Mystic Dominator

Chapter 112: Day 2 morning

Before returning to Celefis, Ronald carefully put the notes in his jacket pocket.

He has already verified that the notebook is correct.

There are no traces of casting spells and no spell interference.

It is simply a work record written by a researcher named Orr when he records his work, and a written record like a diary.

Under the starry night, a fishing village by the sea appeared in the field of vision.

All the scenery is from far to near, and it is no different from when you leave.

By the time Ronald returned to Celefis, it was already early morning.

Many fishermen who are ready to go to sea are preparing for work.

The fishermen still feared the appearance of fictional hunters, who would then disembowel them and take their lives.

But they had no choice.

If they don't go out to fish, let alone their own economic situation, Celefis, a fishing village that is close to Burrenwich and uses fishing as its main way of living, will inevitably go into decline.

Really want to develop to that stage.

It’s good to say that the number is not large, but if hundreds of poor people with nothing and nothing poured into the tourist city of Burrenwich in an instant...

live in this environment.

Of course, the villagers of Celefis knew what would happen.

So from the beginning, the result was doomed.

Regardless of whether the investigator's operation is successful or not, people will not leave unless they kill the people in this town to the point where they cannot survive.

The life of fishing must go on.

For the residents here, things are so simple and straightforward.


The southwest wind was blowing slowly in the distance, and Ronald also quietly walked into the village.

Breathing in the salty sea breeze at the tip of his nose, he returned to the only church in Celefis.

It's getting late.

After nearly a whole day of work, Ronald decided to take a break first.

When he returned to Burrenwich, it was what he hoped to be in a state of being full of energy in advance.

Otherwise, in the current situation of Burrenwich, he would have suddenly thrown an exploding corpse in front of him.

There will not always be something that can be used as a cover for oneself.

Without alarming anyone, Ronald jumped from the church wall into the courtyard.

Because of the reasons he explained before leaving, he didn't need to wake up the sleeping priest, he just found an idle room to rest.

The church had only hosted three investigators before, and everything was ready.

Lying on the bed, he finally hid the black mist at the doorway into the room.

Before Ronald fell asleep, he reached out and touched the notebook in his pocket.

Some damp paper sheets were pressed against my body, and I felt uncomfortable.

However, this state was maintained, and he closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep.


It was a very ordinary night.

No one bothered Ronald, he got a fairly good rest.

When he woke up the next day, the priest had finished his work in the front chapel and was resting on a chair.

Seeing Ronald walk out of the porch on the side, he immediately waved his hand:

"Mr. Ronald."

"How was your rest yesterday?"

"Not bad." Ronald nodded.

He was not in a hurry to leave at this time, but planned to have a few words with the priest before leaving.

Just like chatting between friends, he calmly stood next to the priest:

"Mr. Conney, I want to know something."

The priest immediately nodded:


Ronald then asked:

"Before the original fisherman's family was killed, did you know anyone else had a similar situation?"

"other people......"

The priest had a thoughtful look on his face, but then turned into a wry smile:

"To be honest, I don't know much about this either."

"Although Celefis is only a small place with hundreds of people, most of the residents are troubled by poverty, but because it is relatively close to Burrenwich, there is still a small flow of people."

"It's not impossible that someone has been killed before."

"But even if it exists, I don't know it."


Ronald was silent for two seconds before asking the question he really wanted to know.

"Then how much do you know about the murderer who caused this incident?"

Upon hearing this question, the priest's eyes instantly became complicated.

After a moment of silence, he said helplessly:

"That kid's name is Al..."

"About more than a year ago, he took a ferry to Celefis, saying that he planned to investigate the coastal conditions on the side of Burrenwich, and then draw a detailed coastline map for the Queen, just like other people on the mysterious side. ."

"In the beginning, he showed a kindness and kindness, and usually liked to play with the children in the village."

"I really didn't see any clues."

"If it wasn't for Mr. Willard's keenness to find him out, I'm afraid that on the day I was killed, I wouldn't have thought that he would be such a person..."

In line with his duty to monitor the movements of the mysterious side personnel.

When facing Ronald, the 'investigator', the priest's description was very honest, and he had no intention of concealing his thoughts.

And this result also confirms what Ronald saw in his notes.

——This guy named Orr was indeed a good person in the beginning.

It was only because of the follow-up research on the magic book that it finally became what it is Then, the problem came.

Where is the magic book that degenerates a man whose main job is to decipher it, where is it currently stored?

Was it taken away by Mr. Willard and the others, or was it still hidden in the fishing village of Celefis?

Ronald prefers the latter.

After all, the church is also a mysterious organization under the management of the Queen, and the regular submission of written records on the mysterious side is the official work content.

If the investigator recovered a magic book.

Well, no matter if this thing is the original scripture or not, it should be introduced to the church members, and then the information should be archived.

But Willard and the other two investigators didn't mention this when they left yesterday afternoon.

According to their attitude.

It seems that it is just a case of attacking innocent ordinary people as a normal cult warlock.

Thinking of this, Ronald said:

"So where did this man named Orr live before?"

Immediately, the priest shook his head with a wry smile:

"Mr. Willard and the others have been there and found nothing."

"There is no foreign influence from the book, nor is it forced by others, everything is done by Orr himself."


Faced with such an answer, Ronald considered whether to take out his notes for the priest to look at.

This thing doesn't involve any secrets, and he doesn't mind letting the priest see it too.

clap clap-

However, at this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from outside.

A little boy in sackcloth clothes ran into the church out of breath and shouted in embarrassment:

"Father Coney!"

"The sea... Someone was killed by the sea!"

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