Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 70: parody

"Mystery: Key of the Star(

Ignatius and Canterbury worked together to dispose of the werewolf's body and Alena's body.

Because of the curse on them, Igna didn't try to channel the truth.

To avoid the possible effects of the curse, Ignatius and Canterbury jointly prayed to Mr. Fool after the corpse was cleaned up.

Ignat also temporarily replaced the priest's duties and conducted a simple dispersion for the two villagers.

Instead of staying in the cave, they returned to the hunter's hut outside the cave. Plan to spend the night there.


Looking at the crackling stove in front of him, Igna recalled what he had experienced today, and felt that the dry food that he brought with him was tasteless. Even with hot soup as an accompaniment, it doesn't taste much.

Canterbury was even more silent.

But her silence was not temporary. Since his departure from the City of Silver, this guardian has been reticent to speak, and his face lacks expression.

"Crack crackle crackle-"

In the crackling sound of the stove, Igna thought to ask a question.

"Did you often experience something like this when you completed commissions in the Rorsted Islands?" Igna asked.

This is out of a question about Canterbury's "missionary style".

According to the previous statement, there are currently some warriors in the City of Silver who complete the commission, become the executors of the Lord, destroy monsters, and at the same time spread the gospel of Mr. Fool.

But judging from the commission that has been completed so far, Igna has doubts whether such an act can spread the gospel.

"Not often," Canterbury replied blankly.

Although she doesn't like to talk, she still answers Igna's questions. "Usually, although there are various commissions, they are all related to hunting monsters."

"It's still relatively rare today."

Igna was stunned, and then asked after a little thought: "But you don't seem to be surprised. You are not affected by the case."

"Because I'm from the City of Silver." Canterbury raised her eyes and looked at Igna, "Yes, this kind of situation is rare in the Rhosid Islands. So what?"

Ignatius fell silent at Canterbury's words.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

The flame was burning spontaneously.

According to the original arrangement, Igna, the night watchman in the second half of the night, should go to rest. But Igna looked at Canterbury and still had something to say.

"Can you be specific about the case in which you successfully spread the Gospel of Mr. Fool?" Igna asked, "People here are more hostile to half-giants, and preaching shouldn't be easy."

"So, I choose to complete the commission." Canterbury said.

"The Lord said, God sent me to come before you, to save you a remnant of seed in the world, and to do great salvation to preserve your lives. (Note 1 Canterbury said while holding on to his chest Draws a gesture praising the Fool.

"So, what I did was just an imitation of the Lord." The tall half-giant looked at the flame and said. "Belief in Mr. Fool is the choice of those creatures."

Igna nodded, and also recalled a holy word in the holy book.

"God saves the needy from the sword in their mouth, and from the hand of the rapist. In this way the poor will have hope, and the sinner will be silent. (Note 2

Canterbury nodded and continued: "Blessed are those whom God chastises. So you must not despise the chastisement of the Almighty. (Note 2

"Okay." Igna made a gesture of praise for the Fool on his chest, "I understand the choice of the City of Silver's Demon Hunter."


The next day, Canterbury and Ignatius returned to the village.

Canterbury exchanged the body of the wolf hunted yesterday to the mayor in exchange for some reward. Also received a commission on hunting ghouls.

According to Canterbury's past experience in accepting commissions, Igna did not enter the mayor's hall with her, but stayed outside.

Half-giants are hated by most hunters and thugs for a number of reasons.

Part of it was Ruen's official political propaganda for the smearing of the Feysac people, which made most residents of the Rhosid Islands dislike the Feysac people, thinking that they were all tall brown bears and barbarians.

The other part is because of the outstanding fighting ability of the half-giants and the efficiency of completing commissions. Steal a lot of jobs for hunters who make a living by hunting.

Because of this, there is no doubt about the ability of the half-giants to complete the commission. Official forces such as the mayor and mayor are also happy to hand over tasks to half-giants who voluntarily complete the commission.

"But you are from Loen." Before going back to hand over the entrustment, he said to Igna, "They may not entrust the entrustment to you for various reasons."

"I understand," said Igna. "I'll be waiting for you outside."

So, when Canterbury saw Igna again, the Ruen gentleman had already sat down in the shade of a tree outside the village.

He was holding a small lyre in his arms, a dictionary on his knees, and a circle of indigenous children sat on the lawn in front of him.

And he was actually fiddling with the strings! And, it seems to be able to play and sing!

He's like a minstrel, with the stories in his heart, combined with simple chords, and they turn them into a moving song.

"The beginning of the story is the benevolence of that god;

"He saw, on the edge of the world;

"The sky is dark, and monsters are rampant;

"There is the kingdom of silver;

"The people there seek every ray of light;

"The mercy of the gods brings hope.

"The Angel of Punishment removes the calamity;

"The Angel of Life brings life;

"The witcher keeps his way;

"The people of faith usher in the light;

"This is the epic story;

"Our hero defeated all evil and survived;

"Please pour him a glass of wine."

The song is over.

Ignat looked at the children who were listening with interest and some Canterbury who were stunned, and couldn't help but smile.

Incorporating the redemption of the City of Silver and the miracle of Mr. Fool bringing light to the City of Silver into a song was a whim when Ignatius chatted with Canterbury yesterday.

Canterbury's current sequence, work, and attitude towards events reminded him of a Western fantasy novel "The Witcher" that he had read before.

In that novel, the protagonist Geralt is also engaged in the occupation of hunting monsters. The witcher profession is misunderstood by many because of its association with killing and monsters. But, that didn't stop Geralt from becoming a hero people admired in the end.

This is inseparable from his good friend the bard Dandelion.

The bard Dandelion made the hero's story into a ballad. Epic stories are widely sung, making the witcher profession known, believed, and relied on.

Coincidentally, what the warrior sequence of Silver City is doing is similar to Geralt's.

Ignat looked at the children sitting in a circle in front of him, and listened to Canterbury, who was a little fascinated. He felt that at the moment, he might retain the style of "The Demon Hunter" in the City of Silver, and through "music". ” method, it is also a good way to spread the miracle of Mister Fool and their deeds.

After talking about the last note, Igna clapped his hands, and the children woke up like a dream.

"One more Mr.!" the children scrambled to say.

Looking at their not afraid of life, it is obvious that this is not the first time they have made such a request today.

"No." Igna shook his head with a smile, "I have sung a lot of songs today."

He clapped his hands again.

At the same time, Igna also instantly released a small cloud and mist technique, causing the lyre to disappear out of thin air in front of the children's eyes with the sound of clapping hands.

Even if he is already a recorder, he still cannot lose his skills as a juggler.

"Wow—" the children exclaimed in amazement.

"My travel companion is here, friends." Igna picked up the dictionary on his lap and said to the children with a smile in Dutan.

The children turned their heads curiously, but their expressions changed when they saw Canterbury. A large group of children dispersed.

But among them, there were also a few children who were looking at Canterbury tremblingly.

Only a little girl ran up to Canterbury with great joy, and wrapped her arms around Canterbury's leg armored calf with difficulty.

"Sister Witcher, when are you coming!" she asked happily.


Note 1: From the Bible · Genesis, Chapter 45, Section 7

Note 2: From the Bible · Job, Chapter 5, verses 15-18.

Note 3: The lyrics were written based on the episode "tossacointoyourwitcher" in the Netflix TV series witcher. A very western-style Witcher-style song. Amway.

Congratulations to Igna for his sixth part-time job after being a decryption scholar, reasoning student, writer, consulting detective, and linguist in addition to his fixed career in this pathway. (quack quack quack quack)

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