Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 53: city ​​of generosity

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []https://The fastest update! No ads!

This is... of course a lie.

But part of it is true.

As a seasoned astrologer, Ignatius of course had divination for their future itinerary, but the answer from the stars showed that "everything went well" and "they were able to gain enough".

This is certainly a good sign.

But Igna was not entirely convinced. It is not that he has not experienced the failure of divination, and he also knows that he has something special because of the "transportation ceremony".

If the result of the divination was smooth, and all unexpected considerations were put aside, then he would be too sorry for everything he had lost.

However, Igna also knows that trying to convince Michelle by such a statement is unlikely. A demigod or higher spell is a rare thing.

Although the City of Silver has the ability to provide it, it does not necessarily give such a thing to an outsider.

Igna made this request now, mainly to test the limits that the City of Silver can accept.

Sure enough, as Igna expected, Michelle Watkins, the dream walker and former psychoanalyst, didn't answer right away.

He looked at Igna, and was silent for a while before he said, "I will continue to pay attention to the first point you raised. I can also handle the matters related to 'recording' for you."

"In fact, before your arrival, Elder Derrick Berg applied to the Council of Six and opened you the relevant permissions. If you have similar needs, you don't need to record the ability below Sequence 7. Apply up."

"As for your third point." Michele paused and said, "I understand your wishes. I will submit an application to the council for you. Your request should be granted."


so successful?

Hearing Michelle's answer, Igna almost thought that he was still in a dream and had not woken up.

"You don't have to be surprised." Michelle Watkins said, "After seeing you, Elder Anthea Mirren asked me to try my best to meet your requirements."

"The third request you made is a bit harsh. But I will report this matter directly to Elder Anthea. She is a Silver Knight of Sequence 3 and should find a way to meet your request." Michelle said .

Igna was stunned. He remembered that Anthea Mirren... was the elder of the City of Silver who went to see Azik Eggers together last time.

He only guessed that she was a high-ranking powerhouse at the time, but he did not expect that she was actually a silver knight of Warrior Sequence 3...

Then, according to Mr. Azik, for the high-ranking people, the gift of Mr. Fool is obvious. The reason why Ms. Anthea Mirren is so generous... is because she sees it too?

"Thank you for Ms. Anthea's generosity." Ignat said after thinking for a while.

Michelle Watkins understood Igna's implication.

"Praise Mr. Fool." He smiled and drew a prayer gesture of the Church of Fools on his chest.

That's to know...and Michelle knows it too.

"Praise Mr. Fool." Igna also drew a gesture of praise for the Fool in his heart.

"I will report your request truthfully," Michelle said. "So, Mr. Abraham, are you planning to 'record' now? Or later, I will ask the warriors of the relevant sequence to find you."

"Of course it is now." Igna said without hesitation, "We are leaving tomorrow."

While answering, Igna reminded Michelle vaguely.

Dear, we are leaving tomorrow, some things have not been received yet!

"Okay. Then we'll go to the training ground now." Michelle Watkins stood up and led the way for Igna. "Besides, my craftsman friend contacted me yesterday. Those items that are reserved will be delivered to your room as scheduled."

"That's great," Igna said with satisfaction.

It's easy to communicate with a psychiatrist, you can keep Ruen's subtlety, and you're not afraid that he won't understand.

"I'm bothering you."


Michelle Watkins takes Igna to the Silver City training ground.

It's not really crowded, but it's orderly. The residents of the City of Silver, in an orderly and hierarchical manner, conduct combat training in pairs, or special training on extraordinary abilities.

Even after leaving the dangerous Land Abandoned by Gods, the City of Silver still maintains the custom of all people practicing martial arts. The proportion of Beyonders is still more than half.

But the Beyonder training ground is also protected layer by layer, which is out of the need for confidentiality.

Michelle was obviously acquainted with the instructors in charge of training here, and after a few greetings, they stood in front of a warrior sequence Dawn Knight instructor and his student Sequence 6 notary.

Michelle took Igna to stand not far away on the grounds of watching their extraordinary training.

While observing the fighting process, Igna recorded several extraordinary abilities, mainly Sequence 5 and Sequence 6.

After Igna recorded enough data to express curiosity about other ways, Michelle took him to other places to "observe".

In the process of "recording", Igna did not stop observing.

In the training ground, the extraordinary sequence composition of the City of Silver is also evident.

In the low sequence, the warrior sequence is the main, followed by the sun sequence, the night sequence, and the death sequence, but the arrangement is relatively balanced. But in the middle sequence, the warrior sequence accounts for more than 80%.

As expected of the "Land of Giants"...


After recording enough abilities, Igna and Michelle returned to the City of Silver Tower.

"For 120 gold pounds, Mr. Michele thinks it is better to dedicate it to the church, or to invest in the development of the City of Silver?" Igna asked after thinking for a while.

Although Michele said before that you don't have to apply for records, the paid "records" were first proposed by Igna himself.

a man of his words. Now that it has been said, it must be done.

Michelle was stunned, and quickly, smiled again: "Mr. Fool's will is the will of the City of Silver."

Both the Church of the Fool and the City of Silver are available. But the City of Silver means better...

" Igna nodded and affirmed, "Then, this time, I will invest an additional 120 gold pounds in the City of Silver, and the beneficiary is the Church of the Fools. "

"Compliment your generosity." Michelle smiled, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Therefore, Ignat came to Bayam after finishing the record.

This is Michelle's entrustment, and the City of Silver currently needs a working capital for payment, in sole units. And this fund, only the Bayam branch of Backlund Central Bank in Bayam, or the Central Bank of Intistria can be exchanged.

As one of the few people of normal height in the City of Silver who can normally enter the bank, as well as a highly rare "Gentleman of Loen", he was entrusted by Michelle with an important task.

Meanwhile, Michelle didn't give any checks.

"The £120 you were willing to invest is now available," Michelle said.


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