Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 10: Passing the torch

Legacy of the patriarch Bethel Abraham! !

Looking at Fors, Igna didn't know what to do for a while.

Shock! In addition to shock or shock!

First, "legacy"!

Patriarch Bethel Abraham, Venerable Gate of Doors, has passed away! Although there has been speculation for a long time, it is still shocking to hear the conclusive news at this time!

Secondly, wouldn't there be any hidden dangers in the "legacy" of high-ranking people?

Finally, if it is really the "legacy" of the ancestor Bethel, is this something that can be used casually? This should be served!

"What problem do you seem to have?" Fors Wall noticed Igna's expression and asked.

"Yes." Igna nodded.

And the problem is huge!

"Then you might as well say it. I'll try my best to answer it for you." Fors smiled at Igna. Miss Fors seemed to have a special calm and calm temperament.

In particular, her occasional kind smile relieved Igna's nervousness a lot.

Igna thought for a while, thought about his words, and said the first and second questions solemnly.

Fors glanced at Dorian. Dorian nodded slightly to Forsi.

"The first question is something that will be announced to all Abrahams later." Forsi cleared his throat, and his cigarette-like voice suddenly seemed a little hazy.

"Mr. 'Door' Bethel Abraham fought against the outer gods in the starry sky for thousands of years. He supported it hard, and finally, under the call of the 'Angel of Time', he was inspired, opened the door to return home, and voluntarily returned to Mr. Fool's Kingdom of God."

What? Not only Igna, but also Jules Tien was stunned on the spot.

When Forsi said this, he paused and sorted out his emotions.

"Mr. Fool was merciful and sent the 'Angel of Time' to deliver the relics of Mr. Bethel Abraham to the Presbyterian Church. He also retained the name of Mr. Bethel Abraham's 'gate' angel, so that the legend of the 'Gate of Ten Thousand Gates' would continue. circulated in Abraham."

"The extraordinary characteristics of Mr. Bethel Abraham that the angels sent to Abraham belonged to Mr. Bethel Abraham. After discussion by the elders, it was believed that the sons of Abraham should inherit Mr. Bethel Abraham's legacy and legacy, continue to develop and promote Abraham, and make Abraham shine. Glory."

"Mr. Gate's Extraordinary characteristics will be handed over to Abraham who needs him." Forsi said, "Of course, this requires accumulation of merits and contributions. The merits of your family responsible for keeping 'history' are enough to obtain this honor."

"As for your second question..."

"Whether there are hidden dangers in the 'legacy' of the high-ranking people. You don't need to worry about this." Forsi smiled at Igna, "I have asked Mr. Fool for instructions, and got the 'Angel of Time' to purify the Extraordinary characteristics. The answer. I also invited the Sun Path Sequence 4 No Dark One to purify the spiritual pollution within the Beyonder characteristics."

"Although there is no guarantee that the mental imprint belonging to Mr. Door has been completely removed, it can be guaranteed that there is no 'contamination' in this Beyonder characteristic," Forsi said.

"If you still feel uneasy, we can also provide you with potion materials. But it may take a while."


The amount of information in Fors Wall's words is very large, but Ignatius still grasped the last point.

Perhaps for others, being able to use Bethel Abraham's Extraordinary characteristics is an honor, but it is not for Igna, who does not have such a strong sense of belonging to this family for the time being.

Compared with Glory, he is more worried about the hidden dangers!

Although it has the endorsement of Mr. Fool... and has been purified by the Dark One... but the legacy of a high-ranking existence doesn't sound like a good thing.

But he didn't want to give up the opportunity for promotion now. Who knows when the members of the Presbyterian Council have left this time and when the next materials will be delivered.

Ignatius hesitated, and Jules behind him stepped forward.

"Master, can you show me the Beyonder characteristics that belong to Mr. Bethel Abraham?" He bowed slightly towards Igna and asked lightly.

Igna asked Fors Wall with his eyes and got a positive response.

"Yes." Igna said to Le Tian, ​​and then opened the suitcase in his hand.

It was a spherical thing, enclosed in a spiritual wall, in a suitcase.

He glowed dimly in the dark, looking like an eyeball-like gem fused with starlight.

Looking at it, Igna felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. it!

A crystal ball suddenly appeared in Igna's memory, and the stars seemed to be reflected in it.

Similar to the crystal ball, the eyeball-shaped gem in front of him also gave him an unparalleled sense of familiarity and intimacy.

Igna didn't know why, but he was 100% sure that he was very familiar with this eyeball-shaped gem!

"Master, I think what Miss Forth Wall said is true. There is a 'sun' aura on the Beyonder characteristic of this 'astrologer', and there is no sign of contamination in it." Yule Ti Ann said.

"Um..." Igna looked at the crystal ball while listening to Jules.

If it was said that he only wished to keep this Beyonder characteristic belonging to Mr. Men at a distance, then now after seeing this Beyonder characteristic...

"I agree to accept this Beyonder characteristic." Igna said, "Thank you, Elder Dorian Abraham, Miss Fors Wall."

"That's great." Fors Wall nodded slightly and smiled at Igna, "My teacher, and I, also think that you are the best master of this Beyonder characteristic."

Forsi's compliment came a little strange. However, Igna also bowed slightly and thanked him.

"Thank you." Ignatius said, then put away the suitcase and handed it over to Jules Tien.

"By the way, I still have a small question. I want to ask Mr. Igna Abraham." Fors Wall nodded slightly to Igna, "I am here for the first time, can you tell me Have my spirits around here always been so happy and harmonious?"

Igna was about to speak when Dorian laughed.

"I didn't tell you before, although this is Abraham's contact point, this is Aalto." Dorian smiled.

Forsi's expression showed some surprise, as if "Travel" did not realize this when he came here.

"It's the Aalto Music Festival. Fors, are you interested in music?" Dorian asked.

"I know a little bit." Forsi nodded slightly and replied generously, "I have always admired Aalto, and I look forward to Aalto's music festival even more."

In the past, she collected materials for a period of time in order to collect the materials set by the characters of the novels. Although she is not proficient in symphony, she has a certain understanding of the current popular music styles and performers. This knowledge has also helped her to add a lot of talking points in the literary salon.

"Then do you want to participate? Abraham in Aalto, the pseudonym is 'Lance'." Dorian laughed.

"...Li Lance... is that Li Lance?"

Fors showed a surprised expression for the first time, her eyes widened slightly and her mouth opened into a small circle. However, even if she was surprised, Miss Fors was very generous and decent.

She looked at Igna and asked softly, "The King of Pianos, Liszt Lilance, is the Song of Loen Irena Lilance yours...?"

"It's my father and mother." Igna nodded.

"Tomorrow night, Father will hold the last concert of the festival with His Excellency Lucien Evans." Ignat asked after thinking about it, "I wonder if we have the honor to invite Elder Dorian Abraham and Miss Fors Wall is here to listen?"


p.s My linkage here is really just playing tricks.

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