church of the Fool.

Seeing this building, Igna put down his hand blocking the sun, took a deep breath, and drew a prayer gesture of the Church of Fools on his chest.

Rorsted Islands, Bayam "City of Generosity".

Ten thousand pan-believers, "The Story of the New City of Silver".

"I'm coming."


LOM-Lord of Mystery The English translation of the master of mystery; 1416 is the total number of chapters serialized so far!

Mystery: The Star Key https://

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