Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 3: Utopia


Igna thought of the beautiful legend in their world for the first time.

It is a world where everyone is equal, there is no oppression and slavery, only happiness and beauty.

"What's wrong?" Fors Wall looked at Igna with a smile, "Do you know anything about Utopia?"

Igna gave a vague "um", noncommittal.

Fors Wall didn't seem to have any intention of asking. They were in the air together, calmly looking down at the small town with the style of Loen Kingdom Disi Bay in front of them, as if they were admiring its scenery (Note)

"'Utopia' is a strange talk that was widely circulated in Backlund not long ago." Fors said suddenly.

"The legendary city that can only be reached by public transport in extremely bad weather."

"Although the Backlund Railway insists that their trains never have a station called 'Utopia', so does the shipping company." Fors said, looking back at Igna and smiling.

"Do you know why?"

Seeing that Miss Fors seemed to have a sense of examination for school, Ignatius thought down according to Miss Fors's words.

In fact, this was the first time he heard strange talk related to "Utopia" in "Luen language".

After all, due to the particularity of the term "Utopia", if Igna heard about it, he would definitely investigate the "Utopia" and ask the senior Xiao Zhou above the gray fog.

However, the question of Miss Forth Wall was not difficult.

"Is it because 'Utopia' is a city where the spiritual world and reality meet. His entrance is only open under certain circumstances?" Igna thought and guessed.

This is a more plausible statement, and in Abraham's notes, this sort of thing happens occasionally.

"Wrong." Forsi shook his head and gave the next prompt, "Although I can't see any paper materials related to utopia on the market. However, MI9 has kept a lot of them that can prove that utopia was once in reality. data that exists at the level.”

"He is a city that actually exists in reality." Forsi said.

Fors' words successfully made Igna's eyes widen.

If everything Miss Fors said is true, then it means that "Utopia" is not a strange story. If all the claims are based on evidence...Igna subconsciously reasoned.

"Combining with the fact that 'Utopia' has corresponding coordinates in the spiritual world, its ability to appear on the railway for people to reach is caused by extraordinary abilities! Some people, no..." Igna immediately said, "Someone exists, Created a channel for 'Utopia' to connect with the world."

And this existence is definitely not low, and has a close relationship with the apprentice pathway!

Of course, none of this surprised Igna the most.

What shocked him the most was that if this city really existed in reality, then according to the rules of the birth coordinates of the spiritual world, the corresponding area of ​​the city in the spiritual world was born after the city was founded.

And the history of utopias is not far off. Otherwise, he could not have been unimpressed.

Moreover, through the teaching materials of the Abraham family, Igna clearly knew that the vastness of the spiritual world is beyond the understanding of people, but it is not easy to leave a "corresponding" area within the spiritual world. Especially in a short period of time!

Further down...

Going further down, Igna subconsciously didn't dare to think about it.

Because the term "Utopia" represents enough things!

If you really want to know these things, don't rush it! Thinking about these things outside the gray fog is courting death!

Igna immediately warned himself, and immediately suppressed his thoughts.

"That's right." Fors Wall had already heard the answer he wanted.

"Although due to special reasons, the 'channel' of 'Utopia' has been closed in reality." Fors said, "However, I hope you know that this town in the spiritual world is enough for you and for me. Safety."

"If you encounter any danger in the spirit world. You can try to seek shelter in this town. Ordinary spirit world creatures dare not come here."

"...Okay." Igna nodded and said earnestly, "I will keep it in my heart."

"Utopia" is the "safe house" that the Abraham family can use in the spiritual world.

This is really good news.

"Then, our job of marking the four coordinates is complete." Fors clapped his hands, grabbed Igna's arm, and planned to leave.

Igna hurriedly stopped: "Miss Fors, wait a minute!"

Fors Wall stopped and looked at Igna somewhat strangely.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Igna coughed lightly, and made a request embarrassedly: "I want to go into this town and see, is that okay?"

In front of him is Utopia!

He didn't want to give up this opportunity to go in and explore.

Fors Wall blinked, looking at Igna's expression and seemed interested.

After a while, she gave an "um" and chuckled: "Of course, our competent Mr. Traveler."

Igna was stunned.

Only then did he realize that Miss Fors was making fun of him for "playing ahead". Although he didn't think so.

"Thank you for your generosity." Igna laughed, "Beautiful Miss Fors."


So, Igna and Fors came to the interior of Utopia.

In the city of the spirit world, Ignat couldn't see anyone. But he unexpectedly discovered that there are many Katehilde in the city-state of Utopia.

This city is full of these spirit world creatures whose bodies are pitch black and whose appearance resembles a black cat!

The "Utopia" in the spiritual world looks like a city of cats.

Black cats roam the streets, black cats rest on the eaves, and black cats sip sweet iced tea-colored juice on the dining table.

Igna looked at Fors with some doubts, but didn't know what to say for a while.

"What I said is that ordinary spirit creatures won't come here." Fors knew what Igna wanted to ask, so she said, "Katehilde is not an ordinary spirit creature."

"Basically, there is only one condition required to enter 'Utopia'." Fors smiled at Igna, "with the 'acquiescence' of the town master."


Igna was silent for a moment: "Okay. I understand."

He understood that Miss Fors was implying who the master of Utopia was.

"Kate Heald is good at divination and prophecy. He loves travel, literature and poetry. He is a high-ranking existence in the spiritual world and holds the key to the stars." Igna recalled the content of Abraham's textbook.

However, Igna is also very clear. He didn't need Miss Forth's hint to already know the answer to this question.

"Utopia" itself was the reason why he wanted to come to this town to see it with his own eyes.


Utopia itself isn't really that big. But sparrows are small and complete.

The streets are covered with cement or stone bricks, and residential houses, municipal councils, small hospitals, candy factories, and waterworks are all available. In addition, in the center of the town stands a steeple church in the style of the Church of the Night. (Note)

Utopia is almost a real town, except that the inhabitants of the city are only cats.

So, what will the town named "Utopia" look like when it is still open to the world?

"The words of the people here are not enough for outsiders." Igna couldn't help muttering in Chinese.

"Huh?" Igna spoke very slowly, but Fors still felt that she didn't hear clearly, "What did you say?"

"It's better not to tell others about the existence of this city." Igna translated the ancient text that was almost engraved in his soul in Ruen.

Looking at Fors Wall's somewhat puzzled look, Igna added with a smile, "I've already fallen in love with Utopia. This is a city full of cats, it's just heaven."

Fors Wall's expression became even more incomprehensible.

She once borrowed a cat in her home. Although it is cute, its favorite thing to do is to knock over the ink that Fors used to write on the finished manuscript.

That's hell.


The tour of "Utopia" took about an hour to complete.

Although Fors didn't understand what there was to see in this small town, she patiently stayed by Igna's side.

This is her responsibility as Igna's mentor.

At three o'clock in the Igna and Fors returned to Igna's room.

The scorching sun of the Rorsted Islands allowed them to bathe in warm sunshine again.

"Thank you, Miss Fors." Ignatius said.

Although he traveled to the spiritual world for a long time, went to the depths of the spiritual world, and marked the coordinates, Igna was still very excited.

"No thanks. This is our agreement, I just finished it as promised." Fors Wall waved his hand.

However, her expression also became serious after returning to reality.

She took out a tarot card from her arms and handed it to Igna.

"I will write to you another day about your promotion schedule, and the latest date will not be more than two weeks." Forsi said. "However, in addition to justice and judgment. This time there will be other people to participate in your promotion ceremony."

"I think you should know what I mean."

Igna nodded.

Last time, when he was promoted to the recorder, Zion had told him the method he should use if he wanted others to enter the "dream".

In addition, Miss Justice, Judgment and Magician all expressed that they would enter the "Dreamland" with Igna next time after being promoted last time.

Igna opened the first tarot card that Fors gave him.

It was a "star".


Note 1: Volume 7, Chapter 62, Offstage Kung Fu

The real-world utopia in the book has been turned into ruins, but the corresponding spiritual world area still exists (see Volume 8 The Fool, Chapter 6 Selection). Although there is not much description for this area, but if you think about it, it must be a city that is very popular with cats (in various senses)

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