Mystic Dominator

Chapter 106: Out of town

Ronald sat in the carriage out of town.

Since he did not have the relevant technology, the person sitting on the car was the investigator Nicole.

Although the people of the Investigation Bureau usually don't use carriages.

But that doesn't mean they'll never be used.

In the case of an emergency or a long journey.

They also rent horse-drawn carriages or use their own means of transport.

Ronald and Nicole belong to the latter now.

In the afternoon, after the investigation bureau completed the preliminary adjustment work, everyone in the bureau was assigned to the next work.

The part that Nicole is responsible for is to go to a village called Celefis outside the city, to help the investigators who are dealing with the local affairs to complete the task, and then return to Burrenwich together.

Ronald remembered it very well.

When he was working at the front desk, Mr. Willard was invited by two investigators to go to this town and never came back.

Now because of the special circumstances of Burrenwich, the people who may be called must also return.

In this kind of thing, naturally everything is based on the fastest efficiency.

It meets the two basic requirements of emergency and the road is not close, so Nicole will drive the rental carriage out of the city with Ronald.

The speed of the carriage is fast.

The whole process from leaving the Bureau of Investigation to arriving in Celefis is expected to take no more than two hours.

With the sound of horseshoes and wheels, the two gradually left Long Beach Street.

Driving out of the city southwest of Burrenwich, they followed a dirt road to the sea.

When Burrenwitch behind him gradually disappeared into view, an endless sea came into view.

The locals call this sea - Shen Riyang.

The reason is that in the ancient ignorant period, the sun always fell from the sea level in this direction, and people who felt that the sun was swallowed by the sea used to name it after this, so they got this name.

And according to what Ronald knew.

Among the folk customs of Burrenwitch, there is an event called the "Night-by-Night Festival" held in the city's port every spring.

The boat that catches the most seafood will receive the champion prize of this year's Night by Night.

The village of Celefis is a human settlement established by the winner of a night-by-night festival a long time ago after winning the championship.

bang bang bang——

Just as Ronald looked at the sea and pondered, Nicole reached out and knocked on the top of the carriage, and then loudly reminded above him:

"Ronald, did you see it?"

"We're almost there."

Ronald responded with a look.

Sure enough, in the distance, the outline of a seaside town was faintly visible.

——This is Celepis.

The town in the distance moved from far to near, and Ronald gradually saw the general situation.

At first glance, this looks like an unremarkable small town with a population of about a hundred people, which is a normal level for a village-level settlement.

However, it is located near Burrenwich and has not been directly annexed.

This is rather surprising.

Driving the carriage, Nicole didn't see the carriage storage near the entrance of the village.

This also shows the degree of backwardness of Celefis.

If I really want to give an example, here and the village where Ronald crossed at the beginning, the standard of living is estimated to be on the same level.

On closer inspection, seeing this situation in a town so close to Burrenwitch is still a bit chilling.

However, the investigator girl was not surprised by this situation.

Driving the carriage, she rushed directly to the church station in the town.

In just a few minutes, the place arrived.

The church in Celefis has an appearance that matches it.

A chapel that can barely be seen, and the rear courtyard and houses connected to it, this is all the buildings of the church.


After stopping the carriage, Nicole jumped directly from the driver's seat.

Tying the carriage to the wooden stake at the entrance of the church, the investigator girl reached out and patted her coat, then turned her head away and complained to Ronald, who had just left the carriage behind him:

"Ronald, how come you can't even drive a carriage?"

"When I first became an investigator, I did all the driving work."

"You also take time to learn."

Ronald smiled shyly:

"There is a chance."

Nicole just complained, but she didn't take it to heart.

She nodded and put the matter behind her. Seeing that there was no one around, she simply pointed to the church and introduced:

"This kind of church is usually used to monitor mysterious people."

"In the future, if you encounter emergencies that you can't handle, you can go to the local church to find the administrator of the church organization."


After taking a look at this gray-and-white church, Ronald thought for a while before asking:

"Before in the book, I remember that the church and the mysterious side used to be hostile?"

"How long ago was that?"

Nicole waved her hand indifferently, and said as she walked towards the chapel:

"Now everyone knows the details of each other, and Her Lady Queen is watching from above. It's the right way to do your duty honestly. Things like witch hunts only exist in historical legends."

Because it is a running church, the door is naturally open.

Without any obstruction, Ronald and Nicole entered inside.

After all, it’s just a small town, and almost no one comes back to a place like a church at this time in the The chairs in the empty chapel are neatly arranged, and the surrounding sanitation is also clean.

Just near the location leading to the back courtyard, a man in a black robe sat on a chair with a thick book in his hands.

Hearing the sound of Ronald and Nicole coming in, he slowly raised his head and glanced.


The man was stunned.

The man and woman in front of them are all dressed in coats and wide hats. Isn't this what investigators look like when they go out on a mission?

There was some hesitation and hesitation on his face, but he got up immediately and walked over:

"You two, someone is already handling the matter here."

"You are...?"

Nodding to the priest, Nicole said directly:

"We received a mission to find Mr. Willard."

"Bronwich is in a special situation right now, and is calling for people to return to the city."


The priest's expression was obviously a little surprised.

He didn't understand what happened in Burrenwich, so he couldn't understand what the Bureau of Investigation was doing.

Could it be that......

Celebes, a small town with a population of only a few hundred, is about to be abandoned?

Thinking of this, the priest's tone became anxious:

"Miss Investigator, I think the case of Celefis can be reconsidered."

"Although there are not many residents here, everyone is kind..."

Nicole interrupted the other party directly, and her expression became very serious:

"Sir, we're not going to give up on anyone."

"But at the moment, the situation in Burrenwich is serious, and things have become urgent."

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