Mystic Dominator

Chapter 130: flame circle

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The green flames form a strange and strange magic circle.

While surrounding Ronald and the others, the green light of the flame also reflected in their pupils.

Immediately, a special force began to interfere with everyone's thinking.

Actions that were easy in the past have become extremely difficult when the mind is blocked.

As far as Ronald's personal experience is concerned.

With his originally strengthened physical fitness, he could clearly see all kinds of things near and far at night.

But at this moment, under the interference of this green flame, he clearly felt that the scene in front of him began to distort, just as uncomfortable as someone with a high degree of myopia wearing a pair of long-sighted glasses.

And among the five of them, Nicole was in the worst condition.

Just now, the vines were stimulated to launch a mighty attack, which seemed to consume her mental and physical strength so intensely that under the influence of the green flame, the investigator girl leaned down and vomited.

At a glance, you can tell that it is impossible to fight.


A few more breaths.

The cult warlock leader outside saw that the people surrounded by flames had no way to escape, and at the same time, they could not make any decent resistance, and they began to operate their magic circles from a distance.


The flaming green flames suddenly rose higher!

Immediately, he continued to pounce towards the surrounded five people.

While maintaining that mental pollution ability, it also burned to them with the attitude of burning everything.

——It is a posture that will burn people to ashes.


"All nations shall call you blessed, for your land shall be a land of joy!"

In the nick of time!

The priest holding the cross emblem suddenly fell to his knees and recited the prayer aloud in a strong and majestic voice.

For a moment, if there is a substantial white barrier, the five people are protected within it.

The green flame slammed on the pure white light, and immediately made a very exaggerated sizzling sound.

The priest's protection worked, and his spell blocked the onslaught of flames.

But as the green flame continued to burn, the white wall of light also dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

- The situation is still taking a turn for the worse.

However, the priest's spell is not only a defense against flames, it also treats the spiritual pollution of green flames outside, allowing Ronald and other investigators to get a chance to breathe in this special attack.

Several investigators acted the fastest.

Nicole rolled over and sat on the ground, skillfully took out the bullet and started loading. In less than two seconds, she finished loading and shot the bullet out.

- The results are not optimistic.

Probably because the attack just now was too ferocious, the investigator girl lost her previous shot this time, and all six bullets landed on the ground, and none of them hit the cult warlock accurately.

At the same time, Kate, the investigator on the side, silently launched his own spell.

Ronald saw very clearly.

As Kate's technique unfolded, a white film appeared again on the priest's wall of light that was about to burst.

He knows this kind of stuff.

Just now on the second floor of the winery, Kate used this defensive technique.

However, unlike the guardian's spell just now, this time his spell only strengthened the priest's protection, adding a transparent shield to the wall of light to resist the scorching of the green flame of the cult warlock.

As it stands now.

Condition is quite good.

The previously precarious shield was protected, and the mental interference of the green flames could no longer work.

Except for the unpleasant heat, and the proximity of the flames, which made breathing difficult, everything was safe.

Immediately, Spencer, who had sorted out his thoughts, raised his short staff high.

Under the complex lighting conditions around, this metal stub has reflected light, which is like holding a starlight to the investigator!


Completely different from all the previous attacks, this time, instead of pointing the stick to the cult warlock outside, Spencer slammed down hard and directly inserted the metal short stick into the ground.


His attack began.

It is well known that soil is a faster sound transmission medium than air.

Centered on the metal stub inserted into the ground, invisible sound waves spread out in all directions along the soil, and the strong fluctuations even stirred the ground to send out very obvious tremors.


However, Spencer's aggressive attack did not have the desired effect.

Unlike ordinary people who were knocked down before they could resist.

The cult warlock seemed well-prepared to face the investigators' attack.

Before the silent sound wave impact reached the other party, two cult warlocks stood up together, and then inserted some kind of black cylinder into the ground.

When Spencer's sound wave spread to the position of the black column, the vibration of the sound was immediately absorbed by it, and it was impossible to attack the enemy at all!

"Spencer, right!"

At this time, the leader of the cult warlock shouted loudly:

"Do you think we haven't investigated you in the past two days?"

"I'm sure you, the Springs guy, will be dispatched with the local Bureau of Investigation, ready to deal with your stuff!"


In the face of the cult warlock's ridicule, Spencer pulled out his short staff without a word, and then lightly tapped the cult warlock outside.

Not surprisingly, the sound wave was again absorbed by the black cylinder.

——His attack is still ineffective.

These enemies have targeted Spencer so well that none of his attacks have any effect.

At first glance, the situation was deadlocked.

But in fact, for Ronald and the others, the situation is quite unfavorable.

Investigators and priests on the defensive side are definitely not as durable as well-prepared cult warlocks.

If you continue to consume it like this, you must be unable to hold it on your own side.

In the silence, Ronald looked in the other direction.

Farther away, beyond the envelope of dirt and dust were still spreading in the air, and the sound of metal collisions could be vaguely heard there.

Patricia, who chased out, stopped Lamer without a doubt.

But even with her strength, she couldn't take down this demon immediately, and a rather fierce battle was taking place between the two sides.

Even on the side of the cult warlock, they did not dare to rush into the confrontation range between the two.


In the silence, Ronald waved his right hand gently.

The black mist formed by the crime of 'Rage' crawls on the ground, and spreads outside the gap between aiming at the battlefield.

The confrontation between the light wall and the green flame was the focus of the audience, and he could just take this opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

Ronald has stopped hiding his reasons.

Defeat these cultists, or they will kill them here on the spot.

"I've had enough..."

Just as Ronald manipulated the black mist, Nicole on the side moved again.

The investigator girl turned around with difficulty and patted the ground with one hand.

After doing this, Nicole pulled a smiling face towards Ronald who was closest to him:

"Next, come on."

"Remember I carry it back..."


Immediately, starting from the drop of the six bullets just now, the remaining vines began to grow wildly.

Under this stalemate, Nicole's choice was to use her spell to control the surrounding plants.

—Almost an instant.

The broken vineyard was once again occupied by wildly growing plants, and the circle of green flames lost its shape in an instant.

And accompanied by the activation of such a large-scale spell.

The investigator girl also fell unconscious without saying a word.

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