Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 85: Information presumption

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But Canterbury did not immediately give an explanation.

Instead, he continued to observe the corpse of the red wolf.

And, after getting confirmation from Igna, she took out the dagger.

Igna also looked at Canterbury silently, like a surgeon, carefully and precisely handling the remains of the red wolf.

Actually, Canterbury doesn't have to say so, as far as Ignatius' current stock of knowledge is concerned. He can also see the abnormality of this red wolf.

First, this wolf is not an ordinary species or even an ordinary extraordinary creature.

First of all, its huge size has exceeded the size of all currently known normal wolves.

Secondly, its dark red feather-like hair that seems to be smeared with oil has also explained that it must be some kind of extraordinary creature.

However, "Dark Red Giant Wolf" is not in Igna's knowledge reserve.

He carefully pondered what he had learned in the small study above the gray fog and Abraham's textbook, but did not recall similar knowledge.

Moreover, the red wolf in front of him neither completely conforms to the characteristics of the cursed creature werewolf, nor does it seem like a variant or subspecies of the devil wolf that exists in myth.

But if you just look at the appearance of this red wolf and the extraordinary powers it uses during the battle, it looks like it was tainted by the moon and took the giant potion, death potion and night potion at the same time. extraordinary creatures.

This is a bit outrageous.

Not to mention that the potions of these three pathways are impossible to be compatible. Even if it can be taken at the same time, it is not reasonable for it to appear in a wolf.

Take another 10,000 steps, even if this wolf is an extraordinary creature that is only compatible with potions of two paths.

Isn't that unusual and scary enough?

This wolf did not appear in Arrodes' "message"!

It is different from the wraith bound by the cursed land, it can move around freely.

And, assuming no "advice" from Arrodes...

Does a wolf that can move freely, possess dual-path abilities, and be extremely powerful at night, have enough strength to be part of the "polluted moon" arrangement?

Ignatius is positive.

How likely is he to survive being attacked by such a wolf unsuspectingly?

Ignat was reluctant to make such assumptions, but he also had self-knowledge.

Second, the wolf's bleeding volume was extremely abnormal.

Ignatius can also see this from the traces at the scene.

Because he and Canterbury had hunted a werewolf together not long ago.

Therefore, Igna has some knowledge about the amount of blood loss for a "wolf" of this size.

Under the damage caused by Canterbury, the bleeding from the wolf in front of him was too little.

From the time of the red wolf's death, until now, only a pool of dark-brown blood has flowed from under the body.

Moreover, the speed of these blood coagulation is obviously abnormal, and the blood of normal creatures does not show such a color so quickly.

If we speculate based on the establishment of the first point, there is a possibility that after taking a variety of magical medicines, the blood of the creature has mutated, causing it to be different from the normal blood.

This is a possible inference, but Ignatius thinks it is a bit far-fetched.

The first is that the wolf's strength cannot match the assumption that the three pathways are compatible.

Second, it is currently only showing a huge size. Not too familiar with the Giant Path.

It also uses the ability based on the night domain, as well as some power related to the **** of death. It is too far-fetched to say that it also has the power of a "giant".

Third, such an assumption still cannot explain why the anomalous effects of killing the wolf on this small island would disappear.

What about the female dual-path Sequence 5 Wraith that only appeared in the mirror of Arrodes?

Taking this information into account, Ignatius has a vague guess in his heart.

But he didn't do the divination right away, and he and Canterbury needed at least one of them to be on alert.

Ten minutes passed and Canterbury put away the knife.

"Let's talk about the positive conclusion first," Canterbury said.

"This is a synthetic beast made of cursed objects and related flesh and blood materials condensed by resentful spirits through rituals."

Igna's pupils shrank.

Canterbury's conclusion coincides with his conjecture.

And when it comes to "synthetic beasts"... The Blessed One's sequence pathway is also ready to emerge.

Igna looked at Canterbury seriously.

"Next is my speculation."

Canterbury paused and let out a soft breath.

The half-giant said solemnly: "I think it is at least the ancient alchemists who made the synthetic beasts."

Ancient alchemists, also known as human alchemists.

A demigod of the cultivator pathway.

He can drive extraordinary creatures with low intelligence and reduce their madness in a short period of time; he can use incomplete spirits and various materials to complete the ultimate "life refining".

He can increase the madness and out-of-control tendencies of the person he attacks, and the body also has a certain probability to mutate; he can make the creatures touched, no matter how serious the injury, heal, except for those that have begun to lose control.

He can also make the surroundings full of vitality, whether plants or animals, can grow vigorously and reproduce quickly! (Note)

The abnormality of this wolf, whether it is the body size and biological characteristics, or the high degree of coincidence with the ability of the Wraith, can be perfectly explained by the hypothesis of "ancient alchemist".

A plausible but frightening explanation!

In fact, if you put your eyes on the demigod realm, in addition to the "ancient alchemists" who can complete life refining, there are also "alchemists" at the high level of the generalist sequence.

However, alchemists can only barely achieve life training, and they prefer mechanical and inorganic carriers when injecting souls into living beings. It is relatively stretched in the scope of life and biology.

At least not reaching the angel level, it is impossible for a high-sequence powerhouse of the general knowledge path to synthesize such agile and flexible beasts.

And, most importantly.

"Ancient Alchemist" belongs to the cultivator path and is the realm of the feminine.

It was also specially mentioned by Senior Xiao Zhou.

Ways to pay more attention!

Beyonders of the "Plougher" pathway and the "Pharmacist" pathway are more likely to be affected by the "Contaminated Moon" due to their sequence characteristics!

"At least a demigod of Sequence 4."

"Ha ha."

Thinking of this, Igna couldn't help laughing out loud.

In order to catch him, the tainted moon sent a demigod of Sequence 4. Even made arrangements that could destroy a small city.

Demi god.

That is the existence of demigods, and there is only one demigod in the Abraham family.

Igna is well aware of the gap between demigods and above and ordinary Beyonders.

Not only Miss Forth Wall, Instructor Hugh Dilcha, Miss Audrey Hall "Justice", and Mr. Azik Eggers "Angel of Death", he also saw silver in his dreams. The chief of the city, he has seen the battle of Gehrman Sparrow, and he has witnessed the struggle of Elder Derrick Berg and Elder Lovia.

Igna knew that the current self and the existence of that class were still too far away, too far.

However, now, facing such an opponent, he did not evade, did not leave, but tried to fight against a favored person of the demigod class and destroy his arrangement?

"What's wrong."

Hearing Igna's laughter, Canterbury looked at Igna vigilantly.

Igna shook his head with a smile.

"Nothing. Just thought of something fun."

The opponent is a demigod with at least Sequence Then the problem comes.

Combining with the relevant information previously speculated, the "moon" is related to the noble-trained demigod lady of the ancient alchemist, and two "abnormal" men.

Who would this demigod be?

Besides this island, what kind of arrangement has she made?

What is the purpose of her arrangement on this island, and what role does she play in the overall situation?

What should he do to destroy her layout?


Note: There is no original text of the information, it comes from the settings announced by the squid official account.

Everyone should know that squid has a public account! In addition to the settings, there are a lot of extras!

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