Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 40: 1 The meaning of everything

When the screen changed again, without any introduction from Michelle, Igna knew that he had come to the Royal Court of Giants again.

The leader is still the chief of the City of Silver, Colin Iliad. The team is still with Lovia the Shepherd, Derrickberg the Sun, and several other familiar faces.

"Is this the second time exploring the Royal Court of Giants?" Igna looked back at Michelle as they looked serious and ready to go.

"This is the last time." Michelle said.

Igna was stunned, and then nodded solemnly.

In this exploration, the City of Silver was redeemed.

After a short rest, Colin Iliad led Derrick, Lovia and other members of the exploration team, left the afternoon camp, and entered the "Royal Court of Giants" along the road up the mountain.

To everyone's surprise, the frozen dusk here has changed, and the bright sun illuminates every corner.

"...Where's the helper you invited?" Colin Iliad suddenly asked Derrickberg.

Igna was taken aback.


Why haven't I heard anyone mention it before?

Derrick was about to speak, when everyone suddenly saw a half-collapsed tower and a figure walked out.

This figure was wearing a black trench coat and a silk top hat. The right face had deep lines, cold and rigid, and the left face highlighted transparent twisted, crawling worms.

Shit, **** me!

Igna couldn't help but burst out a national curse.

Gehrman Sparrow!

Even if only half a face is normal, Igna will not admit it wrong. This is definitely the strongest pirate hunter on the five seas, wanted by all countries, the crazy adventurer with the highest bounty, the favored person of Mister Fool, the angel of punishment of the Lord, Gehrman Sparrow!

How could he come to the City of Silver?

Why is only half of his face normal, and what happened to the other half?

Ignatius looked at Gehrman Sparrow's left face, which was almost like a transparent worm hugging, and felt terrifying, while thoughts were racing in his mind.

So far, it seems that no one has ever written such a Gehrman Sparrow? I wonder if I can write a book on this subject, can I create a new genre in Gehrman Sparrow literature?

Probably because he had seen this crazy adventurer above the gray fog, Igna thought he probably wouldn't mind writing him into the weird-thriller genre.


The defensive posture of the Silver City team pulled Igna back from the state of wandering.

Yes, after seeing the figure walking after the collapsed tower, the Silver City team posed a posture of alert, ready to attack or provide defense at any time.

Because, in their eyes, the man wearing strange clothes and hats is equal to a monster, and it is a very scary kind!

Even a normal Beyonder can be regarded as a monster with such a degree of mutation in his body!

Seeing the reactions of the half-giants, Gehrman Sparrow was not angry, but grinned and said with a smile:

"Hi, my name is Gehrman Sparrow.

"You should be thankful that I can still control myself, otherwise you would have lost your mind by looking directly at me."

At the same time as he spoke, the transparent worms on the left face and left neck were still crawling slowly, and under the clothes on the left, there were raised marks appearing, squirming gently.

monster! The members of the Silver City Exploration Team who are not demigods are more and more certain of their judgments.

So handsome! Igna almost exclaimed. The strongest hunter above the five seas, the angel under the lord who is responsible for punishment, should have such a frightening appearance and temperament.

"You are, you are the world, no, Mr. Sparrow?" Derrickberg said stunned.

Hearing this, Gehrman raised his left palm, covered his left face, and smiled:

"Life is full of unexpected things."

Without waiting for Derrick to respond, Gehrman paused and said: "I have opened the door of the Giant King's residence, which has brought some accidents and caused changes in the kingdom of God."

Has the door to the King of Giants residence been opened? Colin Iliad, who had gray hair and old scars on his face, narrowed his eyes, raised his head subconsciously, and looked at the magnificent building complex shrouded in golden sunlight.

But because the distance is too far, he can't see the situation at the highest point at all.

But the replacement of the frozen dusk by the midday sun speaks for itself.

Klein's eyes swept over the chief of the City of Silver and the "Six-Person Council" elder Lovia in black armor, and returned to Derrick the Sun's face, and continued with a clear smile:

"It also had some negative effects on me, as you can see."

Having said that, he clapped his palms and said in a tone of command to the children: "Okay, Beyonders below the demigods will withdraw from here, the 'Royal Court of Giants' after the mutation is not something you can penetrate."

The members of the exploration team other than Colin, Derrick, and Lovia were inexplicably fearful and turned their attention to the chief.

Colin Iliad was silent for a few seconds, then turned his head and said to them: "Leave the 'Royal Court of Giants' first and wait on the edge. If you see a signal, act according to the predetermined plan immediately."

The carefully selected members of the exploration team are not only good in their own strength, close to demigods, but also carry different powerful sealed items, which can complement each other. Even if they face a saint, it is not without a chance, but the original city of silver. In the plan, they were not used as the main force. Colin Iliad led them here, hoping that when the demigods and potential enemies had no spare capacity, these team members could play a corresponding role and rely on different The Sealed Artifacts deal with different accidents and prevent the entire team from being weak.

Now, with the addition of strong foreign aid, the "Royal Court of Giants" has indeed undergone a mutation. No one knows what will happen to the in-depth exploration. Colin Iliad is cautious and believes that Gehrman Sparrow's proposal is no problem. , and privately felt that the team members other than the demigods could not bear unnecessary risks and cause meaningless casualties, so I agreed with the monster-like powerhouse.

At that time, if there is a chance, he, Lovia, and Derrick can give signals to let these team members come to help along the cleared road.

As for the extraordinary ability of the entire team becoming relatively monotonous and unable to deal with different situations, Colin Iliad was not too worried because the former "Shepherd" Lovia was there.

The members of the exploration team who were less than demigods looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to follow Colin Iliad's words: "Yes, Your Excellency!"

When they answered, they all looked at Derrick Berg deeply, as if to remind the chief to be careful about this Sequence 4 demigod:

He actually knew a monster-like, living powerhouse!

This is a very suspicious thing for the residents of Silver City who have hardly seen outsiders!

Feeling the distrust clearly shown by his companions, Derrick felt sore in his heart, and his eyes were almost red.

But in the end, he didn't make any excuses, kept silent, and kept his back straight.

Colin Iliad said calmly: "Let's move on."

They had already pulled out the two straight swords they were carrying, allowing them to cover the morning light.

"No problem." Gehrman turned around with a smile, and together with the three demigods of the City of Silver, walked around to the left of the huge stone staircase.


Igna did not withdraw from this journey like the other members of the non-demigods.

Instead, he followed.

However, in the next battle, Igna did not know how to retell in words.

Because he is not a demigod, he is just a small Sequence Six recorder.

Therefore, after the group of four in front of him entered the mutated giant's royal court, everything he could see was covered with a thick layer of "frosted glass" lenses.

He can only pass the color and the size of the color block, who is, what happened, and what he probably did.

In the mutated giant royal court, the battle experienced by the three demigods was far more dangerous than the first time.

Painful groans, uncontrollable laughter, and the sound of broken flesh intertwined as the only accompaniment on the journey.

Every time the frosted glass in front of Igna disappeared, all he saw was broken flesh and blood dripping.

In the end, when the group of four went deep into the royal court, Igna couldn't see anything.

Inside the palace, everything was overcast.

Only the low whispers, the roar of Chief Colin Iliad, and the illusory whispers of Lovia the Shepherd, Derrick Berg's sighs entered Igna's ears.

"I didn't betray the City of Silver..."



Igna couldn't see anything, but even if he only heard the sound, he knew what was going on inside the palace.

He unconsciously clenched his fists. However, there was nothing he could do.

After a ball of light covered with sacred flames descended out of nowhere, in a crackling sound, a spear of light passed through the sacred flames and hit a certain existence accurately.

A brilliant, dazzling light burst forth, completely covering the area.

That place where the sun seemed to rise, the object of this battle, the figure of "Dark Angel" Saslier loomed, twisting and swaying in the blazing white brilliance and sacred flame, faded and melted.

Then, the shadows covering the walls, stone pillars and floor tiles began to disintegrate, revealing inch after inch of orange-red brilliance.

In the next second, all shadows disappeared, and an orange glow illuminated the palace where the giant king once lived. The "glass" in front of Igna finally disappeared.

He was finally able to see the interior of the palace.

In front of the iron-black throne, on the steps illuminated by the twilight light, the figure of Colin Iliad also appeared.

He was wearing tattered silver armor, revealing a face with many old scars, and sat there quietly, like a soldier who ended the last war.

His two Dawn straight swords have been turned into pieces, and his breath has disappeared. However, Igna can feel that his will and spirit still remain, and he is reluctant to completely disperse like this.

Igna opened his mouth and was speechless.

And Derrick, who was under the steps, saw this scene, his eyes were red, he ran close, and stumbled, not like a demigod.

He quickly squatted beside Colin Iliad and whispered:


For the Extraordinary at the demigod level, because the soul is strong and has undergone qualitative changes, even if it has died, the spirit can remain for a period of time, unless the enemy deliberately destroys it, and if the dead high-sequence person himself has something to do. If he has a strong desire or contains unresolved emotions, his remaining will will last longer, so that he can slowly assimilate the surrounding area, let it blend with the spiritual world and even the underworld, and help himself transform into an evil spirit.

Therefore, although the breath of Colin Iliad has disappeared, but wearing tattered silver armor and sitting on the top floor of the ancient gods steps, he still heard Derrick's low voice, turned his head, looked at the not yet The real adult demigod, smiled and said:

"Compared to the elders in the past, it is a blessing for Lovia and I to die here."

Colin Iliad looked at Derrick's face, sighed and said, "This time, you will be a member of the 'Council of Six'.

"I know that compared to your age, this is a very heavy responsibility, but everyone in the City of Silver must be ready at any time to shoulder everyone's destiny."

Derrick nodded vigorously and said in a nasal voice, "Yes, Your Excellency Chief!"

Colin Iliad said with a kind smile: "From today, everyone in the City of Silver is free to convert to that Mr. Fool."

Derrick was not excited at all, just nodded heavily, indicating that he understood.

Inside the King of Giants residence, on the steps covered with orange light.

"Go and open that door, I want to see what the sunlight looks like outside..." Colin Elijah whispered.

"Yeah!" Derrick's eyes turned red again, he pursed his lips tightly, and stood up.

He put down the giant hammer in his hand, and under the encouraging gazes of Gehrman Sparrow and Colin Iliad, he calmly walked around the iron-black throne and came to the gray-blue gate depicting the dusk scene.

He stared for a second, bent down, stretched out his hands, and pressed the sides of the door.

Then he puffed up his muscles and pushed hard.

At this moment, he seemed to see his father and mother, the dead Joshua, Antirna and other comrades in arms, Lovia in a purple-striped black robe and Colin Iliad with gray hair.

They stood beside him and pressed their hands on the door at the same time, pushing the gray-blue door with him.

Drops of water fell from Derrick's face, and a heavy zaza sounded in his ears.

A gap appeared, allowing the golden sunlight to shine inside.

The gap became bigger and bigger, and a golden sea gradually appeared in Derrick's eyes and Colin Iliad's eyes.

Seeing such a picture, the corners of Colin Iliad's mouth, who was bathed in warm sunlight and his body "evaporated" a little, showed a smile without the slightest haze and a vague yearning.

Light is the meaning of everything.


As the warm sunlight gradually fell on the body the dream shattered.

In reality, Igna opened his eyes.

There was some blur in front of his eyes. He subconsciously raised his hand and wiped his eyes, only to realize that his eye sockets and cheeks were completely wet.

"You take a break to adjust your emotions first." Michelle, who was sitting beside him and led him on a dream tour, smiled at him.

Without using appeasement or using any extraordinary ability, he just took out a handkerchief from his sleeve pocket and handed it to Igna.

"I'll wait for you in the meeting room." After speaking, Michelle stood up and bowed, and left the room.

Igna did not falter. He sat quietly in the sun-drenched prayer room, looking at the brilliant sunshine outside the window, and devoutly drew prayer gestures in his heart.

"Praise Mr. Fool."

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